Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Dec 1996, p. 3

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Man driven crazy by trainý refuses to,pay taxes' DY BRAD REAUM&E harbed %vire if neoessary. Io th1e noi »se of th1e trains. Despîle il beîng th1e donc tr several ruonts in 2is hic, tic ha, iTe Champion Mr. Siecnoofives in th1e country, dhre bouses lirsi lime in Ontaaio thai prisperiy taxe.% were reduceib 1e arouni of ihe dehib h t fh nfliol fIra whal was Wo many years a dimmed section reducesi =ea~eo railway noise. Mr. Steenhof his pmoperiy taxes. White 11he Towîn i, adduiri Ohis Steenhof knows he'suon track for acolli- of raîlway. For moui of bis 21 years in said lies n aified arnd wilI appeal toîthe inieresi and penalty p4yricntis li his 19* laxe,, siofi wîlh Town Hall. Campliellville 11c said bce and his fanstly enjoyed Ontario Municipal Board. He is hoping in have 1c is doing th1e saine Io bis $40.000) bill Th1e Campbellvillk ma.n has refusisd 1<o p.y bis lte tranquilhly of ie rurl aea. lu 1995 rtal ail.- bis propefly taxes reduced tiien). i sYilr vol pay my taxes uniLihis oînsisn i, peopeisyipes lie'a of the unbLcarable noise changed when ihe raîlway was împroyed and "Everyliody in 11he arca is appealing iheir resolved." 11e saisi -The appcsI deasine lor of as maiyâsé a doiIh fully.lusade freighl trains mort ihan a doien trains a day began Io traverse laxes." siLid Mr. Sicenht). who doesn'i know th1e 1997 îs Jantaary il>. but most pieople iiq the arxu passai; by nîght andi day. the ieca. 'pliysical distance iu whi9n~ nise efiecis peo- havenit receuvesi illeir lax a.sses.smeni yei He bhanses th1e Town for not beingofirinuvii11 % Accordîng i0 Me. Steenhof. the noise is pie ) Mr. Sicenhof saîd 11he soiund-prioing sî,rk the rail comnpanues and obiaining ceaie and desist unbearable, espeLially ai nighl when an average "Oiiier people living near th1e iracks lV1o will didnni have much affect on th1e peobleni largeiy orders for te whisile blowing. Trains blow ibeir of ive tri pass usearby. Not only do th1e large have iheir appeais heard nexi year have licen liecaiisc the .iiuminum siding on hi, bouse icis whistles as tbey approach ciessings ihai don'i freighs of 80 o 100cars nunible lhe earth as they bold lte>y will gel a 30 per cent reduction auto-> & aconduicior foritie sssund. have lighis «W gaie mechanisois. pass. they blasi iheir boris as Ihey approach maticaill> nToevmber of trains gradually gresu its i He fully especif the Town t0 iry 10 cvuci hîra level crosalngs. lu addition t0 his non-paymeni of taxes, Mr. hors-Ibe situation. The nesu horos are su tond vilu for n.npaymeni of taxes ai soune future date and Mr. Steenhof appealed his 1996 propety tas Irieenhof saitd 1e bas învoîeed th1e Towun for would not believe il.' lie saisi -1 hase lus lake 11e says lie will buy guard dois and put up assessmeni and won a 30 per cent reducidin due $40.000 11e paid t0 have sound-proofing woirk sleeping pis ai night in orsier îo gel any sieen' Youth charged ini irary vandalismh A 14 yeae old Milion youth dîdu i have th1e happiesi of holi- days aficr heing cJiarged wîîh mischicf under $5,0>OO on Christmas Eve. Tie local boy was charged in conneciion wîth vandalisn lasi month ai th1e Milton Public [.ibrary, where a stained-glass win- dow erecied in memory.of a tielovcd former colleague was <kniroyed hy a 50-pound rock. As a resmit of wiilCvs interviews and ongolng investigations. Millon's Sjreet Crme Unit arrestesi a youih ai approximaiely 3 p.m. Tuesday. In addition Io tnîschief, 11he boy faces a charge of hreach of probaij. lHe wull appear in Milton youth cout Januiy ri ai i0 a.m. Meanwht4e, liheary patrons have made genevis donations 10, help cosser the con of th1e window. l is expected Io 11e rephéced early in 11he rew year. Salurdoy Dec. 28 Onlyl!1 227 ManS.Eo 0 50 BASMENT *SALE a Un"o Laandstrcm * brion Soiley '4dBARGAIN BASEMENT PuCES 223 mMII TwLTroN 578-4e7 PUBLIC NOTICE MILTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION 1997 MONTHLY RATES Milton Hydro has reduced ils annual budgets by almost $1 million, This reductmon is reflecied in lover customer rates for 1997. RESIDENTIAL -RESIDENTIAL TIME-OF-LJSE (Optional) Basic Service Charge $6.95/month Basic Serice Charge wîih AMR SI 2.4 5/month Ail kWh ai 7.444/kWh WINTER PERIOD (OCt. 1-MAR. 31) Peak 12(le/kWhl *Off Peak * 3.45,t/kWh SUMMER PERIOD (APR. I-SEPT. 30) Peak 9.94g/kwh Off-Peak 2.37e/kWh GENERAL SERVICE (0-1000 kW) GENERAL SERVICE TIME-OF-USE (0-1000k W> (opton) Basic Service Charge $6.95/month Basic Service Charge *ith AMR S$1 2.45lunonth WINTER PE RIODY(OCT. 1-MAR. 31) EncroiE I Ppak F$ Period Demand Chrgs Firsi 12,500kWh a 7.50e/kWh 0-50kW NeoCharge Nexi 2,100,000 kWh 5.54e/kWh Balance $5.80/kW Balance 3.58et/kWh Peake Pernod Enerov Charges First 6,875 kWh 13.1 3e/kWh JenunCagif Next 1,040,000 kWh 8.88e/kWh First 50 kW No Charge Balance 4.69e/kWh Balance S4.ý0/kýW QUf-Peak Permod Enerçv Ciarges** AHl kWh 3 45e/kWh SUMMER PERIOD (APR. I-SEPT. 30) Peak Peraod Dennand Chargesf WJ~inimum Demand-Charge 6O9/kW 0-501W - No Charge (appIiedo maximum demand in excess Balance $4.55/kW of 50W in the previous eleven months). Peak Priod Eneroyy Chages -Firsi 6,475 kWh 10.7le/kWh **Facility Charge' 609/kW Next 1,6 40,000 kWh 7.3 7c/kWh (llpplied to off-peak demand in excess of . Balance 4.06e/kWh peak period demund) Off-âga Peniod ChaRges* IAIJ kWh 2.37e/kWh Alt bills are aubject tu a 5% charge afier the due datep Other specifie infannation is available on requesi.. MILTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION 5Thompsod Rodd South PO. Box 189 Milton, Ontario L91' 4N9 (905) 876-4611 Sharon Bake Murray Inglîs eyair Vice Chair Jack Robertson Mayor Gordo, A. Krantz Wliamn C. Rownev Commissionèr Commissioner Commissioner --- -- - --- w 0 1 ---------- --

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