bateau. 1%a ires boàv mmn Cotre 91 Nlpissing Rd. (ai culy. Thr ewib 1 blou odn lmmpamn Road)ai 8pnNew formai. wmaty auptoeuld it prmolg torNo dues ore (oe ame çbcha d. eonXWm*i pinaf m"s uti »MS ofla. We FMOU. 31 maoanty gutrSalf, os laMa of puwbcit lià Rêt MWI Du.~aDy Mi the Milton: closest lO.UIS date of thf Occur1~Oc Scniors' Act4vfly Ceaffil .5W Cuidas >f oIdhougll mol inaeronWs are posisible If SV"m ge învltn té eljoy< à là melt F4 âwpod allait Wi f klowsbip fmml 11:45 tnart I1 15 pi.. hàldod ini ai te ofl of the Ciiotn. iMbtlCI*OUdYttt int 161 Mainat M., Lnaitteo Io us e ai p. Bu 9ýf7 *Nipissint Rd.,- hosa P DaRy .*46 Milice,, on. t»,f 4Nb in IXod 1o Ad*5i gi0<t ldieWe4dfi~Ya @M711-4901 T %fa do illins la nocti lie »pswn.r thiefi leuures a â» tu th 'fllay for W*dngsday' £duttcn MWd Mm Ontario Siem Colet nu fr0111i8 Adn. Wadneaday for Ffidaya bdition, Oatie Io pin. Cà Iii 8614 tu rcwsle fiaené wa pot bo at6pta by tela6an. . Wedmeaty Jas. 29 Th1iit Milton t'layers Thecaire Gfouppre- ilIa Hm Muai Dsai Day ai ibe Milton sents diianer liesie Paittaasy by Scnlom& Actîvity Centre. 5M0 Chiidaj3r. Appeiniment ai the Milton Scnlors'. Seniors ae invitcd tu enjny a oi Mai and Actiiiy Centre. 50M Childs De. Dinner is '-fetowsmpfrt 11:45 a. n J0:15 p.m. smred ai 7:30... antd the cWqaln rises à Chilt caireivers ajre minaîteté dmop-in i:43 Ticiceil cote $28 perf peesî a&M ai 11he Milton Clidren and Yowih Centre, are availatble et Pcggy' i Mifice Mailt., 91,1 Nipialng Rd., (ropi 1 Io 3 éi.m. TIi Stop for à Party dowbtown and ai the coui ixi $4, Cati 876-1244. seniors' centre. Cali 915-m629 té reserve a Thutédaky Jan. 30 tbe lit iking wlth Cliaer Graup ;ets SaIturdfy Fab. 1 ai Knox Presbyqlenan Church. 170 Main Th Halien Cao. touttry SNi Club Si. E.. ai 7:30 p.m Gimup th- s ma> Plu vetues Midi5nd. A dine afid dance îs vide emotionut MF"~it ain1 p<alcaS9[Wl induded it he* oing. New membher. are - UIIC té patienit ani lheir famcfy andi weccune. Fat information, cati 634-2012, *fricen4is flic Pr diram iA spcinêr4 hy 11he Canadin Caiker Socicty*s North Itallon Saturdy Feb. 1-2 Unit "i led by the I-alion htrnh ot file 1 r Vicimn Ortler of Nurses. For mnore infor- The Illalien Cru Cewitry Ski Chlb maiman, cati 877-1124. 1,ikc. a trip té Mansielt and AIIcgheny, * leVtoia re N'Y' New members arc e ucc. For The îcinlan rde <îi.~in1ê~vholis nformiation. c.ati 634-2012. foo etre clinie ai the Mutas Semor Aoiily Cenltre, WIt Chiki. Irom t 1 i Mooday Fa. 3 4 p.m, T'he co'.l is $05. For luthr infra.. tag4ion or en aNxiinintll. call 117-18 A tpfIgriifilaei ih Focare clinicç aie ty apfliimeaii ontYu. denu with attenoÏia degreit diso'rdir Tir Miltoe Chîiren anti Yauth Centre. mcclv ai the billon Childeen andi Voulu 917 Nipising Rd.., hoéa PA Day Centre. 917 Nipîssing Rd.. ei 7:30 pi. Adusebrefor chiiaken agt6o 1Oyean. Cali 876-1244 (or mane infolmlioýn. *Crafts, gamews andi vlcating ru fro 8 am Tuusdy lob. 4 té S Cati 876-1244 I0 reister., The Halton branch of the LîIcg Thse lithop Reding Schol Coneil Association presenîs Breati Easy Plu mecis in the Main Snreet school's Iibrary ai * laudes. a weekiy exercie andi informe- 7:30 p.n. Ail miera of councii and ticn-pp eogram for adults wilh ebapirafory inteiesled parçois ara inviled ga attend dsse. %lieprograin is halt ai the Cedar lite Vict0ldan Oiticr of Nurses hottis al Spunts Healih and Racquet Club. 960 finot cur, tUnte ai th1e l4armony Çouri * uanhed*ndAve. in uriîngian (rom 1 f apatiments. 1it OM iup utti 1:0 Io t4, J2:30 gpin. nie six-woeik s"son cest $20. p.m. »Phe rosi. is, S1S. For ftther informa- 1For more information or to reiater. cati1 Iton or ant appoiniment. cai 827"8800. '1447-1033., 1 . Foot rare ctiifare hy appoinifèni oniy. > 1Cirante bigai syndrom sufferers 11w Cauln New Puse Groqa mats Mat ai t p.m. For furiher desaats. cati 878- ai CHERISH Pareni-Chilti Centre, 540, 1802 or 876-37113. 1 . Chittis r.. front i :30 tu 3:30 p.m. FOr Overeiers Ansayimou meeta every -more informatîin, cati 823-6060, ext. Ttsursday ai th1e Mîlton Chliren anti 7365. < to Yaa.x iay be paying far more I&ut han you.shodld. wheri that money coeaid be going iat Invealmenis ta buiid yaur fuîture security. Fgr a smtafl a siratqgy andi invoalmeni plan that 8«et mre.of your money workihg harder for yau, cati lthe team ai THE Financiat Plandlng Group., Caflmoy " . . lb. eomaadom ta lue. lias pýeaoof mimd ba pulWoe.,, (M.05) 639-8777 WE OFFrR VOtJ A WORLOOF SOUiJD INVESTMIENT OPTIONS *!LIC*Temipleton LýIN07 ce Guam FR1 DAYMANUARY Milton Momorlal Arona 8:800 PM' Milton Negthms ma, IL NOmt Iuzxws . o Corne'Oui for an Evenn ofreat TWI$S FUELS 878-60 31 ateelés Ave. NISKAR AUTO . SERVICE, 878-8006 -,W I fi m i -----" "