-14-4TIs Canadia Clsa m , F Juairy 24, 11111 EconoriLcengine, backon'ýtra"ck, says Siaunderson' av sMO RIAUM Confidence, is growî ng.", 77>. Chiemioe Mr. Satandhison taud tihe Ontario govermeut chiset 17 traie offices arntid the woMl aimicli Ontario has tihe higment rati of économie cost $30 million anmaall in operat e. lh'ocua; growih or place in lihe 017 goup O~f industiralized ài noue tamulier. including using Onlano husi- nations. according m tie %niiior or économie measpople %vte travel tihe world assm aadm developiient. iradc and lounsmr. co international - Ams. William Sauntierbon spoke ý-asl aeek ýai a Itie provmnîie na momntng an adveitisirg cata- Milton Clianther of Commçc~ breakrast anti paigifito raîte lis business profile, wbilhWwill îilnd S oven>ments aprtç t0 Interna- appear tn influenbal business brade puÙýations tional trace. lie screenesi a vtdeec wliich is bcing such as Fortes Magaine anti Fotune, anid on shown lu busigesses leaders aniund lihe worlil Uic Cahle News Network IWNN>. wîhich is who night invest in Ontaano. b riadcast arosnd the atort.. *We arc deli vcnng on ithat w~ saisi we coulti "lucre have ,been a numb fr n noinccmcnts do,* sait! Mr. Sauntierson. _We cm t the cmpkîye ror new plante in Orntaio inicluting Liçitoael. hcatîh tas andsithai is starlîng in ~hw rems for Shelhumne. Elora and Mîssissauga.- notesi Mr. smai bste~s lme u~ in 4i has l>airm Saunsici-sist, who repiesenis the riing ot hesi hack-to-bacc eer crmalice ln 'emrs. Eghitig»o. *l'e sub~cass hul$s tpon ilself. Thtr ecnm apicim up. We ne going t0 se a ns=e bLitrae in Ontario. Seuilg a ptu-hunt. nets govemment helps."* Mr. Saunderson also sald lihe Ontirio aero- spaice îfldustay, curreialy de sixth uârgmn of any TIue mcess bufds upn i tyeJ The jurisdîclion in the world, itoulti likcly pas, Germany and Japan to becomwe ( ourim bigiest in thc next fcw yeam.' He' added thai thme days of major tax tileneftcs iii entice business arc likely ended because many coopmnies roundt thaï witle ihey recciveti a iai holiday, infrastructure uponw~hich ihCy'wCre -UIrMNBE relyiag itas crunmbling. Mr Saurson> Sisi mie federal gîls i-mies increaae of unemploymeaî ingurance premiata (na callesi empînynsent insurance> i% largely negaging Ontario'% reduction in the cmWoser feaxd a. Ht' saisithe ioderai go% iment is Iry- ing.i balance time budget using the sroni meuh- ods. Rcsponding Io a quiin ïpmm the fiîsr. Mr- Saundersoln si>id provincial citons ai rnarkeling Ont. sliould lovelait ssilh efforts ol ihe C(i-atir, Toronto Aria tGI), mayors comiiitee Huitever. *ulliPiwac> ose ec\iîmiî develpr ment bocly is more effrective,* ki saisi. -Wc ssiI atlempt lu work lî',ieihkr. fi stop, bidtiing itars betieen muicitaifitcs. iconomic- groiiis 900ds tor everyone. Remnember, when ihe sidi- mones in allinai scup. 4 Tentative sAep toward a bigcehang,,e aS BAAD AEAUFM T40 Chi7pOf ToIiwn cîîurîii has agi-ccd oi) j at rU Gord Kmani, peck pasi Mihon's hornsi sec boit Wellington Coant i. cing with amalgamation proposais, Mlic move fast tck as lime unir tenta-, lise %tep toitart retornit b> Milton couricil. Mayor Keanu, ha% puhlicty statW esi cuSid support changes iii local arssMitions,. municipal ansi Halîion Regiîn's bîîsnd., -anes.- "Ive ben hesilant fi, do ansiming with- oui tht' support of cduncil.- Mayor Krant, saisi. 'Then there s lime Ç1 A (Cireaier poiig icseviilsc therc. cspei:ially tri âsaer âavices. which so much afleci ibis nilonsi palîl>,. I11e niayoir alsi saisi aasie, management ihig h on lime agenda osf the Greaier Torilo Services Board IdTSB - ssiivi was req;ently crealesi ii sil aîi isue commont italliptinicipslities in the GT'A Raajing the us cer (ir otiter CTA munici- pabIties c)ciiig uve ofi Milon*s garbage simp. Mr. ICrarîi %ain"s. I* d oni hase Iii cmmd cisutiil theatscehase oc iii th, fes apprnvesi lansillite in lime pi-osince f Ontario. Ansi donil ilîînk limai e tim lthe GISB> don't knsi t- . i Milîn',s chWl adniinlstrati se ofltierb David Hpgrasc. saisi lime GTSB is sup- pussesi Ii proviticie prosincial gosimant swtth a positioîn (in GISE responsihililies by Marcm 14. Mi- Hliprave sais1i ý unknown il mhey tasour tusi a cîsaiulanating boit> îr il hi-y ei g( or mnure coiroCof services iirreîit y tim" a-c expcicd tsi he însîîlsed in ituter, n55-fiaflagemii ansi transît ai th ei le as. fliese a-c significan changes and lime) arc csiing." saisi Mr. 1Ipgraseý Mr l4ipgrave isils coisuci I i provsioîn, whim; gise counhîrs ansi nianicîpaliiies oui- sîde lime ÇTA lime pîiwi-r lodamalgamate base becs clutendeat u musicig(alities inside Orm GIA tiai March 3 1. A majonily nIf regional co uncillors ansi municipaltiies iii the region reprt'aenting a majont or citizeas. are iquired to ieciw changea. - Il dîint antk thaï wa> in îoon<o. ýamt Councîllor any Lee. -I w~ant te know the tiiles or lthe ganse -* * h ias CounculorOe'it>droIi&stiorAi, auggesWe an etîplorabont of chk proces in Wellington Couniy. Hie said Wellington baid matie signiticanta progres but M4r. Laee darcsaying media reports suthge *procea ishbo8ed down. llsey migmi nom make any progreas ovemigim for sure btrl se siafid kc in cru- lact, If only to bc kept alireast,- said M. M. Brooka' motion to allait t mayor 1 ke sorte inquiries passed i llsomt -s ý CORNER BU . 7ý-w 0ZZ@ýll onnompý