Fi' & 501 NigtIy d7 à9:15 Sun o ThuraNw si 7 Fr & SOI Nightly et7 & 9:1 .Fi. & Sei. Nughilly a?7 SOl &Sun. maI. set?2 Fn, Lijai alOilS Sun -Thur.. a 7 OmAé'E JAN Sol A Si.. min-.. 0 Yung sàys Ëëst swapping goo'd Jeal 8Vý;WmffIL'Lgoing down,' satal Mr. Young, rcfrrmng go <ie speioi I TheÇ'hapon witch ot reapong.hilmùeir "ai Sovrmmcny will now tile ôn a 30 ler cep, sharc of welfare, cost l) .Wers 6tal away fmoo Halgon Centre MPU Terence Young bays the iheljuadi,ton. "Su. b, 1998, I 'oId a a.u mwl uki newly annoued edgicaton and w#llare syaiem. ings of up Io 10 per ccnt.'.n litop e se. as U .Jo . . .s reforma aire a good dirai fur municipaligieb. * long as munîcipaliîtcs manage Ihrir altaim efli- glabg" and adding à major Mr. Young, who represantssouthern rural cucntly iwadded, sepOn oMg dowiL' Miltun. noteatihal wetfare colas arc garng; doau. MI, Young saida the actuel dcvelu)pmrn, of a . .... ................... andeducalmonal"ca have heen rlamng. ft>nding; formula for achoot boards ia stitlu gomne. Yom 4ndrreforman unvedeti weck, muiipati- -"h wmll hoI an equai opportily furmule. A ai-huai tics wmi bwe 50 per cent of the oad fur linancing board vaut only lve to know how many studenla% wclfare but shed educalionat levier frot the piup- lacy'll have in Sepiember andl lbcytt kiova hoa Heltitn huard wilt be cicalq wï a lter claie Fui Içny asItai mal. nch money ticy'l gel. We'tl bc tundrng stui- instanc. lkc wa*n't aareic Halluon', Fducaiuunat Mr. Young. a pagîiamcntary assitant go dents, iMç boards," ti sai6 ' Develoriment Charges bylaw. wbîch acnitrni, ,Fducitqitn Minister JolMa Stautelen. noedthe< 166 Huasever. tic acknuvaled4cd hoards wlltmisig4t. effçci lias %ummier as a rncana,,îuiusec apital adda cra Ona1 ai lh.aîdcd ,a n îcm lancike %pccialt!cs sludents 'Ali tun*nin lui nea schoio, via the collection, ura r adalal nfcrage of tiue fier cent a ycw Iu rcaiden- tic faclored!o trc he ftîndungt formula. charge qpj neaaty htil bloifle.% lial ptnopcny tic w The Hahoen board normally hcguns is hualget »Hurece. ho .said ho,. govemmrrent 'auJ be unîr The Halon haia mî ll rate incie ordua ai uMri.duing a bull dcalung as ih devrkîprncuuu icharge, lion n 199W, w, 1.9 petrcent. The figure bas hecli Mr, Young al%,o nuleal. -a large portion orî dCci- As wotl. collectuec bargainîq iauth eduaxionj bcluv ltiur pet cetl siuc 1993. but dafing back t0 Sion malong wilt bc given tu thc communitls. an *ulluonN, w.hich us un pruugrces- on tui Irount% un 19115 the as'er aille ducafuan li;n uncreaae un llalirP alu Ionu ithe neaat.mandaied schtuar councilK ltaluun. shuld CuuntinLv, said M, Y,,,,,, i tu lia. t4ciu 6 C percenes '11 ichit duràl ~ s ad% usuui buausl heir Tunýee K-4Ib discaung ic futlure utf ncuguuluiaiuW .Wec laking awaày tmon uuuuuapaliea a ,âjr local butarts. iuruuîu aci h tIiachers un il spriunt; sc 1u, *ex ewsc ~ugo-I up andl adding à tîiajcurl crisc Mr. Young id, issue.