t..È ThtMd~yyC Fltiy Jan, 9-O.30 pnt- 12:0 t2A #',. rThe wreath is a symnbo1 àf Christnas. It'also. a symbol oNf what yQU'll pay for the phone. I 'I 'I I.. I - DP6 Tihis Christmas, when auo give the gift ai' M0bi1it); van get ta chbose fraîni a Nlotarola DPeIIO N*ia charge. -À0 flaf-rate weéekend and Caif us for details an these and ather g.r a ot t, I'AE LESS01b C T .rltI N S iN C. ., 377 Main St. E., Mifton, Ontario LOT 1 P7 Tel: (905) 878-1113e11 Fax: (905) 878-5558 7ij l S! ain slidin' away .' Laina Rogielto U.t erme5 b4py ride dckIvn thé Nil.e et lCJiao Conlurvetiofi Are n a eei aecn ferorw th passen- ger Joau Uflé aue alao taking lni th. fun. Photo b>, Graham Paine I I FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 199 Beom P ) 3 for 1 Pizza & wirts .LoIw Goli(Pl T4iceThed.1 pi.. Norwich union <P) V115s Piz & Wings, WIEDPLIOIRS, JANUAW 23 26, 1097 AUP Lobiows N"& Meals - Shoppers Or0Mr Sears Z Mo', Caralag $qua#* Miléflie MFil : is proud to à d to Our 0fC6fditriutonoccounts. Bell Mobulity fl-Rie Caai Ctiunpian, FriUey. Il 1y MrLo i /. 'i t I i I M ____ PLUS r--- - a 1