* - nuTh Cn" Chlm,~a Tlurday Oeceffbe 26. I90643 CHAS. B. COPELAND LM. < r 1 NEW OWNRS CASHWAY BUILDING CENTRES HAVE PURCHASED BUILDING CENTRES OUR BUSINESS. TO PREPARE FOR THE NEW OWNERS, WE ARE HAVINGAN INVENTORY BIOW OUT SALE!!l 5 DAYS ONLY - DEC 27, 28.29,30,9 & 3 1 ALL.STOCK WILL, BE SLASHED .50% OFF SAE10% ON ALL WAREHOUSEÊ> YARD STOCK & 15%TO050% ON ALL SHOWROOM ISTOCK USE YOUR CASTLE CREDIT CARD ON ALL PURCHASES OVER $250.00 AND DON'T PAY FOR SIX MONTHS T(>: Our Cuatomers Present and Past, Our Asaociates and Ail of, Our friende in Mfiton and aurrounding anea.. When my lad and 1 opeped the douo of Copeland Lumher for buuiness ou September 9,19U0 we dld no ith a lot of fmlth lu the future of Multon whose population at that Urmn umhered about 4,11M Mona, aveu in that era, seemed ta un ta offer comalderuble potentlal. Ita strâtegic location on two major blghways (altbough, at lieelisse Hwy. '0 ftr daad.euded juat paît; the igbway 98 overpase), and helag not ton far front the evet.eqadiug veetard aprawl offMetro Toronto, hoded vel futur developrnent . «. were nlot dlaappoiuted lu our elboIes of locato forcour mev venture. Miton hai beau, extreniety gond t. ual ObvloualyJudglag by the way we bave butltour utarrlaeoverthe earI u e _ on place te do business. Thia hes beau very rewardla. Juat as important though, trou a personal blt;i or ntruat hhveprseoudieyer, i home!sa -Now, abter alaboît 37 years of growiug and mauaglag aur busiuess. it'a Urnme for a chauge lisue for nme freh input la"o our entarprise and trne for my, retirernent à lu tis motter, 1 arn happy ta auaoliue that early lu Jaiu* Caabway Building Centres wil ha takiug oser the owm"shp of -ur business Éeou yen vill -c a »w slge aver the door and à couple .f mev, frleudly face behd thme canter. Yen vill "lm e ma of th aid famillar facesyau bave bae. accustomed ta, ready ta asuit yen as alvays with ybur meads ad requiremeuts. 0 To ail of you who have beau n generoua wlth your pelrouage at our stare over the yemars mme dating bath ta aur fiedgliag years of the early Mlltes, my heartfelt TRLANK YOU for ail your support. Yau've beeu juat grand Ulaerly, PsA M' b. flauging Out* for a oom4de of monhin lay lipotairs office lu ordçr ta wind doua a bit - ose,~ Jane and 1 fm niyltend ta keep calllag bMue Ouerhome!