Good, ê'dpel cait Makea bi fe ce Ù7 your home- M'ili omupffl m and mor' e yun h lmo ae Cart r& Icayy-trésfflc arcas lite litc4uns and clown onu ifauae "ulver yUur gptionofci.rew d4ys,.agujui> Eat picce of y@ Mn twifftn oa <rom Uic Ca"ptclruc ul5boeacre ihtI ahomcresol i osuers~- M vauWy-isf colowsm nWItade Yi2 aua$d bockm jhc l reer the twik thie h1glier Uic hîbdin plths ipcialoSs tant. ýnildew proof andi basraa casy-to.cican Wncôqxiwet tioId;sp»Il 0 of e ssntm ff à Îbhrl* quality. ie (wisis add rexiliency. andi spring high.s'olum- 1raffic, A7w~-~aecre ev der or ceMitepiece on a more neuiral back. back inooshie whcn ty'ereenjdicd. showser folA ut. I.IO4Ow gssiunci Wool eupcts art gelerally due hcni 4uality. Stair caepes help jolse "ose probteins. bu,n Scalée andi pattern sliould lic approprate hoaý and ainsi the< mos expeuisive. Thece nre sxe-ihey take for Mmnt wcaw and w tcm'Ibi lier car- Go <sir tise bemsi tallafion andl tinsh Mr ron. Large patterns. paisticularly cemffirf. lent synthchie caqela ci tise markel. You wanî pets, and wear ouit Caster. You should <se a gtoosl*tonking carpqt Ih*,it î lasi for ye.lrs. Il onesjand dackcullours scent til det;reasq a you carpet te bce resifeni andso wt inter foot1. hîgh-densty carpet in the sijne efolour as a tise crpers in qccoit,ns. make sure the pi1e. ffr rmsiéîe. Busy patterns cani be diwuactîig With geood resistance te soiliig. fli6ehoukhd li lile shcfr eîuvnuîylmoy even uap, ritins the saie ssay tt wains cen perpendit-. ansi make decorating cbange.s ulîficul. Lîgisi, treaesi lu prn'vide inaximuin pietctiotn again.%t bic wîînb huying aîtd storîng extra carpet fi) ular lp thse largesi wît"dos, ttsevil bc paraliet lii ~ussill" u nakeamnopenup. and appear diaisd d4magc. worn eut pleces'. Ms lighi. Kecjýseams l'uit ,.if cayy-tral(kc ý'1 W.mlworks well itpre, u Quoitty cuntsteI bc gsr.ssical. yci %oft e (il bc wmft, iiàIIt3~co~ilitIBc practicsI. and &%k boss ieli wiil ii qisfand bIe.S w'rLssIn tet njrwob c. »'hn enlesluva~lî qnlîy YU raIy~Joup(o pupc, dflysee. scky kîdseduve The tiçJism.s tie Place Io gso for an qPpanse gel halyou ay or IeclflMl ofa e~ 'sand voa ilUs? A qsiilc pattern can tonimie U fi.snl-laevapiluoae o .n ýbad oni ihe nunnlsr à( yamif tc ir n heui effects ol snuls and maîns e , - . . -f j 6.l .4 ..'.. à%Ase ie, a5 . mIwhay A.ill50 qiefl m, of wctir andsicar. Foij the plushest kwL. hass' illePN p 'laz lilwdrU4 tse dSlrway, On siairs. ha". fn â ~p runmsig frurn topl o x)tg, wîi Uih dirction of hc naP layinz dsswn tha mairsi-