The Cwajas Citiwom, Womsady, Januai 15. tN»7-4R 3 match your persontl limâmces wM thme homo you can aMONd k mas comiing ousvineo withi morey bor- - Take a ïeality check. r'owed'Uîrough a specsial type of borrowing and you ',U bç ha;ppy 'flangomn"'bpw'nsci o oniy acceptable, If you're tinking of purchasing ;our firsi Evert peçple huying miillions ofllar, wérti hoite. you probaisiy have a lot of grearlidea.. of real catalle cake titis route, about whai yoiud likc-s4uch as seyerai chou- Costa, Inivolved - There are two types of sendi square feet of living spacie, a twîî car cocs in huying a home. garage, large fenceli lot,. oneor (wo fiec , kh antount of moîsey you'l necd for te mi- and a panwanlitmc vicw, nl titis consists of tise down paytnent But it may ke tinte for a reaFtiy chers. and oitter cîlsis stâis a% legal fers ail taxes. Micit firsi-inte buyers% waint ikîir dreant home and; nightgway. However. tisai dreani honte likeiy ý the ongoing cosîs tif payîxg itack yîiur mort seils for severai hundred thousand dolidcri andt gage'i. aiiing ih mantir> ui¶ersting costs for the clown payntent is more chan >ru car in l) utititics. mntnance. insurance and anituai years Not lt mntnton îhe ntdnrgagepayments- iopefly taxes e wlticis arc. thte tîntes your Aanthly taive-honte Wtkn lettders asseLss your ihitity ýiî$tuy ikey salary! los hut, >our ailit> lit hoth types ai cii i n The isesi way tn deal wîîh thîs reatiiy i, à deterntining Iloiv mauch mnsy they milt tend match your financial t:apaiiîtie with tke holte YiiU tisai mesv a.% mas> îîf ynur tweds as possible. Severil factors - They use >eversi factors Many Iirsi*iime hayers purcisas wisa s% cons in judging yîiur hiiiy lt hmiidte a moîngage. maxi> knowsn as a -si.mrtýr honte- Theres% inciuding yî.ur inte. enîpioyttr cadai sisti wnîing witis qhts appri.iaiiî In tact. ilis crrdit wariisincss litawesr. tere way yîîu cat gînvi colmuait sense lt a moid hu> in~ a homne çstimiate tise rie range )ou casi accoîrd s% ta that wîtt streicis your budget t ilis hrcakixg lilv ai tise amîîurtt ai mime> yu hsave availahie point. Rententher. illi staller isiit sýjusi tisat- lora du%& n pamyment, a ssay ta gel sirted it 1 sîng-iecrt teal esiae Tise ainsi cîîittcon miiflgage 51a coinvention- invesititeuta mi itîtg*ge Tý WCe how mucis >au can actord. yiîu sisîuid lit cii type af arrTigerrent. tenders sitt loan ltie a close lomok at >liur tinarcliumi il flie up tM 75 pe ceu ii ½îit. ippraises value esti- %asj ntafity if licine hxîyers laii the iuxids îtated mnarkset saine> rit îhk properi, or tke pur- requited iii huy a hante witioat â.sssance coini chmue pnice. whickuver is ieu 'ise remaksing- a isankoxr (tcher tîxancial lnstiiutii ic(ntiiuWly c4liesi a lender.e Sai) or stlosi f)f us. huying our irsi hotme REALiY'WORD 241 TmERSU 5 EPL2 25 per cent is lit aenr you twill conînisute as a down payment. If you want tei buy a home ctiahs an appraised value oifS200.000, a iendermaly loan yau.lspe cetorS$i11,000on a convenmona i miage wheb youootribule a down payment.ofS50»il. ~ If you plan Io horrttw fundls througs a coin- ventionai ntorlgageeltiply thse ntoney you bave avatiaisie for ikMnpayrmnt isy four. For -instance, il you have..access tIo $40.000. you tnay ise ahle tri purcise a home witis an appraîsed saine of $160.000,4140,000x 441i60.000>. 'Mis assumnes oîf course tisat you isavç suffi- dient tiincm la makte lise payntents on a $120,000 gacc ele. Mosi lenders twill soi per- mit i~ boeowert 10 aie on a deisi ioa the bor- mýwei rani1 carry. fiai's wby repmtame ienders quify potentiai isinontets hfomS issîaing mort- gages. Mivn tenders say tisai yoiar roontly hoîasing expenses mocigage paymntcns and taxes), pins contdomninium «maintenance tee, if appieasie, shouisi ont enceed 30 pet cent oîf yimur muintisi> gross f4miiy incote. This s% caiied your Gtss Detît Servie traio If youtre tisinking of bu> itg i home, taiS iii a re air fr tin it nfoîrmation. 878-1526T 120,10.0 UCAPMM Picurequ 21TTj, 88R oc-es wîh tro hyrO tw otrt tr otln J Clsàotw MSCOTeTiîson!wrt BROKE $94.000 LLPOND REALTY INC., BEALTOR StvI~Av.,M t 8, 876-0633 lasur Answering Scavice httip /Ivw milip< -77 SCUNI ACME tepatate cinqg rout IL hWr mm, brio wwny nerf euthwoxd bsing sixue. ucousicat grxutd sourceI neairçý cgYvonr 7-MO91 SPECTACIILAR VIEWI TOP 0F MOUNTAINII 28 aiauiwxlui edactoes.rails, MitxTeos cofu, ~guest cabi,.4 bdM conteîxgxrary homeeatinv ki lchen, dintng & lting room waux fireplace, libra r> ofic atim rwlclCdYon CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL ESTATE LTD. 189 Main Street, Milton