t-7uC&nlsdan Châtmplon, Fridry. Jaé'uamv 17,1097 -ADVERTII TED. CLIH MPPu;-, alton 1996:, "A Yeaàr of Promises Kept-" 1 iý4ffcuI n fe ,'lri . tebu ge Kitncl dNIoS 7 .Cra d t lit, i d vrdoi.slf pargig sal(f bliwT eitiuino lvat collgeo"(ictr whh wVl cln(Amie Io Jveivrr wtt,, we ilrnîrîr, tant mtîri tri iddressing' OîYliô wili te ilie 4tit rlii proîîîîsel vveti nl Ille tir e ri yvolai .ulurthbea1u (are rveds Canadla i<riîllro)duL, ( "vpîI',' si opposition 1 houglît l i vrcuid be iFor inqilitn, eest ing mFis nivalî~e ~. L'I ar' mportant io bring ou upé lo dite' drug haebr lnuw whlîa thuir d'udreîî irc il,e, one etf Jie isov Ià a Yu have ..il prverti rîu , aehe rie are ýr,ur pelonres added i rlihe Otario lîrug lenetit l.îughialoi] lîuw weii tlievre learoi il, lit I.. ~ r,'c 11 liîdos ri.grafin beeîî encîîuraged tiiînpientr'riî tiltir TheIr, iEcoI1IoI y $25 mîîilionî I:î, additiuîîai fonds given ,iwî sch,îiti comisiiîîii poi d W.' promised.iro ireaîe fiîrîdreds of lo 18 Illîsplîais Ili tas[ grîiwiîîg grasîr,îuîs advice l-u rrgviti,, lhousanris of jobs. deliver tas relieif> w ninunilie Io, liîep crpr' wîî h le isvii, ofi s, hboni t,îirigîîrt elimiîîaîe the delicil aidvrruve flev p'tpuiai,'s grotill and educaiioîî iuîding wiii Ibtsv'îîiedc 'lier t', Ilare hr resiis e<il ni fr i niîîiîgli o card,a surgerleç bras' i, "ar[ey are. ol (oulrse. crilical 1 ie te rsuis ) ft C bhen increas'eil su thi otre suirge'ies issýues Ilt à.U resIn linlîe rv.1tîli iîl th in u li amid Aigusi file Oniariiî . are perir'rnîed ami waîtiîg lisis oi ,ur edrîii 'air svsieîin ttr,)IeilliI ecufntiv urr'aied 45.0010 fwi lien lobs reduved lundinîg for lite c iassruttrrîns t i l'e a This tr'ii,,ed thç lirst phîase of ie las. Pror itr e wîde mieasies vacinaio ,, itgh prtority in ailjecisittii.ntarit' v ut aîî, constituied h.'irigrs arnd iî e rgaisfrpienoi in empiçil miii sin[e 1989 Thi,- aî te pornsut nuiîia hrofughi ihr"lîtiai number 6ôt oibs c onditions and Ilepalti B have îîeeîî Safer crealed statie Julie 1995) lo ai inr e foC969 eslimfated 127.1100 Provincial income ' $7 . milionii is coimnilid uner the CoI11,unities i tef was deliired for the firsor teie live years for a oturse praiclilioner We Promîîed touprilvkii auiniosphere :,irin ton(Y Yrars oui July- 1, 1996 prilgrani ernsdiirng pubic'tafei> %îîur sireets and il our homes Wr' hYgD.ade when our pr-trini il tan raie iras Liiukîng ai iiong termi soutuion s inrcn ipstad mrvn reduced fimn 58% on 54% A funiîr preveniion and redistribuiing 'u r intvn %tpiWrs npoi reductiôn~ou wsiiln"eonjuayPubic safelir and reformting Our systeutr redciôn asînîieieîedonJanae 'heiîh cire resources where ihey are* "if usîice and wili continue tu do su i. 1997 wjîc iowerrd Ille OUlarîn rate muisi needed wîii guide the phiiosophy ýSome uft he highiighis àre lu 49% uf ilhe basic tmrai lax. When uf future changes uthattcâ fuiiy impiemenîrri. 