0 Te C-W»n Campiten, flursadasy, iOe&a& M 1»--17 Docs & Dents atoms show major.scoring surge 110 Dom & «Dents major alkin AA Winerwkzbae ayed .5WN bock- D -.. r ey over the lits four gaines thanks Ré~p H ocke, iaa-gely to a recetit offensive surg over a previous two-goals-a-gime ~ re dh average.anTunrdneth "Tie 'Hawks played Iheïr boa garni helpers frein Yorke ai of die neason in a 4-O shutout viclory Holman. over Brampton tvitb Rory Johnston The 'Hawks non, ait ai 7 iuraing in a flawless performance -four gamet leAt in die ursI Idenliepes Thry -eIlicl ep uy ovq tht Scoring for the viclors were Ian iuh so n lte mmi S Kornsck. Peter Schultz, BreO Turner i'mm n Cltinguau and Diren Yorke. utto also drew à par flcpe as did Matrk n m . -flnor change, Milton next lok a two-gàne spliIIm jrtpo e uitit Woolwich, besting them 3-2 in m jri ir v their finsi tilt and thri droping a 5-3 Some mipnor adjusîment decision taser un lite wSet defensive strategy resulted Kornack provîded thte fire-power in inajiovsseean for the Hiltup tir n wutli Iwo goals ublie Heains major novices in Novemaber. popped in flie otiter. Johnston lsack- Recognizang unhamessed stopped ite pack go slctoiy. un bis ratÉs. head coach Cr A sluggish effort siw Milton [ail istroduued à few siru play hbiau 5-l in lte rematch and have tri stop the opposition froin r %fighî tri kecp the finat score of liteir oun end andi min" respoec$nle. Goals cime froim John- sacke when idc Matonsi slon. Antirew Ciiessens andi Chris Misi deas bave piid offs Cottes with Dustin Smith aetîing Up dvdn~sheCae ti iwo mutkera. Dan Dimseo siw-peny er à near-qawleis 6-I1-1 e of tablier in ne. lani monlth "i now sporti The 'Hauks to an Wdenfical 5-13 record, Backstopped by Ioss so Si. Catharines. Heazns. Smsitht Schoit and Siomon Sitaspie nd Tyler - 13-4 with IVr action. Ilvr Stick i Co their in major Mumcane lui Wells skgo ut sline.m rîth buge îg togelis formance an 11-3-3 Mais5n s -witb amstasnce by uhleaive corps smiera iteW on frdeW. myKiudi Deron Cousins, Tyler Gill, Blake Jeff Nadalin aid Conaner Sweeney Hami lton andi Jonathan Scbultz of coluted the golIs. ujith am" comeiw MUlso - Hilton poated a aingy 1.7 front Sureney, Greg Broun. Wes goals-again aveap in Novamier. McDthagl ad Mid" Wtniu7. "We've gol the best skating de- Aiammng Murray ulhie defenave fiercenien in the league7 suid Wefls. efforts were Brown, Nadalin. Mati Ffis Iramt is sponsoref by Avusti Auto Benndt. Jordan Gunter Tyler Mamill Tecit, Wallace Poniac anti Sife anti soif Darryl Telenmu Soundi Day Care. Julian Rîcci tllîd Iwice wbile Their oniy lest lait monlh came , Koiaist anti Davey Spahicit adtied againi Oýkville Rangera 2-1. Froni singles in tbeir foliow-up match. shere, tbey enjoyeti a pair of thme- McDougail. Tielemuan d Tomuas game van neaauuhic amudichedl a Patrick tkeu two investi rach I-I draw ulit lthe Burhliion 0ilets. e~i eatallisitet a mejoa irai in Titey loot Iwo gamses each frein St. ie thisd pealoti. but Hilisiturgit etseti Catharines anti Velnand i alto besst it minutes later tn their I-1 draw. Guelphl ano1 Stoney Cret - wltom Guann lte cage wu James Kaiser dley deitroyed 9-2. whîle Robbi5 Benneil asusted on Tecsaw peewees io l ecethcnsain finals ai a recen tournamren. Despite corne out on top tough Iotten to tue sasperior oppo- Ckur cansens bave breaniun big up- utenti. ltecy dsd mansage a 7-4 triumph pý for the Tecsate minor peewe A ovei'Chinguacouay in their second nrteahawks mScntiy. wlith à pair of match. Ricci was tke big sasper in ibis asie-goal vihite over Ekura and a tdr oneuwilià aitnck. wltt Milîshurgit. Nathaniel Muray backstopped Sandatone 3-lto in uut ns sgai nst Eora. inpèds top s o 3- nl - ina courita. In teir initial confrontation, lthe 'Hawks slnlek for Santione Transport mitdget AA ture goals in te epening [rame mnd Winteriiawks playeti ta a 2-2 tie wtth 4-I ai home dmi niets day t0 enend liieà fini-pM record go 17-3-2. Mihon spoined Branaisii twe gos lote Pasil ode cul go bie lenti in lte second and Jeff Seed ani ite eqfllizet witt lei stin tua minutes saogo intlite gaine. Lic Rt pnses!d up aiass,on bath goals. Retidîtî coliectrd thmee assisas in Motitaysi viçtory, witt Seed%. Dan McDuffe. Jeff Mitchell and Matis Potas cauaung the goakà Major novice AA 'Hawks need goals A teck of isbisi bas seet lte major novice AA Winteraaks niet ps ane of four possible points in tltear tant twe outings. Milton fell 3- (loBurbingsen Dec. 8, anti manageti a score ra ian qeui Woolicit Decemuier 12. The 'Hawks fareti beller titrougt ate montit of November neitit a 3-2-1 record. Ibeur neins came over Brampton, Byrlinglon antoi Oaevmiie. Elin Riti bas bren dit 'Hawks top saiiper laiet: teitit six goals m foui asnists un ieir lam cigit gaines ubile Kyle Meamns us close behin iti eittuve goals mnd twe itelpers. Tu [et su iep Hi Iu Iup I i Ust SALÇ -' - 75/70Rl 3 $136.10 88.00 185/70Rl4 $152.60 $ 9i.00 j Miltown Tire~ 871ýteIes A* Milton, z~. -,Çe9iornt4 /0 ,,7sjç Iedco a vouU c. ail /J- re601,&6 n ? vnthot 1 a nter wlk n8ain I1[ oLh everyo nec for ecb m ai o fly Ille Ehtgah Popini * EVRt DAY LOW PRICE FREE* FREE*e «GN MYr OR REPLACE-MmNT .Imm es t - -a -b - 7- M - -- -- MW en d sas *"Fm@ -OM SOS AAIIU.RAW. 103,g0lunam~si