0f evenlually building a cqnhtre to thowcaae thpm. Miam Myn.k,(lefi) a: &log BrOwn art Iooking f.or à MeW logo ta reprissent thlr Rroup. Fo conte.llt entry form'and prize liit, plie, sae lte ad ont page 4. »Wi uslpr a COMPUMENTAR? MEAL and an, PNFOML WOPRJ.I0P c.ooeng, M 15 btrategics lot reÉiucetianes *U 15 RRSI' planning tipi. M Mutual t'und I'eer Revt-ýws M Double your net worth M Ways tor protett against in 5-7 yvars poentiai markcet correction ( E mplimentation ofa a Your spefc iîc ets ,. finaricial plan apd Mitre! Wedr Feb. 12 12-2P. Thus. eh 64Wed. Feh.'19 6- p.m. CAI4 854-;1158 FOR Qf&ION e SuATNG IS UMITED Producedin co-opeation wth AGP Management, AIC Lînttted, Dynamic Mut ualýunds, Fi4clitylnrcenment«Canada LirnitedCT CapitailManaem<nt mnc., Mackenrzi Finarcial Corpoation, TIimark lntestmient Managenwnt mnc, MPIP wants answers-. , frOm CHUDLEIGN on Joliei aihoui .îny k1e.l ohligigoi laieil, Ilie cegitili Ithughithi lawoiuld hi. Ille.r u iIh lhii %etn aid Dr. Sisal. %ihoi siuek to hIs poitiion dcýpitc heing iîild proiisi t 'skid coitinue unil [ho deîîsrîon %à,i. rescned. [h. ii oiuld prDon i,,crhtiiho âitîtr i, heinig i.hlorniied no,. so tliaîts MiÀ (iiîdlc.igii i, il,i q rit io t' a-d . t winlii i J" lie salt "lis hb£ %ers ItiitrJing t he public. iîieeting twi hI-l tisie ha, hken tltil igiiîr-i hi flic %îîii, t oi iithle[iininî.ii NIr (tiudleFgli ,tjd lie i. 'ild h.- iîl.iiig * tiwanied sicd t"ois and videos arc needecd fort a fundraussg sale. The Canadian Pcderation ot UJniversity 'Womcn is secking dons- dom fou its sagital sale Mfatch 21 and 22 ai Milton.Mail. *We have naisad lmn of thouahd oif douluaover the ycars with lte sale. stlbh procceds Seing ta high sgbooI schollrahaps." shld Mary B J In Hasdenmoîdu opnzauons ilatn Colection bins nie locateil as Zallers* main attirance and at Milton Pubic Uàbruy on Bauseat. - nO in itateti lti the gri und rides tor a nîecling t1ilh ail inicstcd peies i h re tîii %ersïnt% hiding hclTind uithi-reciil si.rarIiiir- lie asked ieistquetiîied %~h> bit. Nîisal i s -hiding helbiid pn,iii legistatiin. liti tue çnd lie sail? héc ma have i, 1oih' h- liavc Ointariu s drinking water sin - ,dards,. cuirent s% (ie nîistiringeni i n Canadla. hrouîti lut fine àIÀ il huse Ii otiîr prittinccs 'I tii hlaoîge. fsuii ui'uld iik e ito or iiree .%car, iii îleplierd ihrrugi tlie politîtal pîîs hiruld ip the hnip:îuiriiii. cr gî'-Ë-r(iuRd. lie s.îid ît i t h le lts% i mli hiliese il tfil %%ali ii %Itli-iIi shoulidb hi-lhnnat- etii» suId Dr Niisa1 t[ eNen goi in itîde- penident. rescarchet ai M îtl Sii ersit hý iimk tiser Ille. t'icis s hal 1 itio Vini hiing rcisi.'ndhlc I*ti ail .i.ing liii1 liiutstglit but il [lhu i e lotii chick ilier -tuit is i se. il l'in hiing rea- %1s Sjîolti li tlie iduîc il, ashe nit istr4datîng sho is encuiiistred in 14 >car% -Tht mies kecpechanginig cser> tine %ic YPIC a cittelr s'ho said, lit puhlic input ha% scier becsn niqmtiiisc1 and tl coin- Priscd a %Mr large >açkagc that wcst ir lic mÏittitr.-- Ms Sanîuiinc questôouued wtt> Dr. Nn.ul*s opinion is ssch a hig itue illic us in rcaltiy tuuund by provincial -egislation Io imni sport chlirti]son. As Weil, Iulsing fille provîngiai govcm. nment as;c Hattou fuos aL-gat %shaid if chien. natioi% syauked *hluws My mind.- said M%.s .viuiunc How Cas uWC usdcmnify ili proinse fromt Ihir wu ruies' Tlicy'v lics tttuifai iiio-stautlir * SALE PRICE 2ý9 98 Asc us about NoNausene Leasn Life s ai Io)umey. EJEnpo MIride., NOÙTH END NISSAN 8ipmipi~mae 78-41371 B.Comm. CA /.eWnirMpres in lata. Regiari stict 1991 Main St. r 1 rJ A N ( 1 A t 4'A P 1 rq F P