91 % uf Ontario Onaî ougher standards frdînIlO r0 laxpayers wîii sekiheir iax raies flu by Bo Hard of Paeroie decisions ah u *30% and 635.000 iow tncomr releasing violeul i %(tnders i, on I he Ontarians wiii'pay nu tax a( ail 1e Excellence in communîîy, For Illte firi tritte erer h 1996 Budget Siatemeni repord ihai Bo Hard is derwing parole mure iie-t t he governmenl was on 4racli lu. Educ ation ihan il grans parole IIancing the budget by U.be year 200ff We Promised lu retorm Oniarin*s .elecîoif monuluoring as a cosi 2001. In tac. tht pruiected defîcît for educatilu sysîrm and eiouip the neul ellicien, way Io monitorn "vloent nexryrar is $6 6 billioun. a reducio on genreraîtun of studenii 'ii he loils - offeniiers inithe cummunîîy-j more than 40% since our governmeng neeessary t0 acquire high-paymng, look office mn 1995. Wih the clîmaîr mn producXse tobs in ai ncreasingly modernizing our'correcional taciliien 1 mnam~rp o rwh h comperitie global mnarketpWje. We and replacing oider and ineticleni jails goveî ment ipoi g Ontario h ave made somne adjusimerits whîctt wîlh a mure cotir-efficient sysqemn ut ihrnough major initiatives such as we belleve wîîî go a long way in foire larger stale of the ant instituions. 'Markrî Ontario" 7t n proîrcî is an creaîîng a modern education syslem for This initiative will reduc& the daily cusi effort to ensur Uht IIIp ihe year 200W. the province, Some ut the hîghlîghîs of keeping a prisoner from $124 per i nvestorn recognize Ontario as a are lisired below.,d day toi about $75. and save taxpayers preterred invesîmeni location in Norith A new rtgorous and memanding $7and $0milo runn yearoc ts Amerîca and an excellent place lu doan uing 0 c~ n urrifulun is being implemented thaqi n rodcreaie tubs , will focus on the balles. Curriculum $i.92 million i pand the Victiom stanh1ards will be c ,lear. measurable and Crîsîs Assîslanc and Reterrai Service Q uality Health cumprehesveoing a gre se expansion of the DNA crime iab ai t&~ We promised thai we ssuuld proiect, the We ar« eeolgamr oue Cenler ut Forensic Sciences. making il heallh cane bug and'Mevant four-yearprogram -or i bdet ai S17.4 billionm and oeè h eti ot mrc. I look lowards building' a yîm hi igh schopf soudenas.00oth:bsnNri mri. a sysent ilia There are mamby;oiher initiatives th4i couid serve. the needs ut a changîng Fundin for innovative uses ut vr aeusedttuhu h demographi, nr etteci. baîidl a mudern lechnologjoy 'in the classroom ha, bee f 1996 hIefuse mhoughedomat on healîth cire sysîem Ion the fnxt 'doublcd. Ici $40 million and incrcased cors an g nin progirn jilease * millennî4n. Here are sonne highiights. rsiud access lu distance.educain o.aygvrm and lb iete. rp me a line ind my staff twill assist lite have roll"Mn profecîrd the healo-h lad tre.youa Workfa're brih $ it46'11v$1 sii l'il1);, J., 7% ' ý)lIIari.iiis oe, n wiia eW lîîd [he liigie*î pe't îr.1elarie tres InI Ille cri,is In 19'>9, i o ipigi'i ,îj ir tirtîlsie 1,, bruit; lfl"ul fondamîrental 'rv1'rî, i' orr'elr steu ilîciiIig rld,îi uv,'iire rihi 21 io'r.tgieui *vt1ihîIhI1 w ilir )igard i4, %ouliîg pvelie. ommil lias tl.il5siîips voiuîîîar, (reailîrg .1 tugTî 1 trif Cnt'r,l,i tiir. aînd inriiirrîîîng a M-1itilr if, iiulliîîe The resul'I d (r,rt nwiir, rius-gar have' scr a 27 7'!4, redur 1iî', nl ws'eltîre r aseloîls A survev b%îir ,'i1, the miiiîr% q, <1trmnluîl,î,% Me, Social i,, nsid thac ot t hse ishi ijîd l i t he' sv>letir <rf " 9, lourd lui] lime n ,îrk, lpart toime worls, or a betier lob Orîr ' or-klare progrintt is nri 'iiiv, abotl urnbers, rl reprisenn,î foindantenîsil reltîrot Il wit plan iocused ion ard iselpiig buose trapp'tl rn [iem spsirm and gtilîng ltem the hure antd support lhry rier lti order lu re enter sotCiv as seit suffîtci jrx uning citixzens There are tdi e çumpunenîs it Worktare: rýMPffVmeni Supports, Oriteiî 1 5