One in 17 -of Canada's. poverty-stricken kids, lives in -Halton: report e. If the HaIln Social Planning Council were tu asaigan p final grade to ils report card on chilif poserîy in the icgion. il mîgit deaignale an 'F' - for frstsration or faïliare, In ils recently-reLesad sîudy entîllel Report Card 1996: Child Poverly in Hallon, thecounicircsmpiled a rea. of data lthaI illustrâtes, il beieves. the widen- tont gitf ktwoen 1kl haves ani bave-note in thk rep ont Using d989 as a slarting point, since il was in qhtî year Canada*s House-of Comnioms pas.sed a resolutioil seeking the elimination of chilsl psiveiiy by 201), th cturicil reports Ibere arc 1.3 nîîllîon poor citildren in thk country - an increase of 42118) n the pasI sesen yQars. According Io lthe 1991 census. 6,200) OuI of tINa world! A total of $21.414 waa donated t0 lte Citrialmas Bureau Fund, blowîng away The Championsa goal of s16,000. Dosationts poured in rot up unit te Cinama. Ev. dsadlîrte, malling il lte moisi 5ucceassul ChWiatmaa Bureau Furodevr Local famillea going ltrougit lough t ies enjoyed a nice dinner end pfessla niera providsd for lte "ad, tanka 10 lte ovorwhelming gsnteroaity of Milloniana. . The Champion would like t0 extend its hearty thanlits 10 ail triose Who. pailciaed - Dr.l-n Mkto $75-1322 fioor hbldren, or I in- 17,,resîded in Hallon. "Halton is the type of cîîmmunity that sitouldnli bave any poverty. Il is soltieliing lit SLtolid.nbaTSsS aIl of as in 1997 in Canada." naid Jcey Edwardit .execulive-direclor of lthe l-alidh Sca Planning Counicil. 'Iltere's frustration in knowing we bave dm means; b end child poveny, but fni lthe polifîcal teilI. We're go concernied in the short lemr atout about 1he deÇiciî tina We doni link orîke long terni social cosis, Mr, Edwaedb observed. 'ite counv.îl's report reveils liai ai the local level the number of social aLssisiançe recipienis bas încreased dramalically in the las seven years. The number o f sitorl-term Genceral Welfare Assistance cases rose 110 per cent, yp 2,170 from 1,091. klqween 1989 and '96. Lo)ng-lerm assistance Family Benelile Allowance cases increased 117 per cent, t. 4,236, from l9 Nearly 111.000 ciuldrein in Hallon were dependenl pe "ocI "stsance. Mont of die numbers are b"el in ltae child poverty report. suct as 3,-500 adults and cbîldren lteing sered by Il food batiks in Halton. ' .Tke council's report indicatea lit mini- ni. oa> of living for a family of four in Hallon in 1994 was $27.599, aImast enact- ly lthe adin ltai îwo parents woring fuilîlime for tite minimum wage would earn in a ycar. Otker poserty indicasora include the cosi of itousing. Tite averaâge rent in Ocloker 1996 for a îtrce-bedrom apiériment i the1 region waa $941. a 20 per ceaI increase from $770 per month in 1989. In Apnl. 1996 tere were 2.212 itousebolds on the Halmîn Housîng Authoriiy and Hallon Non-Pofil Housing waiting liais. On the subjeci of daycare, despile 1,450 subsidized cild capeo4pacs in the region, the report cites Ibere were 637 children awaiting sucit accomimodations in 1996, nearly double the 1993 "Oal. 2~Halion Social Planning Counicil tec- ont nds the federal government fufil ils mandate in egîl child poverty b; 2000 by ensuning incoine aecurlty levels and ser- vices for needy familica, recogmizing the os> of raising ciikin theougt lte Child Tax BeSn and focussing on job cealion and retraining. ipe otui SM hem Trustees' conflict case delayed until judge meets complainant Civil trial won't resume until Feb. 10 By lIM WHITNELL *Jsidge Carnwath was supposedXýs hear a 'motion Special Io The. Champol from Bnian 14ian, the Windsor Iawyer reprceniini lthe trusiecs. Tite lailor was goin~ t0 argue Mr. Tie conflici of interesi case involving live Halion Houston bâti glotte heyond iitç siamule of limiations in public scliool board trtustees bas been delayed, again. bninging lthe complaint againi the trustees and titre- Senior regional Justice Jiambes Caenwaîth tld oppo)s- fofe the civil case should be dismised. ing lawyers ithe case reccnlly in Milton court he Howevcr, Judgc Canswath's prefeérence to heam froin wants bo tee ie individual launchiftg lthe complaint Mr. Houston in person. and nt rely on jus> bis affi- aganst the trusk4ei in court hefore Itc makes a rullig davit. precipiuded lthe delay in lthe case unlil the wejk on a defence mçltion Io dismiss the enfle malter. . of Feit 10. 1, as a ii*er of fac, was not prepared t0 continue T11e justices ruling caughl bot lawyers by surprise wilitoul havig Mr. Houston testify in coýurt»" the jus- 'be judge bas the disretion Io kiar live cvidenc.* tice samd. a disappointed Mr. Nolan observed. Judge CaMtwat was refert'ing lu David 1-ousion. "We would have preferord to bave the arier ended the Burlingign resident andmembher of lim Taxpayers - lda y," kc said on beitaif of bis clients, Ms Govýr. Ms Coalition who brougIâ an appication fojawaIo 10aye Siekri and NU Gardiner, wbho were prescrit in coëfrt trustees Uinda Gloser. Eiîkl Gaedfinett Belford. "Il puis a liti1e lîfe înio il, maybe iturnanji.eil." ice Pavelka and Penny Siebtent remnoved front thkr William Dunlop, Houstt*n's lawyer. said i ryini to Positions. secethe bngtl nîde of Judge Catwa>bs decisibn. Mr. Houston conlends the fi lve contravened lthe Mi. Dunlop said Mra Houston isvsacaliouing in Municipal Confie> of Intereti Act by voling on last Florida for the winier, buW ke woild eall im as soo spîng'nl'sidet deapile ttele oelatkîiosips wiIit people as possible. He %ai if sitoukin'i k a pîvitleni lo ge empleyed by the Hallun board or a neighboeing board, Mr. Houston in court itexf !cbruaIfy -I 47ô *1~