8-Tuw Canadien Ciaur4in. Tlaursessy. Domndiu a,.1lm 0 OUR -READERS WRITE Liberals stand on GST on books shows thwyre fllp,,flopplng, agaLn Tibi meent rivesarnon by Finance Minister Paul Mari ..... Canadiens (ha( i bas nu intentimon of rempving thei GST filra books hecaaasdhe nes die revenue sa the lalest exemple of Élip- flop thaa ibis Literai goverrmut is famous fer.d While an opposation, thi Literais busquead thi Conservatîves foriamposing s las; on regiding. knowledge. and Iilercy. Then. dtaring thi lest e ec- lien c5mintP,8 Red Cross Li bi:l cndide*s do.. great lob promised te axe Dam Edulair: scap & a uisb die I wlsh go aakeiIbis oppohsunuy [o <3ST. Thpiii e mm- ahank [he Red Crss. the veluan isLr hiulef prittiOt auer dnivers and aIl the mind i~n 1993 te rialive liv women wbo genercusly, give ie GST on books bol bas ami ama Support. ansgiad iatcriasid il. For seval mosaabs of ongot*ng Now. Mr. Mailîn's cye ssrgres. l.wa. stappoale ty goal i nol only go Ibese wenderfail peuple ant wisb kiip [be GST but te te abnk iten foer lheir kandaaess. broaden <he baie le My sancerestihaanks thj Ie ilms ptevaously Rid Crss. Titiy rially ao rcat îiacluded. ancluding job books, tbromgb bas Aimav Mac iasyre sceeme 4Q hariqnize mat on lte GST wala provan- cial sales taxe.. P au 1 Marlan's annocet conmes on [he bei! of a Sfaistacs Caiada survey wbach peinas oua lit loo many Canadiens aie lama<ed by pour readang sials lie fiftnce manaster no< only fails to recegnazi ie socaal and iconomi ulvantages of a litersie popualation, i faits Io gavc Canadasns any hope of atu relief in ie future. Mr. Manin as pleading poventyfer denyang Cianadians [he $140 million of aheair money abat ltai federal goveann masait forego il ai dioppedtahe GST on rmailang maleras lseee aie a myliad of prograins anad espendalures the minisièr couit eil if i mas ser- <555 abo>ut gi ang Canadiens a las break on books.. He coulai b[ag by scrappaîg [hi SI billion dollar inayeul offerit Io the Atlantic premir% an excbsnge for iiar signatures on the GST barmionazatioa deal. Titi fananci managter couit save laxpsy- ors $100 mallacuiby bninging MP pensaons an lune wit federal casai servace pension plans. He could aise pua an end ae the profil- facyof Shitela Ciapps. wio ha.' jusa spena ovfr $143 amillaion oas flags, propaganta and TV produacaaon. I couiti go on tua 1 aui sure Canadaans can fand oaher exempsles of .ubtaantia savangs. Canadian.. wana affortable goseramînt and abiy wanl loWcr taxssi Tbiy cas bave beli if Ibeir goviro- mini bas the gui.. le sel pncaaac.. an spinding. Nor"< SOibe#, N.P. D.puty Fkunoe Caill R.fora laay of Canade Thaenks to a greot teawm Dam Edgitor: Titi arthitnas campaif it wàs a succiss. Thaaks to zone chairs Hele Po;wejs, Marjorie Powys, Landa Schirir. Matîlîne Kersitami, Marilyn Bsiman. Jina Poemr public relations mena-, ers Barasy Henterson, nid bsvadMunuil businesa divason rip- resenaaives Biaay Poier, Bev Mcieitiachir and Jessie Hamalton. coan boules and ail lia liant captains and canvassee inl owts. Arthrilis il se prevalent an osar rAld loday and your efforta bave made a gremlcontribtion. fThanks Ice mgi= esliait Agogsru Lote-CofIein, Thanixa W020 yelars pli mlery Der bw I ruta. wW.lnaousag ile mnd iicassuiy. <hi article in Friday paper by Brsad Resumgie rigarding liai regiona planning imd public works comma<aies tecision on thi lctalion cf titi access moal abriaugit<he Ces Tract Agreemenit fogeI. Wltat ait Jhaiy lnag The Jua of comapassion mnd coiuidissa<ion by dlie planning coin- ilice for the pligina cf the risigfialas pi Town Une iî aslonLtbing. kîecause oif abat mlang aisi peoaple wiIl bave <e lise for-20 yçqm <saab a constant delugi of diese fumai, bli noise levdi and exce.sive dust se a bypeoduci cf co-exisiag with a major quIITy- afp operation. Il i ihiploiakile. rry Ie iatgane lwo-stoey vchiksk miltésiees0 Igregme. Iiaeeàglly ft1 ize of< a eoVan. selriing 2 aeabi Dffe"n Aggses sdTown 'Une ruaidmuaà. li is more Oy. midi cm veilicle eveay liue mnuties juif biyona yawbc-nooia o <aYenm lmvsIaFcaayfosm e vif fMnc. people live adi se, "ha fanilles. Il fissubeopinbia vf my plégining ccmetu uaembers hati visited Ille se of du planging comnmettee instead takes the Option gigot ig die lbasl bvloso roti d mtis<heieves fil wida lihe noe of the favotrable for dil parties invfslved. 1% >lffan enaeçda ie.hey muid realiz thie predicament of Tria Tie vetoed citoice of se=a mad isould bave,ý, aaed ie km. of àne residents. If i mas any cf <lie conime mesnbers* batkyud sanie ges - net mami but tomge. lcy wouId miais <lie barricades. but imau healay appr>ved Iwo So mitI The mue lose mmny grees in a-strog escarpiaunl cades of unnecessay hardstp "n deloidatimn of quaiiy of flfe mmnd "mc. The boss is insigniricant. Il as a minler -rc te psy for oir more ban thinly Millon residesila thi webbbieing and lihe quality of flfe ghua mIli be sactificei over 20 flaire is s match more worlcbl soluttion for an accs rond lhita years. vili c e o d<ie inconvenaienie dit mail befai Town bone l'ie pj&ning consliulle sitouldi seaimusy cMnsji muith ail put- emients. l ies, and invessigale options befori proceeding. liei Cox Trac la thai second choice for Duffan Aggrigates. J. Paul laMa auc. An acciss moatlbmsgit die cxasting logaitl as prillebli to. flff s