6--rh. C-"-a Clutipon. Wë&-dey!M 1uuly S 1997 *COMME NT Box 248. 191 Main St. E., U CmoftSlmu Petialu -y~ WuewoA ai Milieu. Ont .L9T 4N9 . aýn ', 19 U- S E MU, Çg. LIT4lft 2a48) à - e t%. acana Pvea, P~a.b. A oain,Ae Lu o,« .1 A (905.) 878-2341 - ..... . P- x A- / pctla Mi Fax:878-4943 c*Pl cOmu~luU. we-cOl u t y-% am-t Claisiied; 875-3300 o wuTmW.~ftlwà Ian Oliver pUhiSher S. Mldla.i huin P. MU,., MU fk«te Nei oiveT uu P.bl,,t,, McIU O04 AM-a O.lut odA09, OSiWb"t, CI- - t Rob Kelly fjg, i WM. Pobhasw Ts«W. o --i~ MU 1 TbaM 5.$Likhal 5Cf.,,Ogft Mli,, tlf ti..mi Hdm.C&90idhh mIT~PTa TIWS t~ AMaMa A« A e U cft Trd CIU Office Mwaieer min teeu iti oaf.a 0 .010 A U~1 TioýCole Pni,,c, Umvîge N esiMi Ut W P e MO bOiS 01i ffl SunSm"eDns,îf'va uê~ tMa ul ""W -t~ -A ii mw &it.1u mim« si,, 1.. n. seamb M iT. Ted Llàs" Réfia Sal, Mua..l,., si. dom .~ .W pe tUtasd. It me.at ta lôOt- - t i -~ M Event when times are not as good as thèy havç been or could be, the heartwarming generosity of s-' many Miltoýn people cmn be more than toucbing, it cmn be deeply meaningful and movmng. . 'Mat was the case'in the run-up to, Chrfstmas, as people rallied around this newspaper's Christmas "Bureau Fund to help those irned. In all more thail $2 1,000 was raïscd, far surpassing the ggal of collecting $ 16,00<) to be used for Christmas -assistance by the papey's pantner in the ______________ drive, the Salvation Army. 7 Christmas Is such a fragile time for so manvy Pagee of th those with"littie hope, scant resources, fçw fricnds. This community rcached out- to, thçm in liait sharpty 'fla, VAff1 ironîc season of mass% çeleb 'ration counierpointed by pockets of shame and suffering. Ini. bc. This town made thinigs a Iittle-easier, 'a littie ,*tt)nni. Mi w armor, for those who Milton hein were doing withoui, and. .01 bul sut a li who couldn't explain to a-ili regtin their children why that WC geibtt was so. wheb it ana SUA L kdçnls a-ee Alîi thîe better ta oMui ciudre many participated, that day. White the donations came both $21,000 almirett in large chunks from the A Mîlli affluent and smaller ones charges fai from thc countiess others. $14.000 allegedly t who gave what they WCtins. could. who organized col-- lections at Christmas par- $700 20 Ye4 tics, who did whatever it . toqk toi help. 1 - Renvim In Uic end, beyond thc spirit of selfless kindness. Pud * this was a gift of hoçise. Hope rekindled diat thc world is not ýuch a jad place, * pcrhalis, because there are afier ail, those.wbo will help thc less fortunatc unconditionally at a time wbcn cveryone sih"uld be able to rejoice. It is, a gift shared - * by botb givtr and recipient. And perhaps that is 'in -kcepîng with the truc spirit of Christmuas. ls Thank you all so much. -Rob. Kelly rrom the January 17. 1996 issue ne% wsurld ut Greaier Turunqti Arci i(TAi Itoai ppcred fu K in litumN Proupusal bail g retca.%cd tram the hoieids t Ialtaei Regmun. Ili parner in the Kroupuses ('.reaicr.-Turunuî Yul Gord Keit compared the neos% prou),saI 1i govemrmni implementation in 1973 -Did r guîvernrncni'?' aski:d tIa mnayr, "No way vince iuuk sieps luward wip.ng ui mcâflIcs iounced that Onianui*% eicentary schaul %tu- la, receive a mecasites vaccinawmai Nifare fmne. n received.a icask's shot afiet their first hirth- the fint shoit wa, said ia btc effecive fur about if children. a aecuncdse apparenily protecied tecent oif children. on Merchant h7&kcy playcr faced criminat Iawing an incident duning the warno up iii a jite Bramalea Blues. Mikon's Dive AuMienm ndered Blues» farward @bis Heran uncun- a cmhocheck dsang a melde hetwecen the Iwo rrs Ago mmU th. j"Marj 19,1977 illim tRod Lewis tuas chosen 'as Mltion's Citien of the Ycar fur 1976. Afier only six ycars in ihe cuomunii Re% losusias necogni>etd hie "gi uug his finie wittingy andI unltishty foîr the heitermient tif ln, cuotOInuflity Aiouig a tlong tîsi ofI acu.urnpu.tiooenis, Res Tcwx, scrcd Niu iui8d OtuagttPetvea lunhs ssusle iut Alcîîhuuue iunnous ' adu i tic %tîlt,:n Ytuit Cîflontut nd uokedeîenusel> viith he lauî 1i A banquet .as lu tic hetd h) the %ilias (haintier olt. Cummierce tu houtaun humt Ruihmond Scitaul. thti last unc husim schusillaiusc lx- ulusCd in Halîaii. 'as a tapic of dehale. Muttun cauntutl hupied ta pSwrve the vacant scitauthausc "i leaioslum il it a lcarning resource centre fui outîku.. cagaiui But euoosemîs arose about a-ha waukl kc respotuIble lu, prec sero'ing ans d iieraling il. Nassagausya cuaicîl tiad eumcdL il user ml lthe Hallitn Counîy Museum Assomciatiuon for prescuvatian. but lte associatin had heuonne inactive, leasing te schualitaus lu) falliplnti dccay. 50 -Years Ago From the. Janumary 16, 1947 kmu -Teagedy stnock Muýffal when lthe nof a farm)ers. bain caltapied. killing à nine-yeae-old boy. Billy Laingdicdd almpsi insianlly when tic wua ptnned uni Ébtof aice. situan d limiter. fIle leagedy a-as camputdd hiâer ltai day wite lte boy's mother fainuam lte exitausitiont ai lthe ardeal. Site to paaaed aa-ay. ig never recovend fncta loti spei1 by Steve Neaw 9'.Pasir.