1997 - LOTS MORE CHANGES IN TRAVEL! SmLliowo mnw, mdu XNVOIMATION THAN I&VER & " or bihase Nd blusescua have never bal k so jouit Mmt oppealtaiy for mèdre kâmwi* nd ce la hdm mmr dimvcm. Aid à wIl likeIy jei blle. bo dicte will ba. suo til à ind iaL Whknc - aulPaya prit. .. hur meaawhmleE.ERYDOD iHOULI? GO AND) DO AND> BE - YOU HM HA!) IT SOOOD IN THiÊAB IN CANADA! wooldhbiithosewu only ou Naional enriff . Alon w»te hw Md bciemi à puy poilHt sac i dmem dates of ite lImlify in bis iav rois doc'iu.a@F adW11sas dm us otm Jas Wa ill kg ma~ VACATIONIS &be ll sie a" îfyot*ettolo iiiorDa die Cu»ci Io a rmxt or go on à ahaace. lhiteas uwoaah couiçeléboh for da vias- twomfm,.cdolla. dias the coita have hie, kept do"e May, gooi Then dice -luie minuit: dwWciaiaimi wall can.ps a te drop ofaà bu ad cmi take ouinae of a Lm minte sejloffwhich "My be show u,t aad availale si Most travel agencici. B KINO IN ADVANCE ES ST!I YOUR BEST BEI' dogh. in gel (0 golP~ YOIJ CHOOSE! CAN YOIJ BELIEVE IT RUS OME 25 YEARS since WALT DISNEY WORLQ op Rlia onda? And din(la fil die ai- Itmdthave becs si-c Eth bisaonsç 1die #1 gonal for Catauna esdeally aie wh yoaag chidren. to go dicte ai leau oace. (Many. may go bock yen fo e - uaying on site and living dic lief) We bai visîted Disncyland i Colifomia bcfore dict vias dit location in Flridaand ohdauatcfit bock in dic 10s. Magie lOngim Pul vian die orig- inal spci a Or loecao just oa"i Orland, uni widi au dumany nc*Ulm .ls ISTIl£ YFÀR TO GO TO DISNEY W)RLD tojlois in the quitr Cesaury cclekalson. v I O D WNO M Dg - Iý 997 WALL AND POCKI CALENDAS werc ve@y weîl rereivclsin agaisi yen* ow offices lhqe tee teill a fcw rdéeains if- da4n't go yours. but hwy in!' Yc e. es ie ÉeeI dies you'l ha puwl for aay0iag 'Yojw Professional Trvel 9 and Crndse Offciis *Ile lmation fl.,&Ba. -, v - IDàtelinje, -.-.. 'i *troun DATEUNE ont pagaiE2 nng. FSor minformation. cail 842- fcllowahip from 11:45 a.m. In 1:15 2170. P.m. Tueo u.1 Paae,â of grid g slademi attend- bua<qan 6 ing Milton District Higi Sc"oo in Milton seul orst cave on a bus September ane invited te, Grade & excursion 'to Ceaima Niagara. Parents NIs. Thic evenimises place Includeel in lte trip is a visit t0 tbf ' n dia.Willisam Avenue scboèl's th1e. Niagara Greenhouisor )to- sec aIr ige 7 p.m. 'Spiglm Rowera in Witiser' plus 'The litnh District Ileulth agsuidd tour of Ert'~hs Witery. Conacl mccli ai the City of wbcre sampling aud ,purchaing arc Burihaglon Council Cliaiser front 7, availale. The cogl la $24. CalE the in 10 lati. Thic grou aseves as mie Milton Seniors' Acûvity Centre at loca voice in huiaith acrvwc plan- 875-1681 for înftmmind ik.i 'ita - evilat J. B.nt a flic Twina Plus Association holdà appoinlmçnt. cali 875-1681. Foot PeelsA-Be. Pimyhomai Dey - a rare clinirs ire by appoininit only. chance for parenta of Ivilpa Poil The Llvqng wiIli Cancer Gr4%ip triplets In geâ logltete have a, olTe meets aI ïnox Preshyterian Churrh. an à allit while dhir Ud play. lire 170 Main Se E, ai 7:30 p.n. Gmoup evess oin Rlermant Drive in Bramp- discussions provide emotional #£ap- ton bcgins ail s0am. Admii is portl ' d praclical'guidace in payable a ie lçor. Cali <0)459-. paticts and their fammily anti friends, 6253 for mom inforimation. The programi is aponsored isy the Thc Virtorian Qrder of Nuraes Cgpadian Cancer S"cjy'e North holds a ili -m diade si ie Milton' Ballon Unit and. led by ih ata S«ÉMU', Aclivity Centre, 500 Chikis bîanrh of the Victorian Order of Dr., ftont o4 pas. Thicm oli $15. .Nurses. For more information. raIl For fuflher informattion or ",Mi--1124. 're 4Orau INMAS k F nt &SlIl7& 1& rFab. r, )n Meilr CE JAM Chllde Dtv.. I? l*rvetls Th ol 0 offer thatiJets you tighten awelas loose your be1t.-~ (ýhicken Lovers Feast H-Iolidays lef4 you short:? Try KFCs £hicken Lover's Feast: 12 pieces 01 chicken, new crisy fties and awhole lot more for jus% $2199. lt's more of-the KFC-you love forles - - EAL MEALS. EAsvAs KFC. -. 276 Main Street Eost Milton f7l-4171 fflffl don 31- "à SbWd à. Fdi.m F? 67 à ttud $10 par puais Tickets ~NOW nt P.W'lbaet #he Mun 'Olb. r a ParU> downtown aind at The MiU(~i Aeffle> QUoO on Oeil 875-062 fôr deI &aaiIto meke tabler - . 1