Dateline b 'tM ~cai ~ Il. ---.--m -. m"J=F ., 1,72 fommOATUUN on " à&- Adlivit>Cetnre, 5M1 Childs Dr.. frôm 1 tu Smir jn*gid th oy a . ot ritai ud -4 pai. fl3c cus is $. Futf furth« infor- litlushp Wrm i11:45 &,ni. ici 1:.15 p.m. maill e. an appoinîmnrd cati 875- i. CIid cwilsivers arc invited la drop-in font rat clmks' arc by aumntmcnî nty. ailthe mikIéI Children and Youth Cenr,.' 11iW MkovChiidrctt Vomt Centre. 917 Nipiasini Rd,, ftra 1 to3 pin Th f17 N4iisi Rd., hoîsts* PA Day àt% $4. Cali 176-1244. . Advel*Ue fçurçhuldrrn aitd 6ugo 10 ycarm . ~ ~ ~Crags gaies amd sw*ing fun -(mm 8a Thuda 4 . 0 lu 5p.ns. C!l 8l6-ml244b rgutef. Thie Uving w1th SÇoer Orop mSt.s 2Thc Halion branch. ut the Lung 4 knox PtcshyienanChorch. 116 Main A.Silalot preains uul,. Eaay Plu. S. R. ai 7:.10 p.ou. Cunup discu~slis pro- Ritarc6e. a wcckly cxcrcisc anti ûnfmna. vide rntichral support and] praciclgi lion profirant foir adeiv with rcmértry anceto patients anid iheir fàuityaàd diuste. flicprngrainiv held aith Cdar; Ifriends. Ille programi. us anserc4 iy ihe Spriangs Hcalt and Racqu el lb 9m4 <. * anaduan Canccr Stciety'. Northt Ealmle Cumbrland Avi., in Burtungiuin finin 1 ta tit. For moetinfmaiisu. ail 8177-11l24,2Z:30 pm. Tlle sx-week aseja cous $20. The Vit*oenOfdcraof Nurc ualdiok a 'ryç more infiormation or Io eitf041 W inter C a nival ~e to g o uFor gour next tle bntqlloeion tru, the expert ~ ri CRAiII talui ,PICL pige TOW orn îol yrrs ulie sîrnpiy isn' oiteplîs. stW %aid. - cough ...ach, sid. ie p'"àY ME>(CA m, SLAE TII.! 8& G.I33M An .munuy ~oip ad us csir cI ait he> one day ihal' f ff0n4 3o twnute. irom downtown Milton!. I v1i sputitt'r Xc.lvîlits. For champk. the de' ~îc r a han two da3s 5Wli MulnJaytcm wîil hiitd a paàçk hrîîk- en-i .icivl iho . - la HU D*D OF FL O iW LIL SO I tai( ab 8<. in aînd he Mîholn Lioný Club Thtu ttoi is inii h- rce iliol li n7 sutl >powisor the Sniiwpileh Toiurnameni conimunily lunciions us a tîi.avn H10. 7l I uvunier haichailmuî li plan% lio cuvhack financial %up - 1Àihtdus Win i plt for suchit'vents andi evciiiiaiiy Plimi-- an i ikFuiainha, oydciied liait lunding froi il% budget afiaprîter, .tI PIaion. ir .it de'iîig . Anytn i încisid in votuniecning ai the aKoew J'I ~Tr ..tý*acýii ccoùg-M a uaia and any husmessts% or tiîmmunhiy 'oKthn oT. sîi'r'ht sthculc.iat. i% icî, s tich grup% witîng lu spu)nsov attivic ir trunlfirnievlin the qclekv i kîr ut* aked i. contact ils Mvd ai 878-7211I OO Ail aciî iCiiieý til at plate in and Mdihunjan% intere.scd un puqing alai feâ IO P Mon - ie'Fi85 àruýnj %fition Mtiiuor.uI Arena and th lutgehr tur the Sn.îwpilch turteqaie arcn hr% m 5ýt9 3Pi Mil-MI isurr Cenie . ashurd lu céai ( 'ianfaai $76-4712 7hr * SENG MN TNIS AD AUO REM 1 04% DISCOUNT ONYDM MEX DiI! O,<amnàzrs Kntcm arunvo he tdeaio t)%( pcr teamt tu regislcr us $125, whitjt ,expaiofîî ih L-aiiai u days as in ineludcaai çast ilmegamtesis Conhfiden ce Tht. -conttdent%. ýs =Arfl 'siltenr 1%,Wg'soth eau woa.r Thaîa tht fl rnrftnI IM SUI ~4unIque aiH. mill drivr ayissem. Andi ag. on evepr- SUB4ARHI. lit fari. s,. belles. m4b ftrangis in tbhe otaperitr 1 rectiob ami ogret y of this %Vmpèfw.'se wtl«1 beaik an aumorntoobile. ulhuiliti Il. rai drive mad 'rsu*ll A-P l's le am .17, Compnhionju Srnarrd "tifr Anal ace addReeuwout ruatgàner*i aren*aî Ou*.k ~ mmm UmsdI pRA ST WA6ON $33 6O5ÙM.LR 'USMSLP PAfLV~LEBlhPg~VIA"8 »F meI s« 77w fAU-IàedDeim *3fi»Mowing " Foet conouro(ÇrMg - * Cholce of 48, Motr 6(Y cIting widhi BUYUGWARDSAWm UP 1o $690x OUI JOHI LAWM &L