,~ ~y oom iri* 'i SanWbC -Dowptdwn iloe 30%dio(Môùç.k is4- Sq Dirive i £t de4ver au -oqS 4o0 Sav4-a 's MoKtsIop. diORA 0; Î a-a 's Nepx oMd.vr 4-kop 4o he 171p~ oMa S4u lI(S$O SANTAS Now avallable in Milton at HEMLOCK JUNCTION RAILROA Open Monday Die. 23 from 1lam to 7pm $,O«FH POLE. NEW Et&iLNND VILLAN3F Gitcàu1flate SpeduS ONOW 832" (g. smoe «A DAY AT lUE WAr back miassage. eyebroia shaping. wah/cutifininhed style NOW 'l1 O'(reg. 1I74.00) apa Dm L=PsN*, ugr à m", saum " , Sw pu Oom -e k..! Wu ±« M A .-. --r mD lA cUAO muJ bulaAD. The ooum I took at the. Barri. location 2 7ear ago uaved my 1f. I avoitied a head-on collision beaause I vwu taugit, the. «Hugon Collision avoldana" techniquae. The. polios sated t.bat vithout thus drvng 8kml 1IM vould have beoii kliled or 1rxjured.' rIWi nea voma i flara In My hffle, tswnag me to use 0Hsa=n avolancelI ! fee1 that thJs course should be law for ail nov drivers. The litf. they may gave oculd b. their ovni" Jmlian B.gg, YoungYoung Drlvrs Graduate SNEXT COUSE STARTS: DECEMME 2 1, ;2, 23, 24.- (Chdatibs Dnail) 4 DATS 9M0 AU - 3845 P .V ýfw m