Maûytecniqi~t consider whud~ ing a home 1Tqdr waa à turne wlceu home do a wa« for çà" ori bâlti ad 4 plnna d yqu Il face wccreildea Sil alua Ijkg joie vnêa wan to£ pag nlIsatwi no Mant Pieafig ci at pait cri walmfpan md, wAn té Yurichgwe CIW tl laes canhle Siesa novel 0CAWoknid »Ied illiaite egail fycapn atcg n 4 inding a onid math i trdc lein F, or i MaW vaîlinisa coîoewaaiq'n as déoeoetîg IM.eiu yasz es>ou prièclir an Pail b*e peini. Bosides using 1toÏae dAys watts ant rim. libre anà dajid 'Ity te, paints widi à pre-tinod before 7ou motte Gon 10 bîlper pieçes like pu Cno off ço&cr Yeu cousel5 fiisan omivem i s cWiLo son~u~Z cldt lsi'4 n dl vs ,t çijýlz*&ejs i t.:nqcovn bajy cadymnsascld colaarpashe i, or mak4 foniure. Txaday, paces Can be eCW frams li- luapanpaIgiît.Vnnuataemtni thlcn ina odnrytatim m aaYouruWn. hve oWape, ol4hodersaWdeven magazine%. asthe rght cuipistency for a %ucvaxstu" 1 i# & n exficsantuar. Mrc' no ref 0d Il give1 o6 otd kW* tu new wood,' TMpcue xk.hese pecan ihen ie tflnlothc.hio.sor]gW Co oyd n h ok a c umdoiandl Ikt.-l cahnetu, ps, rails, wmndow franies usdt eoaeeveylhing front wirtdow lendi'ts imize unsier tuet stecil freine. pir %tan lt with a niemaofflas andi new aaacfuwad fueamRure lakc the lreance fraiais and tW lig la lot flowc'pats and sprecàd )ien lieýc i s iesias ratmaaed. Nalacra j( yi 'e jcus awavcd urus a new hamcý give a<cit. of daasaskiý waow inaied.awùa waier- oft oil-hgsd, ilourse t smre*aîaete in seule in befare you sien1 ,erdigris be àpt m ne e ans cep Vns& lw- çaat,tra elegantly clown a eggsbell paint tir matte-frnash sheaulaltace ece>ripwcnting with glncs andl sponges. Céati-.- pet effet andl woitcx wet <an lait". plcaate anda ,",n framne or inllividual figuics lt frotowatt- stnc)Iing vieil. tesns0 plastic baisga. i ac&h ich can auf bc mîtrua' trante. andl other tascckknavks,Faux paier desigmea fora eJlad*N usasai aca hmrsante Deesaraig s(atcaaaN thèsesa.cs a aals ýuca t initentite paint jolis. .amiahte. anl racle tinisha van du Wonderx for Waa of a muielail as dite imagi atin.Ilete arc on Uniml oks Wa Il h ae Iigha in dit. rouai> durcrg lthe day tsi fireptacs andl momteipbc., dresser ànd cheu Spagn naal dpi t pint clr thmlugl a aind migauines, a icaaa n tIares ans tbr ome if a paztcccdar apo mîpgha highgt a faux topii Itayerintg proces. wnid gives a sscft. auractive IlIM laajisses. uânaigive yaccaý.hns atý,Pvfaaa. Q nicc .Ntayhe ym-U Aifve lie kmtlen'si ira Caiae wia kxaut tîke aicdej r.r u- scTtwl, icudiepcts.claltxi'~ahaca rcg 1 s ie house. Iunmà ut pIunaaaelang-içarr, iate il saurt: aflordhlc hicuong prîix.s tsi heco v~1 hoaimtrcx,,ers fort Ils, eiN lanceý il sea. i cri fittilnte hu>ers% tisi Il couna o sf> àws remremtcer vanous Jeatd. t ilie hoaaaes ilw,V e il ifse om cl i hu di i ch ice. as Ic ttwtalsui M~depte wic satcctcum utd itiuri li - -- - NmcP I i. e t t nX7mme r@8fV4 Cs.rlt' WCcrieil4.Oe Cailoatl41184, et Mlkaitcni 4 -É reallitanlossiAei li ac mre chia once, cas 'an sase yourcU c* loitofltlime h) inaiaa 1 aie iipretaeiss a.cecsî ait hteiassnsl a,. ýau g(i thniugh t".ci rcai %, 4%. "lua ssm*litaite Pdca a lait ocf hackltcatalig. lo dia as ai "mas togetifaps. .andl %ou cui ,ak muaci m riae spea tIi. 4usian dunng yu sesaoca %sac aîg Ç Xary> a claphsard anda >b<e l stPdaper tsith >î<Ùu chetî loaskinaiI humesc Yi'ifmè> a wanl i aU a &aletcitet ctcklitis ahesad ll sapa wsclmA to cpnspmmns wÀas lime, aircornts laike nte,- as ,î Noir .oal. I aait gaurÀ ai et.i5~iigtr -ewtti $ai78 t295 4944 ~ t l ii tyaau se tuesiois aie Roiatîîr. 1 ne ait lh: ice saîlsi aan deilia ta le mSie, on i th roo peupl- caserkxk tisF suhen *liig c (iaaîa hek lhé: rypeý conîdîiion aiaxt g ail lthe taxaI anad noie cli> ierCCl ipas*t e4 .ci ai lacact ai ithe easesiisugh, aisi adl"-s psauK' Niate their x)andiltaaii .aidsachr 53> ' la o s à usa O aI clit wak îaainsl lice ;xtç- p i aof Ilht hont~e lu ceck thL laiadlaio ft va- làr t mx foc* IaiMe dami t a iat 'laiWW rwhi me mm &- ldic ui fxis tarec mmntswc lotya $78asaiaCaceaiti * 4,, 44ç lýneaijltîsihehsamcasad le il~ec -~ any scundpeoofing, hticcn sicaresi watts. ia My aluqin lu iht: generil coandition of itl htsan isnl&ft- dm eil xa* wetlcdl<iet,. s il ct lial' il\heehmucegleected. ~Wh- y o Ile hecadt hehorde. IN ailcen. lti tera*rize anal &-aor anal. hhe lc a cl-inec- aeea . 1% her adellaae IMM p.c foý caoakang anal faond prepîratan? ls mexom mi hW4 icr cnoailt cuphoaacil space i T*ke a giios .4wi#7 Osa cet &Kt" ccMehtraa- w -w ast a i0 ai lit; sînk.. cualcllsips nllnnaa d toi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i theeNast~.~ ' ' appiances are being gold wt lic d s 5 Talle extensive notes ona the htaihroorna % il, ipvLluaig their ciace. lktaio sndition,. co ri s. lltes anal viaer pressure <tut- on l f " d flsah ts sa4llecc). 14 chiecks. Looks for signe of mâture sachi ; sàaer.'m8rks. peeling peint anal p.sitl tu hua ait nldavi. As wuli. "<o for cracks in lthe was cd~'oo "ê ýaal ýpi Me Nan floues t asnd extermine Ialonge ad aiIyarm~ *mu~aU ~ Yotait be iqxisd ai hou vieil is a b bclg you rçcal details. Novitèver, at'si iteep in mindîhai tisla ckil ta sby # 90 b l' 1i'x icnahltmeaiIouIpfaâoc