SjnipèrTIci R gns'hinesin ailstar sp light kier îu er,f~sLn aul auwrn.u- I'as h appy w,îhi My prfoumance Io4a plicrutann hoWeer as I elý d e up ?verchant scores inMjîrîu' e i -w' one in whicb lIw. lSwidaY)ý I diin't çxpeeql o( lhr lincu but Rigêtis litethird pae e ha rik asW St Riain graiuald t lite Omnan)tckey Latgue David Chilo ofSi Mioe's) dd a greai jM.t (cd- biale r. 1 clenoe amI lon e c il is best in show icase, e. nwt the KilheK- h Ragr eqpwni-Milirn.Thim oganiion bmas trated it. iwncend and tatec 4 nwbLr of Vekiu% * hclped Iead Id puWetihouse clleMive unit. Ifia' utVy on bis lcg.nd oves uttaite tIc ume domwn Rlggtns tîràt, eîltîrtu eaitfd hîmi tnrp tii lueI.cud Areng w thiu;.wcZkend. l'on *taping tu $ci a tape of lthe 94xîkid lncîmnder Wenel nica"fidîe, uaw Sp«W to. Thi. C)Mmpin Missîssaugt -SuW&y>rien hINd 4j Mer iaa aine lu show hum"ý' loas ril ruh ithét it he rta ncU lie alloweci o Trais Ru<g#u may akef.ihe scee roule Icrursonme tio thê1iaat.WeslAil StarQ é Cinel hlle Riggin 'cs e siid "u litr lthe ocal goal hy ToentorÈ 71 Kevun krhutsceiLa ic lte Proavincial Jr *A jesagye AII.S ar G ame. .Once titere, lie spoëlied is West Conlférence club. Cellow Mcrcita all-itlrs Malt Van AIcl. aitackeri, on IXi îîtitc shots. framalsras Bt, l'ut oinue !tcre made.a.direw tiîne rt lthe coois in an Il -3 ribelliclktng ot lite Easî%egIte Mark McPhaut auj Joemign %Vnirl more DeCusila mri&,ef a W.ctund-peeid sifutout 'chilc spcligî . wiiit a îtleeÇ goal performance. I-ii, criring titan adectuate cnlnidWiies:j the WecA'h dormi- Dan Kenuüke rit Iranitrn andti akville', Malt A ti il) lte 1-aui-WcM shorivcasoli bard heen a iucluded i top siteif ilapshot andi hueakaway nance Sunday,-f. Swchau lumet it.lnk or l.e long lime in cooitg fur the I 9.yçar-olo coulsersiot imthe )peittit fratie and a tive-hule Van Arkel regslctred a ttlfasi 10 sitots; un net Swacn u¶rew MVP tluonors. alcing 'clh a $501 KttwarclIue r4'alec, io hegan lit, Milton hlait - oui oif iîwitere - ln the lmial 1l sec b'ut jus! coiulikint hina dit Eastsý cage guiaedensi,. .IudtarNuhip, ton his sukcuil,!Nesniarkct soiger Moireiant icnur&nturg h.lan hall a docace agir wiîul4ncw igaie '-- Her wsan't cumptlely suu out in lthe lê'trall Ssont Ste ekn, tîîok fic aurd furtsfli a tourney titié A trîuot Miltit In4ea rints rais ed lte charge lkor Lite liflon luirrictin,, major atn.recenîly. witen*IWItetatn issepl uIt1 'Markhlani andi left with an undeleated Tinm JohRs4n pro% uted thewlstgt' eitunk ut Ithe iteruiti .ujtoug lits local mate% In te çliampiinship tilt, eUlitgp up Dan S>îrcts% àWnie.s,inrr in a 5--t triple orettimew vlctitty .cginuAkaxfPtkuding WUcd Johiso iWa II taWimtt un lthe chaffipibnhii gante. teilmntates lait. Içoherîs anm Adiai Ilu, plaseci a majr mie ingelllng lite tane îie Rohe,ýinuo aor uc.hd ýIjul dre'c liso mosusis tInr lloa scinc-l'u.i lotîp v [lie hàôsi Iarkitani iquadt I11 l r 1~î *ir ti lrosd a ý lr roundi roriîn shîl ,g ii dor~ t se, siutcd is.ý ui, anti a pair ut tic,. and .i'sdcclut i.,u îaal .eaoni. Tîtui %àiîi,,ica ri ciet lr'î 'o i ~l,ut 1,1. 'l'ork/s11c(,c d& ' ,ciI a, il i cîra%% ,Ici ,tr.mRaut, te \VP huir, ti 2 Jeîti,,in. mair du Voal andi an awss ilTe ( le h, lied Waiir Miiiot bmrtants playoff bound looking ready qcIiolnsý majorrr hantant A Winîertiawks s' mil lake titeme ZI-4-3 record tutir (iectirgettisn litlt(irtiw <Tiur.sday) i or wofing. suben titey iteýtp Tr-Cuuaniy4play. cr11 acttion agamnsl the Cmetrgltwn Rfiekr. lIte. t" k imlsttcWiOmîg regularceasmîno rtisn ameti titeit, tnt tiseraIt il ît IldtTttivtisiiun *lli.îsksiîîpptiig lthe p.&ci. arecut ('icppirh and i relt McClure wite lice Aquîliiîu Jun Atone. V'Iit Blrown. led (us *ý Malt1 î. s, to:e Hlarding. *Mahmrfitcy. Jiritt MeIh>. Jitu Ritaikisiln. K 'liii.Johntî Sîrtuger andt Mî%ç .1hemuthase ail tion Iild p, Im teatilu succrs. suitit ihLy liipe lto cont iuc ti l'îtlithe I ri ý' uni> llaYUl' andI STakeat, ireafh I~~1 of fresh air Cet Tw Dor P L U S ~~~~ ~ O N O C A G XIW IAK n C 1 a With A Third D. Fqor.$49 MIore! 199 FORD F-EISXS42SPR Î2N$OPAM 88U OLamS4 =AMO IliPAl 1.4 it ?214a ta S». Vomir On tare Ford,& Mrcmury Deriers - ~ TRUCK L DIIRtii'f ...................,i..-- rit.