4-Thie Caiitn ciusý. WeUiuud@Y, Jmumy 15, l1407 PumfftUe'UsusI,,tun'Skiérs, bheware of hili ess oicesrenù lir te pùw- ailit 21id-puii i" police molnanS Police are warning skicrs go wale)i ulicir prupcniy In Fank hillPs- onstble lemecla olloiaserrcs of receni thefts ai Gien Eden. acietta lefIi Jb co..o onue kpaadtttit f die aoutbhltid fl% skilacility ai Kelso Conservation Ac has; heen Po ieB n r Hlton *rdgona ofuio enle rs ahnfco atrMnj iIosouI bit wîîh ntumems thefis of enipmnîri lefi unauen.ded A amRg"Fo Hw cruse wa-b r TCelUi p lObaim I~i> anti cars bave bcen oken inia as iceil. lh ri i iECDuytîhSbo amy7 eUîg 9rtboind th Ify. ai$8000 fic leangveilc. . Illenlio cebuefinvlvd a wlle beingsilcn 11, suspct allegLdly puncbcd a lf.ycar-okla.udeni sinack fromi belinti hy aW ca nh 0 y -a 800 ' l11svil sds frein the dash oif a car Fniday sbornlyhiefare 2:30 p.mi. iîvkh boul ai the Ontario Stree chi h o sbaly aller 2 401 ocerpluas shily belote midnigbi. crîbelà aP Gii 1119c M modleqJ lM HhnRgoa oiesi.'pn h itmsfèe]au to isrgie j'Ill car, describei as a dask vrin ffilI- paaicngr ca. posiby~ Halion Reg.ior al lel oait th pv.f liie vîctn sayfcrg idja thei bi nh lion sizeti vebicle. continued nôrihbound. 'Ietiewilà hâWduloag IDa lield- bra h ind or wall.cl o e pihe as %i Sie aîn B Plic d fî Edupc fii ia f licei brry, hin glidfhg Min the vouibbound laue and H#kbtond tail DbIX." Sei. Phullips saii. . . Roy> Smith. *Wc are rme.in piesidLi ialiK» ilogdy aigoedcio the oday îîff ibe prcly abut( slaiking anoter ca. Ci Haio police ai 825 .4747ý . s"db aigriprclenofingi resideéi ihaik a alteeyiurcati oe. wct i1ksuIanga Medtswhile, lte ciufser souri arount 2115 or. Ceijie Stoppeg ai 82S-8977. 'bil k iain Pr,,,e IIî poel îî uaîccîa fiTo ide lirke a wîudow anti snaiskýd ilu. wallet. Ilyuhis ciarged a.v &%slî anm andi bccame immobile, flhc green crThe Mlion OPP (879-230l7) is alto fllc.yonlb " nly dentiicatonhhproon die led the icorie ucutboem on Hwy. inteaigatingUha acidetg QUC LUB. : * o Efl>c1U 1E UB&TTr RlI Buift in Canada Io endure aur h&s Cananteri 'Covered by ar nationwide warranly ~ ~ Ir A4 i v p ouse rammaiclati Pot recovered. abri charged Resîdenis of a Dny Road ornle .Jju.t (oveoui flwic mcNbf po ed policte haMging 21 .ycar old for a few beurs when a Ihief limite in Ffiday. Court Sircel man wilh po%çssst)h of a narcoiic lasi . Thie culpniq. who ransacked sveerai roins, made aif Wcdnesdae. witb a ticlevision. VCR. sicrdo and jcwcliy ate fc- Ani officer on pairmi cbc4kMc oui a parteil vchicle ing upen a side doçr fttween 230 and S p.m. ' oc.,upied by a man in UIl vUgrSmcni Ftwci on Sixili The losi peopcnty was worih about $3.000 poice Lina. souih of No. 15 Sidcrîîad shoaily be(ire 10 said. pin . police sid. - ot chrc lia tdt Thfli consiablc detecicd the odouir of buming man- Juaila scacbdd.t car andi fond 4 sinail arnodni of A 17-ycar-old. Mîlli youih faces charges aller a' pot. às t aschool FMN Theste l o cal /ids n eed a frje nd F m local kîds rcally necd a Th IlI r h lcmsin 'O And a prpgrami aimcd ai helping in 1 school seiling-, The vuîlun- those kids oui rcally nçeds santie icers in the îînc-îî-one prograni volunici. fosier sCl-cstecm in ihe kiis, lb, FIn'ends' prograwn iv Iookiiig ,Training is pnovàdcd. _ for ouluncer I., befrenti cIcmeln- Viîolunicers mu"-4i 18 or aidef. P t touy, s.ch ag ed chiltiren for ont '.Working peuple oficu use one hour N'cek, dui tscbool day ,lnhhour peir wecci ta mcci wîih a aiIiccid b cool. laid. Pcdiple froni student aile ihrough 10 senlars.ure insiîlxed witi ib pritgram. An îî)rîcriatiîn taîli le helti Tucvday. ian 28. l4or more iniir- flltiaf. i.alI 8178-23l75 or 42.91211, esi. 282. - The program i% a paflnershîp amongilic Halian Cliildrcn'. Aid Society' and ihe Bi regional boards iii educaiiont - BWIEPLOYMEN OPPORTUNIY SCONTRCT-RJLL-IIME * GENERAL SUCRETARY 6*I.mup OMM ho toà %omku. y MNW hme iâ g ugd = ..M> ot1 . v.omtwà ui CO CMAina mà 0*o4i.m o.in para. sas ln ia mlird àW Mud ir llis T.m.mL *amm 2 1m macailbmWmcopiummi*O o i. doitdiem a Utà.*d fatmi~ cm Mmh gaitl ans Mon"1tomiii. ADULT FÉOLK ART. O.'PAJWINTINGUy >Ift n ic esW to 9mmI a8rf Faand te aoel p tIiM ài>nid' ui i tomw 0 buihiogqion*ta. 1PILSMslwttanm w TOWN 0F MILTON *AcJ Row>'t qo"r ehL4.l do MW ut4iî .,o the mmi rbnî eJnw VWhsM, iTown of kUku mihd*OltoIM" Mmimt Tuqbdmy.Jii.mm"iiO7 ilrno 7:0 pi IntSOpm Town OUi wN bu on hqnd «Ws~ (se~ ~ ~ ré lIDu aiimo MW cm --noira i14wn£ pai amamod anwt, tmn prgés Nr ima mmt: NOTICE TOY EIIICLE OWNERB B3Y.LAW 1M64-1 sy-Iawl 194ý1 PM1,ihit pmtI*g on Mny TIownutu dw~gU~~ntsr moU. No6i 1510 Aiil à bow2âhoric t= i it i E