4,COCP -MW. CWsien0Chr9bto&n, WatBSIBy1» I comunliy potq.r Co-o ALLEN% yo"r NICIIEAL RAm REGIONAL MUNICIPALIT 0F HALTON 185 Ontaio St.. Miltoni Q Vour Grat Food yo< eIý Aoetaru 876-4731 45 Chisliolm R<r Mifton CArTfURIE 18 Thompson Rd. Milton 878-7422 - WCEMMMDO l l 2350 Traf aigr Rd. OalcvilIe, L6J 4M2 AUSClD T W tb4, Yov, l &rW Y.Y O hoi Ca-aperative Éducation pro. gram bias heen a auccosul learning Aýuie l4IIiday experience for the. sttidents at & uay Coutney ihop P.F. Reding Secondaay 147Ot.d.sAR # School. We strangly believe thal Homby. ont"to OP 18 when education and industry work togethdr the. resoît cau only croate a "WIN WIN" situation. Tbtb ettdeat'a expérience at the workplac. in the. main locus of the pr&gýçsm compenent. By qnalysing end rellecting on this experl4içe. the. student jeau how W~Intograt. and give maing ta hie or ber own Iii.. W. hapdItc, biter positive atti- tudes towardes chool und work. a willinguns ta learu and take rempatisibility and tfi'twersoal skiflh. W. would 11ke ta taIre tli oppartuni- ty ta exprobs aur sincoe. thanke for the. time invffted in thie training and develapfi.nt of Bl.hop Redinge co- op studentsl. Withoul the. assistance ai the felbowing employer@, the. apportunity ta gain ýpracticaI experi- once in.a work place qnviroument wquld nat be a r.ality witiiin aur oducatian system- Karmax H.avy Stamping St. Peter% Schael Halton Reglonoi Police Farce Alendal. Northemn R6il.ctons Bahir Saddlery Enuckle. Spoft Shop 'I.Iu.Y* Milton Complote Automotive R.C.MP. Gmag~wn» Marli.pkla eaIti Centre Our Lady ai Victory Scbaol XcDonald's Reetaur=it Elta. Schaol oi Equbtlon Taglieri Waodworing Jo.#Auto Sales and Service. Race Travel lwqy Roeary Separate school Adult L.auldng Conter matqp Cuaa Noua. S hoetPnblc Uchool to