4.. Caneaan Cfun~loO. Weéi~ed~ jwiu~ 22 tgO7 ~Im] * l 1 PInnhignMake4,. - -for a Grea.t.Honeymoon. Due le tii. o f wwb, heepmJpnd u *MId foo!Ud,0n etg Mktici your WIN be mul attention t0. numeoua perenle~iin olnhl 4*ie, botti you an*Wu hv Nr,tjuou y i $P&-ua d$06"e -à teeaig mate fa you aile Ufflb., S4.-free. frmantlc t~ W ae~ have mi 1 tlM*tii a t ilabmnd, andi upon the 4iïrfwt tonpy. wif.. -1 madr spot,. your travât MQ«t wedding planneêra agentl c.a ;Mml o f the suggtowng welttrav- necessary alietit ne el qAfen 10 deÀcms po" lad m.ervtmins. i loCèCq~ Ihe ui Jt youî Wttherévuî you Chooe butiget'ani Ii". -, Io go, renefertq iwreax. youeravet agent Ct f~yec ~e'cnéi gr ve ybiu scrmm mtaauum. an«dgfe lm. Storoge Tps To Keep YQr Silver, IRdiant Strn,.teicn t>righien yeur "~me plaes for eachiiil Th#ý wfy. l~l,.ulttw o oukee1, t tetait the patine 41ýilver-s finish) devetope f ra? Note bre iowag toi, froon fis evenly experts et the Silver Information . Keep your larger places rIme CÔor t0 kOeP YOur liver SParld.ng trays, canrdileficks andi sermng -iL1sh- Before Storing yoursîlvar, men es, in flannef Celles or wrap "hm in 6 dct place and be ifue il's ttrcqghly acid-free fmsiue paper f1rst, fImm place ),,ffiàPness, ai and "edtllh are them iV a, reclo5able plastic bag mfnues WOMe enées, Se, store your Neyer wrap silver ni plastic wrap, alu- sitver fttw in an amlght drawer oi, minum t oiu, newspaper. or bind fiat- chesf lined Wit ti fmish-preven!ive ware wif h rubber bande .Ttsey can clsor rin profective bags Rýenembeî dlamage the ailver S umSh - to. moml your flafware, loit usrng thle - Remerriber. the besf way fa keep yÀmr silver looking las basf is li use SovuTr 4ant ,, J,, anti errioy it,every day If ha, been rir.... 1rrred .-" a J~" proyen thaf troquentf use actually pie- ne' 'rpventfs sîlvor front lamising. eSokie.. 5p" d <Qicsnmp ~ahws O'e Eah emrh ýa 1ntip@iure, M00150 flin 'ICrMtw ct5 %1Wkn " rl * FUJ« ?ndeeil plmot evemn prmsîig pers& emlii nce iviih rairoai buirit Rell)ears a/i Drlies 4 *Cas/arn Ga y.n9 rSea/lny Or //0- lé'bel/corne asiltiueeeu/os 161 CHISIOLM DL, MILTON (QUAUY IN Also'lt Dlans In Dowutowm Guelph -141 Wyndha St r876-0381 IL 4~~pn From 6-36 amn - j i im