% sficcul'kulls relaîcl lu the, adaleal -MILTONGOSPEL IMALL HOLY ROSARY* 3O6 Ontffo Si N 000 am - Breaiur BreadfR MA Il l45 am - Sunday SC'oo GATH0LICý 6 30 P m _ Goapel Service -CHU.RCH * Wedneaay 73OPm 13 l3MartnS.Mlton Prayer Meatinug and Bible RaandungOM 878-6535 -'Thi, la a faill hr *lnu. that T.T.Y. 878-9044 Chui Jeatîr. ame mt &lS. jet, T Ii Mus et: 5: 30 p.m. Saturday 9 am , 1030a m &12.00 noon ElAHAI ua . WORLD Milton Hoighta RELIGION DAY Mast; al,1O.30 a.rn. Sunday 'unLuJinuin 1911 ST. PETER CHURCH 3i u , gt)l' Lin. efgr iIU(HIFONTE-11141.1 . IMaas ai 9:00 arn Sunday Urace Anglican Church .317.NI&uri Sr. E,, Mltonu the Chaun h ot h, Il,>! 47,S-2411 Re,, Dr Mark MIvl)rni SunLay Services Srltuu luul Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ï- i r, 11u-1 , -fECrone weIrnve- u. . Revs. ' , -1-1.i 76 4040 Earl Taibol PP, David Wyner, Futai<uI W.Odr -Bl O'nrnrnien , ra, aie U3 i ~ Susier Audre>a Auto CSJ - KNOX PRESBYTERIAN *T ERES ,CHURCH ANT.GLOICAN 170 Main Street E., MilIeu HUtC Minstîe-The lIes Raid Le.t,. Lowvitle U 1 T$ DJiaconal Minuier-Collee Smth "151 Guua5tb" Lune ant rIery Fdj 1 U . Ai 10:3 ANISUNDAY, JANUARY 19,1¶007 8:3 A 30 am -Holy Comrmunion 12? MAIN SI, MII.TON ONT Sn ),Wrhp10:30 amn- Mmunng Frayer ~ Sunday~~~~~ ~~~ Worhl cilto io thnor. S e is,, our, gt mcrm umre, 'Nursery & Sundjly Schciol Sotran~ oufrnhee Nwel."gýritaySeU Pronitad Carn, ta WOraNip For ifrmaionr eat 878-0116 Nar trv. rir.V@Mp affIY Parlaing G%Mary Stret Proyer (r Cristian uny ;11 SmuNDAeVI 7 Fni farwr inornauion Ca1Cuu h lv naraK Jau. 1,1 arr torrr.iaro...r..w.,,10.30 àrn. Worahip P_ E LAMP 0F 0 M A Rogular Chatict 99h4Ciaue acud Naqe<ry Caro L@dM&.aey BU ttiBudy' 'Tfurtit 10:30 m ~Songé of he rtu I"tes Conglent *NEW Ef 6620 THIRD LI, Mi.LTONL9T 2XI Phone (5>878-3358 'TTY- t9CiS878-9354 Yb"l paco g las. 0"É Fronts COMlDti m~ Stc Ab . #§aShh Rqg. tfuiarcOflhe »Wa*Mgt01lbymt lAncIay, Jânuary 19, 1997, * 10:45 ar. THE APPOINTMENT WITII GQO' Poslor Daoa Flog. outil ke ahaîtng liai, second part la the Illuslral.d sermoo.. Nu.rsery Care (Abes 0-2) JrChouaren a ChurciAges 3-5) Sr Chua,.n s Churçi (Ages 611) EVANGELISTIC RALLY Pa»lor Don Rogga continues the Januaty Sermon Serge$ "Advanlures In Prayer" Mrtlh.. ,YQU HA~W MOT 1kCAu Y01À ÂS6im Nursery Ca,@ (Aales O 2) Jr Ctuuiêa Cturcir (Agea 3-5) St Chdmen 'Chumhtr A9aa 6- 1)t bw- mmtrua IIIPIIIICI JAM . SUNDAyt4 Pf 1si Lino <Loi i CounrytLan@î Motta, Guelph tune N 01401 - 151h SuO d FIOW 1lai Luno S M32900 (Ne. huome Joyce Hagenttn un alieridance noyél LaPaga R-I 4ol services SUNDAY2 jp fInelndanace MWpie 108servios. 0714101 $MAY É4 pu 462 WlN»l Or. MeeIw AWO>W eet lgandame ReMsa Mlewm AoeI oré. 114 al4tue Lino, rlrié >111*oipt ne Niai 0f401 Plorece i e f0 W "