II ~ bek-oom rasa merf~dout!ls gi mCi Il ulULERA - ftr. f Te. LM 82640 saws Reprssove .Cornu BU)' &ý s'u W'ith We" or. Fiifi base Ibao olg miac cgv hioeu~I ÇICSbcLgI ed90 bjim îcp wwo inAgc'f oa iexpected to bc a very busy yôtr in real estate. If you.are untrectcd in buy- ing or selling your home. please cail me at ahv- ýjme4r a . no pressure"I complimrntary markct evaluation of your present home or just ro dis- cuss market conditions. lntresr rates aZId prices stili remain fow, making i-tthe ideal cime to, rnae a move. Cati sômeone wi'rh a proven crack record.a N mi121 4I., Apr 5à" en."" . / 11S", W4M. «, /1 4r UIDO'If you have befI thinklng of' novlng. pins. caffie mtoday for a PMN8Sufl ME, No OBflIATIloN JEAN SMO WDEN d"F4.Ri 878-7777 Lý.MtMILJOUR -NkM - Asace Broker ..q Mý oaic 878-2365 00a" m 876-4577 .TRÀDEMEn' Thfs cozy brick bungalow in Milton Heeg«i mnakes t convenienti d park your vehices and take advantage of the large 21'xs 42' garage / work- shop. This older honÈleen updafed wiffl fSw Wi511111110 re- shingled, kitohen remodelled, extra insutation and uifliht stove. inside, Vou'If find threte bedrooms, egf-in nitchen, 0041f ootbl WMng rocm and 2904, pafloally islied baisement. Cam UatingUrolkil MSe Milou $158,90 Tou & Coaey ImILU? 8T-..: Tara 829-4m 2rntfe jk O M q ft bunOWp neofIsd amongtf 10.re tros on f .f a -- rat g Cm Pm Pl 05M0Cao b151 Luso ira Sbi f àtârfer ÔPPOrfonety - poelrovS au SM mntun Jean unf, fhi.. fleM ppm, f". ~i UM 0. utine kufOilS. "Uk. LAW o inkpopuiy gor« DREAM 0H 52 GORGEOUS iftaff . sfroum, leids, ftros and an New *49,90QUI A oriont nom, on a 50" X 120, lot. Upgraded windows,. f smodolfsd kifoie, motf rFflflged. frmich t dot, larg e momi il ges firelac cen- tral vacuaum. Cafi Mo* Ufflour for Oflau S mroa Poti 0900u ATmAclwm ~ ho «MW mia mi uib.o., mi .e ,~ ~d S mimsue W wom useu autet 10 "à fh.d, .mi,,ig Md 0" iva ombm" OMM . av mu ,MM" uaie stu M à am SU? bà JOSEPH N FRDACSEK 71h floo vm of chat hafbor & nvec Gruat krmàcUnm 00 Cd.laIl SOLD SOLD