The role of a lIawyeir in horne, ransactins Sioiuiagrclighm IllrnsbesIseud1çoILver>h sure il dntvielate any zoýing'd lvtiseb' aV & crb. à cý,qgnlpgl trutaiecln. ita in fe ~unls dciUg i or hujkhng ijeaw'aserla'wyoea le couebib sa due cd yowea ioliereol in have soncam olfway <omspflyoar nords. For. ainedeal withOr fl a coco- ciuoî;ng aud hc will rc cute the I witis kno*ledg of thpjjw %Vk- eniospie. yu ay wanti10 mke pany-y-.yeur oiai . r kcysi lis te proplesly b05 un yçiqjiscl-athe clie fr to buy conditionai. by '.On die dayotise deai claocd. your Your lawyer w il thenregisoler .le irOlOOd ides teaci as including aclause«lsing yuuwil lawytr will éxthiangcdocumntsn ise o deUil anid dtie pmperty Î legally yakr nWv lawyer or uc tise uam buy tise loiohe rrovided you can 5lith the, selles iawyce. wlso vili yaiura andyê u may take pesmçs- j iswy4er a% thse uther pesffl in thc affange nmiae inaincing. bord over tise derd. a declatlsn *n., trantaction. You'll psccd advice B-efare. tIse saiqccs . your ut qnd relevant affi- taler, yu ca n xpet il ece se frommeêan objctive perçon who wili làwycr wilt haIre a number uif davitsa Inm yur lawyer al reeaidocu- klIol aller only yotar mtercotsf and imixpmaant jois to du for ytiti 'fi or If bath tavayerê ajrc ail doecu- ments a mpmlo t utn tk>.afl icnî. depenfing (in (hé tletx.tîcuof ie vai I scarcsthe it>i'nnmalle mientliapie <h urdcr. yolur laa 'er antd, c)e uie. th, bit thse deal. tavayers cLhargé.ainywalire sure i une cis ams te IAW U I front a fcva hundrcd dollars <o proffevty. ) * P*llmhir SlliXX) or muore tînclsadng espcns- Taxes. utild) hid, and'insurnce c1 h< 1 I >cs) fi is.. avcrage reat estate trams- prnîoms witi kc chectacad lumi, tar R IIJ -ýW O Advetling: Noir'OIvsr (Manage,~ action. deerrminc if theseller hais paid ~M>. p. Rosi Eslate Rop: Andrea oyle A las.%yee can lire pwd tq,hetp you thcm up lu date.1 àeOp n wtl lise tgeli t&chntcates Il nfl. yuu wmîuld lic Isabe tair niwd ntvursig adetlsach as khm Publiaffleby: ensurng#4 hv% lia filltithe 'Ill Tsanrusini ol tatferlt iasasbe ThsCanadIan Ciamwl property yrmte huying Md .idot '4aaid% l bc aýic Iged.and 1 bc 191 Main St,E. sUrs).l i e<rerÀit dtasLnKrealà naît t.ailiyr vaill eli thse srsy oif 871-23OilL4 9 8aumsr h ~ h knimkLois Le -ý 66 ft:x 132 ft. Foiu: s O *OU Resemv Now For Sprng Possession 'Adverdiog le aceeptt on the condition .. uýs.. ' î~- trot, mn the oyan of a typgrel #m Usai 'Hb.Ias: Sait oe Sun. 2-4,p.m. th lau é M etôs', e ail a roin ma PA or palc le t alte attowmnce for alife <ors tit 00 ,ftaent &"lori r, biut "i balance of uns "'*MW&a- ~I iK I~ fmt ust be palti tor et fils «~êabt rate. dupblso ne tht t0 oaemgone, 'WYn ~BRAZOLOT HOMES, andi mlime meltiain I t uaent of typecoa graphk am no, advergoais 0dm or seiice c"1I ettéwc rcgoeor se as ft" not Mdàp..0 «4oniws Pays O4s19-836-2593 lis "W. Adve*5eng lànmrfenuofeositms on bW o th O&W@, ftEvenings 04519-822-33Ç3* DELREX ALUMIPIUM.1LiMITEC *Aim r~m o..r~s .Cdrr,.eSWID$2t. AND RETAL MEIAL SALES .11 a *WrrraQ~5MIETAc CUT TO AN' LENGI>4 4150* lii 0 olropr erreri Wflry*t EL iv)07< lS 581~ MGEACl4IE DIR UNITa5 rcONE LIGSRCE 4 MECHANICAL LTD. Cb.. « PARTS FOR1 1 '<SéhuFb C.paoSrp h5m Aco<ro s IMte Go 01.100 Hý -w EsTmaIgs1 M-SON- SHER-DONU MASONRY leNbl d * hémm a-Milro 4lac? ft cd hm for croar Oo comm Stv eIlagi i~ Adoa 876=10 tm:r.ingSée= PMf eRBT. OF .SAE .ROBA: OeSA Kltciwolàifnt aemdo & M.A.R.Oil .H. _ Cauut Allitauis *Wai.r Fu-Irce Sysiorrs - Gai$ Propos taa" ~ *n àos csteoidn W.,O.n. S__ s 15.000 E s'ý Ar Fore Il st-uitiw< arnd asljstîuù stc othdees - ~ ~ 876-0147 785 Main Stysai Eut I l s.rins ort U iset it Iriati; tilual disiutio <ifth 7ceL Frte Efiaiea' B74-11 U s"ce) 815-2100 (Sinirt lliiîilsd. in asir si-ajir latvyer voitlî qvair 2eve'ars t-xpenaîacîet LW .0l Ch=adra se m Memalg cshaim po up m.c0êPh IMu ..t~a aM. _9 r ~hli- S7m . Furlong Collins Oarrlaers & SoMlctors 64 Ontario St. .N. Mgtais LAT 2T1 ph: 978-8,1 fux; 878-2555 evrntlîg and we'ckend appoittients tonaiable 0 APPLIANCE PARTS SALES 7- HEATING 1