FRUE ' é ào mc oebM.i nà ocAmnot itf ami1 fu fie Wo space, Th@u &Ml ai a M~' "i N oloi uii rle P frit #pend ouybi msWv . a tmg AluiNe. U~Ma"s y". den't hav, dc4fwtFOWRS mos fptan i f'n AN ae yoeiabety *! -mU< Select in-siao flcwaO ly lives. I4owever, accordîng ta -Vmptiç t co ladheg a u- ar.,tle easive thai Mort modem Bride magaZille, yc4 onafrlt cf h« and cotd Oxotic Wloîyu. doeit hav go 0 br# ' lbaN * hr ur Thon, serve an *Aac atout haelng theishr ham a btifut weddisg Ue*r.peiur eaeu cr that areuaedsat tuacererony sil cave mcoy course mie and a dmwa.eta IMVIATION* Mb-o RECEPTION . Facto? in the cest of ,nting . qrder at IMeffro r nvt- M lb~a u trévnlrng thn&dyouf reoipon. The *a e eà H tA5r N ý HL 'S P A E lb ANQUF HA L L ' $da March 2, 1997 10 a-1m% Lo6'p.m. Ta<shi6à Show at 12:30 prit C 3:00, p.n. PL.AN TOW[ A1f.$500per.p&ýý;n DPAVw rit. _Ç L7-~2 e Of 'T7AI -J,' '1 4SP&)WIAI. DOC)I PQIZtf' Jui4;t for, bi& A$IO0. IYvel\ucliciî 011rc11.dt V1NPS A AE.R' U i Ik hW.t'c .M 4 745-1145 '-T :- -'a. 1.