-MINOSI HOCKEY. (,CdÂCHING APFLIiCATIONS, *RE 1997,1998 4£L LE MINÔR NOVÇE TOM MDET FOR INFO CONTACrt Sm WQODS TII 14»46!-08 9,(Wi» TO SE SUBIMI) FEID. 1 /7 1 Redditte Sèeds leI M. dlgets' - "r' céhargeéoe RiÎ.Îd.ras 1i-4 *lbe Sildonc ansor AMl nWdg& con- Ief<4Cjulisson and Ben Wilson *Pcr'di lonue tg punmsh iho iCoanty ebIcff hey payasikecrs i u th nihl olt lnstdq opponeals. seul the vastly inferior andi fow auals tcspectively. Jeff ithl Geoigelw Rai"ui as oaj laea victuis talliedi lice aind acI up a Lhird %vie Côya, . Fmiay ai AMt Amoeli. Leigb icaret once ariladddami lls "aai lbe e loha t s o /W On tue alensltç oÇ5w.oa ights by Jeff Paul Losdçr haW twc maaiats, wi single nal p.1I Or Seds and, 'Luc *dWilt - wbo bqsaM h1wielpeus gOWin1 Dun McDtiffe, Stev Tt*nqr w t scomei l 1rnies in îwo poaiu-tu olinga aisidfluUrVinanL i. * 1- -thic WjnlthWks laid an U -4 beadngonP 01» local îhckers wiJI b bkW tohig tir Nofil Hak@n evaa. * nlse ie ONA playdowns as welI. 11-Î. q~u qiu Mgl-lon'mo-two punich abco coniieti for, (irsb.roond opposition W~k cornte Iroint Aý 01 a..A4f b it ix nssis. ilàt Rettl pôsflog Jour and, Oakville. sbo ill huât qape 0"e 0f lte See: àdaeeng Ie otlier two,ieir efToiIs best-uif-five set ep tohnorrow (Thutsdîy). _______________ he îe awks tes a ih49-16 abol cd nîgi t lRiver Oàs Arens. Gwoi lc iv s *inn as wellas a sevçi-gna iunWih.,O.m. -Mon narcI4,Basketball SALE IR ~oew.u. _oP Îwéw2 .ddg - michmam. Zbsj u.y about.rd. _NOSTH NUOMNoto MN nhm MLTON 8764137. fi -2 el" in the first qdailer Milton Chrysler Dcidge looked glein wiîh therr &oeil defegire ichicli gave their offemie a Chataul score. leasing lten 2 poJals aitd Puring thte deconciquarer Milton Doligle Chrysier lare"otheir poinîinemad over Karmas. *ending in a 10-6 score. Afler half limie Karntdx t6de even lte score cloinig the p ala a2-poinl dîfference formiltogt Qrysler Dojgc,. PlaXinfi an esit,ng final quart«e Kahnas, evencil 1,11 &CM ante icored -n addition b.,kain .5 u Jat Moiule of play tai wn tise gains. Daniel Englisit ws i ,amed Kirmgxss playet qf lthe pâme ror selns the Mlost enciinf btasket of lte galme. Jordin Fagin wsa% nanscd Mition tlhrysler bdgc*s playeý oif the èamr tior bicng'topkcorer,. Twills;Fuelt22 Tssiss Fts camne onelsngpl Ilit hegin- ning of the gatre enaing 'te firsi quarter wiih a 10-4 tend. On Illte second quarter Tiîsi Fd&lscontiniie lo g ý% of Siells andi shpil howe*e Key Cliîe m gh0 tac tri eiid'le illieet wilh a score of 12+ It, ste Ilsirlquiler Twîss Fuels continued'to play teIL. opening lhir nIcd yel holding Key Centre ai a 14-lt score. ln thse final quarter Twîss Fuels calied la iîden ite spread andtimn te gamme. ,iTnsy"Meeil wan ilned Tiis Fuels player of ltae gareor lier greal 4à.1.111I %rise. Limna Presse was nailled Key Centre's playFk af te' ~e r lier gooti ,defeigive Mayn Sulte Farmnsitarnt 17, Waillace kai ut rnils.hi beie Parti lied ile uscore iy lthe end of lte FýI~ quarter. In lthe second quarter Stale Fent pulled aèead îî2jake 949 Irait wsith ao( 71-l2score. Afler hsaTi lime Wallac b.ul~dai iyî cliegains wsit a score lit l M aie Ifinai quairier flic lio leires lal ied, tack oqld .frî. klitpîng ite score lied up, but,. WValaem putîrd aiitad wte teth Winin thc last mInut of lthe gaie Derjk Mliito, <sas naned Wallace's elayer (4 lite gane for beiiiga greal teins ployer Donalde Ileaudoin <sas contrit Maie Farmss pt#er of lte quis fcqgclgga greas lIlre-pgnl basket. Charley Peawhas<ey 32Z Charley YTtzwitskcy camo out Sgoi. liat Safeloktlc liedthe score 14-14 b ht end l lthe fi ,rst-quarter,' ho lte seronid quarler Ctorley l-oîewliskey îouk lthe leodAvill o score ef 11-26 g ltegin'ning lte second itaîf Safejok trieti il, close te spiead but Citatley Pitzwhlskc> telS te Iead In the final quarter Saleloo <sas aNtiot ovranate dtiarley Fii,ýwiîky, Michael Tbamrpson <sas nameuj Safelukts plae f te paire ýr comig frare a slceb liedy i>swick te play a iroig all-aroundi garnie Coînan CtBrien was nanied CIlor1e! Fit.whiîskcy's player of tbc pansie fik tls ls% 9 ci