for your Fasj su.m PPu.s Ptice. gettng a new hom&e flyer in hn sfcimyn modern, funcîionatjy laid àui and plajwcd fur to ay 's uIaper!- htwse u idbý nd in Ml, e.-cwMehY alIow f . .... .............................. . .......... Maion on CM&ld Drive. i a m m ntrtssse t Ml io rn SH"ko Retions! Police said good-byc to cranmpcd dcsk dodus in view 16,diffuam am of die sation. quaieutat lacked neccasitics for boday*l cfigme- iqchxding the putling lot. on a singlc screen. ~ llgling and nid hello go à spciami. wel.eqwpped For uic safcy of offices,. -c uuip am installed facihiy~on walls whcrc police pnocci suspects. When the ~ M~ftT "Shc's a blle di! f*cU dm 31 Kâng (Sizoci)" uaid strips arc presacd. an &Mm soui. W iCe (KogoM Om"f lng <o tohe now cimWe *q l. OCo age1 e, s" The J, Sekt EorIy Funercl Hom has been ci busirns and a home to thea Eorly fomly sincé its conceptfon. THlis has bee<' welI me4eved by the Miton carnmu- AVfo maN rosn. e6l have cammented they*lind comfort inknu j ~> ~ tere is 0faMily lMn% in the house. Odiers commenrt that the oneong activity' in ..Ind ýound #* hause with b*d Chikiren and even "h c,, .6sîoi(à pet giWe th» kg"ta honWo feelig of wormth. Ue also t nd comrfort, in knowing that thes feel this woy. t tqkes n( tf ~ on aur pants ta .crete* this atniosphsr The funetol home is d*lg part cd aur lufe LMvn9 on doe tees atkw us du flxibility of being avouaoble to your fomnily oaci s. I is aur feeling thait utien peopile enter aur.buildrng, ce re in fact enwirng ou .homé "7 7 -' lJms St -8 78-2669:1