Trustee says: P týb1ic meetingsare a wise move By TIN WHrYNEt.L Burlingion Tnisiee Dlianse Leblovic said %choaut bout~ Chair Linda Glover did the %is hillg in sîding wiîh tic majonî(y of brsee y maiing ail future special meet- ings on sebool cia- "bfl»e sure-relaied issues I1fil*5g ope t thei public. wliy en or"â - Ms Glover bail eitt*epbhc iold board menm- lap hky bers a planned meeting would bic " in 'W an informai session di.Is,'uI. and as sudh would ... bc held bhîhnd ckosed dom. But tbai didn't sit well wihr MU Lxblovic. Her motion of December 16 bai vçsultcd in the posiponenseeet of any dteci- sions on sefirol clomue and necesitaied the nord for iftformalmon rneeings on the issue. She staled in her motion the mice ings sliould ke hld on Monillys as waon as possiblein thenew yeau *1=sno rtason why any of Ibis ciI iakc place in public, flic moton was donc in public,"' sad Ms Leblovie. noting any aspect of school closurs, whetbcr dircily or indircctly relaleil, sbauld kc domc poli- bicly. 'li's lieufe l0 cri- on the sc.' of caulion. You havc Io have a compciling reason to go in-camera, observcd Ms Lclslovic. Thi privele nature of lasi * Monday's meeting was lost on ubout a haif-dozien citizens who * mgularly attend the board mecet- ings ai tkey showcd up ai the board office cxpciing ta ob!erve the proceedlings. 'fic closed nature of thé meeing aso didn'i sil wcll witb the majoty of tnisics Aller about an haut of debale in a con- ference raom uthe1 board offices, as t0 whehkr ikey slould ke érgaging in con- versaion in lîfc or private, Ms Glaner 1kedth titffsooli reconveic lte spe- cial meetings in public. Dateline 4rhom DATIEUNE on pope 10 Satiirday Jain. 18 1i1e Miltuon Seniîre' Activîîy Centre, 500 Chilis Dr., bolds lis %econd annuai Robbie Ban. Party. Ilic cvcnl fcaffures a icadi. flottai siî.down dinner foIIî'wed by Scoitsh dancing, and rcading of Robhiic Burns' pux!iry. Dm-,s opsen .a 6 p.m. 'licl coi us$18.CaII875 1681, - flic Woten 'a Ministeles of New lfe Pentecoatal èhurch isîlds a 9 a'.ni brakfasI wilh gucsi speaker Dcfîbie Dnîng, wio) was diagnoseti Âas% a quidnplcgic. but a ycar laier walked à) n i he aisie ai ber wedding. 'Me church rs i<caicd ai M620 MdIS Line Ticket% comi $10 ('ai 878-3358 fur reservalions. Tuesday Jan. 21 . Thê Victioan Ordcr of Nurses,. hîîfds a foot ceredlpfùr il ihe Briuce Apafniitf40 Onianii SIin 1:3m Io 4 p mi Ille Ulsi is $15 F-or furiir informaion or an apixonnmni.'calI 927-88(i Font care clînics are hy appoinimcmt oniy. Thbc Calllng New Parents (roup mneis ai Cherîsh parent Chl Centre. 540 Cbilds; Dr. trum 1:30 to 3.30 p.m i-or more ini'ormaîîî, cali 825 hO0î), exl. 7365. ROYAL BANK APPOINTMENT M&. i) l a N u 2D hiallai s N lit bu* in mariae- mat and Ilendity e Il l.umid~ ruqaa un lblin- -' u aldi dapswtaid dwao fd lun tecuag Ontaro Mol Bu rq*ea Cfin R ma j f raawm Anae lîvmw. .Nubauratg nata Eaë Fi ~ r-s BWIK PO Tnat FeC Damié SmulaaRte Bi cti on Met ad IDC maursam Gmul, lau i tuali Amuf flttan pouiu 0 la-ilies flic first of ihWi Monday meetings was sebedulcil t0 siari foll<ýwing Monday' s (Jan. 13) rcgulariy schcduled 7:30 p.m. boaud finance, commitic meeting. Far kr pant. Ms Glovcf said sfic didn*i have any sinisier rcason foi wantîng la hold thk meeting of trosics, supenien- - dents and the edu- DM ÙOtIW 110 cation direclor un iylhmgfr privaie. "l'm nl tryîng t0 y iB"d 0 jou~ bide anylbîng front lrying Io sireamlii .............<... the proces, Ms ~g ua Glover said. "No decisions wIli kc mai. We'rejusijoing la cîcartl air ail figure oZiî wkere-we are going. 1 don'l wanl ta bave a public meeting and nol kiiow wicre wc amgoîng." , Thec board cbair saîd il was neyer ker intention t0 make ail of the special Morilay meetings privaie, affairs. only the initial one discussing bow Ihe maller sbould procecil. Dr. James A. Isaac la pleaseci to announice (liai wîIl Le joînînq Lîm in[Le prisclise ofl General Deniastrya <s1 14 W'lsaon Drive. For Appoiatauwntà Cail 878-0000 or 878-286 TIJESDAY-SATLJADAY 10OAM -3 PM 207 Main SL E. 875à4010 YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISOR e PPÇP a PIV GM i-.A fit/c 151. ti Fuma 20120PIC,> *RRSI' *RRIF Call ir W-m i~ i i. iaciai l îci '1 M ilAi Fi NDS - i 111 INSUIIANCI, 1I iFNANCI il 1iiS IONS ANSWEIA UIA',c1 Fi F151 Il CAi ES MAiAIIL- Rihsni St, l..îks ii 8115-1325 i <~Ik 4 Special Éeatureè- " Dady' Housekeep:ng " Persotial Ludr Service "Persorized In-ftoue .Decorating Servic * Fine Di ning a Sa CSrnp1eýnntry Shuitte Bus Sen*£c HEIIITAGE HOUSE Pleasant Retiremnent Living Call Ua hIquire Abou t Our .2-Week Introduc tory, .Offer! - Elsjolf a Tour & Tisa ai Héritage Houa Jomn ua ait our picturea que rural retreat Il Long & s'hoft-term accommodaturns *24.hour nursing assWsanýè available Counry ettig m Guelph 21113 Cordon Street