Residentsraised $ 10,000 for.youn Deidre .1'. u .choque adits u W.dc à agecial ç*i lbewm m aïée i.àr ci *a cw. liq doua the halwa. Studevus sud f"um*n bui$aa &itdd by vol- sn s . W»Police fONCO W tais tise miff M e vam ulaik a ,glm urumts, members à( the buiness faàs se... or Investiaioni Ml) flalési douin dis Ib-&3<aî blas. msay mida" ldMW Ne"ma Acdmuy Piopain. 28- ulci sj~o ~ahad pâllyw . Taiig Whame Bayt lu*e wu yen vetcis of tise Hait.. iqion whicha jwtS W lméd exMMaus.& WiI m-anei ni gs lumati (« ber hqim service su Poice Serice. Dis. M E-ose- c .Habits kWtdn.a. hid wemid pbi. dqa did q_ lnU bain, kg *6 Senuuy &a lis 19 Oaan of ceuafuly completad the 11 -cous consubip Io Ouo edinol halmna but bmairgis modes bihug M ià. du Yeu éuhg *0 ana Comnra. cornu wUhl lnciuded f0enc bid- they uoel won h is te k ladi km o<di*adtoAk y Awwites ai HMu.lM a Pli e s , brvewm ad -uerMui te Iot su dies chutomi.lie mW-day - RomWa appdme .abmed tdm*gi Carl Mcflonald won Business tehues ndaiqauen patib iduras fo i. wuomud die Golde à. 1 dde tonsant euy Pusa of die Yser. DU& Ams Body violant erimiosli. AiAnlca police im on die Bond of Mi.dcns bit CM sday m<ng. Cie Schultz u imnd Busis of à. Yen, &e ad ilovmmen uua act a wcil ms lIstt te mergî intact, lolouwiiig a ai$uied a choue fer $99.700 - mised Milton Hîstorical Society us thil '~ co.dioniiq composent. nmWam hudua sesaitn. Thes scWtol thmeugi nuunacus chaitaisli avilis Civic Orbslati o f die Yeur and -bpdOgmi. ini peut Padie Mu* baud lbd pntpaad a pl s. suih ever .ptaiveai uets- s. cper the Clvii Impeovemin of te Yeu, Cardea retuflii te toua s. lsunch a ail M.daraaîi shidets s. NU-dey. à. cmi or lob liai conducted hi -n aurni veaent ia Io , c f à.e M"si mmu tcording tdut wu sxpscmsd s. aumne doy grog.., s. ave abs. eff.ort te find rive-ycsr-oid Deidie NoHcauw Sciety. mse limuanil of dallas fer epity $500.000 a year in noon boang Sciteltz a bonse muTd don«. The * Dit Sgt. Mite ilacrett became resiarcit. Titi former Hoiy Rousp 4& à* $MT'SCIICKUS! Scholtz 1 0", coât 60 all cfmlee 4 t liniposmy pop aigu.. Mm~ -x4ai W4 femmes lthe p "Ymsu Aie a Cil s. Ms," e*fin by Fiue Mats for à vide prenaciios a cancer rissarcit fund. andl 'ShVes Mori Than A NIL a Ioseds PuItnado's leUagea vicdms, Lesisi Mdutafy nd Kdu.. Pmi - Ni"tenis rmes04 Kqbirme. Rammn wu t15dM at dm CmIi Under- 14 Indoor Junior Naomals ai lte Wihu Oaks bu ands Rac"I. Club m Si. C«amce. Site un sia thirid by Tennis Caada in thei 40-player clam ad iveai up s. ail expictaticia ln lb evWii singiis Coenpition. AMLTON - 194 MAIN ST. - - a., . &IA