la- tise ~ Clsumttpinik. W~needen. Jansuanni th2 bM* of NATlONA& 'W' !YNN MO!<ING WEEkiC HALTUN ROMAN CATHOUCSCIIOOL BOARD .FIRENCH IMMERSION PJ«)GRAM REGISTRATION, FOR SEPTEMBIER 1"97 Rqnti*dtîon 1« Um r itiinc wtn ta înmenaO là dt FIMh ImN O tntneia 'Pi-gr i n the Calixi tticin n itl.ngllm, Oak,.Uc. MitEnt mil GerîIiii .iiI hklicld amouteiignîin4 N.1sii atid bd.*t. or. l4edttnidjaiwary 29, 1997 REGISTMATION INFOl9MATION tiuiJet mut hi, enti.'ing grade 5in SeMn*ir 1997 in a ,e in pertiin oni> parent, gaafd.nn or iiher rep.nýMcIUiî willi a iec.i îtcâîn ntyl c .ung lhy' gn, parent%' heittit lnmir,%itn Ne.itni >ou a iýh )lur chiid lin attend, * nrlllleginî ùnMr$C F'rench Immer.%it)n!tiigrtm is Iiin.d *ruegtsrillin1 Is on a first-i.ume. tirtne,~ hawe, LOCATION k>F DESIGNATEI CHOOLS North suiringnunt S Ga.riýI houaIt Burinegiln Auu.èhntta Hahnuu IIIIh Holy Croi M.ltint Hill) Roua Dakoutie St Maninea. Si Rntanueii. SI Juispti ALEPRICE $ioý 9198 MM h. ..e Il.. i.,i d'ieo MAN mS-E, wiTnS 878-4137 1 Il b g photo by GRAHAM PAINE The bgchili The .»olnda frosty wsaller dlnt have #v«,yan sNvmlng MIny, Ilk. loMgr Jione #A&cK@y, wMen ouf I« &-& Amquu dssplt0 #h minus 30 "bprou Colius, 1~1A~Should you ~M buy a. LSF.for ~'IIYêùr RRSP - For Laor Sponsored Fonnds (LSF). tht,- rule.ç chianged] nsith the. 1996 [cd. Cnti budget. Yau mac î rico contibhite op InS.5l (dooui troma $3.000.) In a LSF and receie up toi $1,.50. (30'* dtmù [nnm 40')'in t an creditq% fram the tedvra and prnaiitela golenmienti. Villa almo haie to.repaN, the Luxcre dits i(yb yte li the fond withini cigit ycar% (îtjn fram 5 Yca;l. TRIS IS NOT AEQUT RiMPS!I LtiIs were Created In pronwin-calitià>l ty C.tnadii tcnnpnuie- hut arl len neo., on smuuli. or toa rskv lu gat capitaâl front jiirrfual capital markets. lFer muttv pleople. lthe ciîmigiatitn of lte* HSP t.m dtnluction and tax credt proiides a latkunnus rate-of réatione, t titeir iiîîtlit inselfnent. lii rebuen i somteshat silperficial as the RIIStS ldulon ou uild lt titert. nut gutter h.wht %,ou m'vest ni. Nti, wbat %lud shoîtnd looîk ilt inttîi clowaI i% the nature j ut titi ive.,tniemnts tiat lit- I .SF thase ie % î%iitntt stih nouriong- tirti uts eNtitelit 1 rt'cogiitiintîd tlhtt ilf stiti Iitciil« it nt oest initn *I.SF 'nmn s the ta% U~edit ini a Icissnî-ri islanc d fond lu Inttset the lisutnîI.d rlii. iVS ABOÙT YOUR RETIRIMENT PLAN!. b t an tndrpnndent flutancial Itianner, 1 sltd ail surts uf itntticiit prodnlcts ant Mantans titeir suftaitilîls tor nî clients - pelek tronm alltusa ifu lité, u'ach %nt vern Chu itrnirnsasc. tmils' Ielicie that h% tllonîîtg nie lu adrinao on h i, ue ight inivesttint, )c il hi icfit trontn tt adulce an gi ance no%' n aiter S retirenint. I nionlit lie glati tnt diacaîn ail 'tour RIISP choucas. Initial consualtation a& no charge. #Md of couire afic diucsions il te conpletely coRiential. ftiW hnlpSO M JnnMy M9 - Ftb. 2. Pleasje ril Mç ait (905) 875-3237 lu arrange an appn-ihnent. f)W.R. (Bob) Rleid Donaldsofin Souffln Finand S"Caoe kl.010 Main St. E..- ledalgaare 'uiltue UionM worried over ambulancemo.v£ to. Municipal umibrGla mweprpialtti, W3 a mnn.tai t titi. hcadti tII1 unitn m plseiltlng ambtulance, antcfnnlàrdnl te lalnn "Wt dîo ' 1Itnk thîs is a ver) %man't tro% c,' %ali Gordt Armei., ~prestdént of the Onita% PublIc Sies, tI.u Lmp!y ýUin .>dý !aar 2115e eIc, ntal sac r4c n itmnuç.lî f~c,.ldays arlerlh, pnîînnn.te aeîîîu,d tntà ihi ýl 1 îinc t' tfn lsi aise tc e'nittpit. rePinJti>tr iltu ertttinil are i<ftc,)t. Armes, m stif i&barcttig lune dclaîk in tuti the plan imtght work. on thii. hot Il nsitud hi, ntsc i! %c kn,,w ail ai t u&- . But Rîîîî Ivcnt. rianiser ll Ilte ilýleiiuNîs~, AnhiiLitsn r.ce hoiildting iutt Iuiîuing ail i'in:tiîî înîtil lx- gitis mitr nci ittlitin "lt a nntitt pccttiue iii gcl ji eii i'il( of laîuîhaîtc il , ajn àeuu t n hîs pntîn s.u ic i nc .'cýh . %l àý ý l die I . h o4au tii ic aN.t.s Il) i I lprt,,%tii 1Ilv à#.Iitly % 411>eu min e ani. cui, i I.c li) ii!i .n' iiui Lisn't isct yit lectr uctu'nlur attihuuInic or%'b, Il oi hi,à respnnnihiîniy nof roi'i,nt tir liig<iî cmîîicuîîîs But Mc, Arme.%. xie Iii U5 utia nnnut nncutdanîî ti ut thi, O*ctýii Ieha.*dt sisi, cic th. pnitîinu..i' tict pla ilui envîix an îneauit.iIie. puiltucru ytcnit wr' titltniughti Oritî.urîi OPSEt tttemhils ti ing us îh petriii, Ibpcrâtes li Mýr l.!iCruclt hase steugý'C l iii etu îttdkadeucd Pra.utsnrs. tirk. utnnicnnîneu anti oliiw i a greenîivnt, iii r the 1car, Mlr Arme %did I "Wt coîiid but ptig bai.!k 2's i.trs on ihus"« lic m«uid. - 1 -