haun Ciupas FrwfDcni.2 20i Teyear began with a shotgun .start Milton pvd oeag i' in 1996 thaï small towns cao be big on news. Tne tat year broughî no ahottage of coetrversy. excitenern, tragedy. unusual occunences aid chisnge for local resident. Prom the opening days in Iuâuary so die closing momený ai die holiday sells Uic cocnusnity was chock ful of actvity. Aere's a brief nundown of happenings in the fira Part of 1996. tht vernutiing mndia' event wlll bc publiahed mn upctLmng issues. * HillesNoethMPP Ted Chudr~ loei ed epens diet provincial gowetnnm would , n0, on ils Mrmisei las cuI(were slnmpy net mie. -flic las cil will bc lmmahlulc A det wsy liw l oeil in t Coasses Sene Revohaine~ saidI Mr. bdA "on top 0<111e tu mC dm i i heM tax levy, ulldih claws bock money frein tbqse m.king mrore dmn UW pus year 'ie heakh tau levy is ça pqe s of de Coeanoe Sue fevoluioL Ib tas cil le on riqe am." * Me. CM~difi*d pm8am mosvsm had mciet die rli ans p*dng a bier lax b"edm lii ier incone m ruau linueve. deprtils grdsucen. bc aix - 1%n psmct'a Special Ilfastition Uidt beui -n bK-Muh proe ù l dldmua tacharge of<a8 uloiu'a Vi duriq - n u die previoa maui 'fle la d lo ~Iwed a hisb4ped wu aileucdq ae Wo u " ofkl thed vehicle wiIh Wagun wua ie weqam âwbwdua A M5y"iol mâle wuase tr. mmi * lC.lu Mdally. aam lo<stl ai 4l.d ns te dessh la his A~e haSd tisa addlioaal cdueffli oepsectio. vuh du cas. Thue 22-yeg-old wax cWnip MIIm &Welnm pop"a wAd -ln*m tOÙ ine t initias. Ibo chnrges mmaied>wa lad- dens jus ira pcol ipMnmnmy h-alm for lkU#dgiu- u. HahomleqMWa Police titi mismi goy Av"des"a - bl wu Iradl lim Pouh of Mdltq mNula Wood tdie a bg- =i fors<ai provwala eiiimcb mia wu 000"y idugk. Wle2andi 24 par omeàmacha wâdO ai inilt A imi NovSsber , 1 ., *.ly. -11,; - -,jahi bdi Ma Iacrl a 33 per cent cul in grans sna du prwone. àr about 88UN1k *frein gramt of $2.7 nuillieon enrginal egliai wu for a drop of S340 in gram. *Millon District lloW$îalsz finst biby of 1996 nu bora to Shaun Z aid oe Ahmold of C% Jacob, due ouplt's fins ctiild. wus boça Jasuary 4ai . 53 p.m and ntightd in âAR' pnd.Iounce. Millens rAna baby of lie new year nia born lis days cuuliei ai Jospiet Brant MemWa Hesplal to Tracy and Eric Kklpoch. Hell aouived Jan. 2 and wceige 7 lb. 13 oz. tR MmoFd WkWFM bmiW 1es FOR MHE CHEESE LOYERS LOW MR OP $499 L Ais. la steak: Shrlu.p4abster Tllts, CrobLfs Mud sliud Fora peial frot OtxfCiobdd dility tal" t'y Metu, Temeio repoMg thir ituo miia e vl I bc ésmielbefo l'Il àgrer oa iisg ofm l humIon my wtm,'* M. Chulldtçsai Local hockey fui an acions of - inseosainal flaàvur istia ffnflMRnwu pla>'tU nom1 iu tlhe Ri » ekMlovl1110 lion ne Paher Harod Bedford ceWhd iii e Amiy huile A Club as Micia menis Desp 9Oli thtiiby nil 100hArind. ppmWiesaud anl-wlulas Mikon lem 8-5. 'l'it mi-nallna mili Cam o due halai-Àwaia Club la Milan Hugau. Kin os fu is bous- wwmernfer due mtg i Maduasmaý isho basti sennoas, Fadm edfordi nwu due Oldess is0ding Jesuut viay t0 thirti place mn the West Conférence péuis havîni soi-vd ol y Roaary uid Oui Lady of Victeey NenU Shwu TeunNuiet titI. j« lise diiiiduea for 1khn 23 yeurs. WhUit he wisi 5 ol MW& h - Iit Milles Diasrct Heapilal Board agma bdujn4i p lile wu itili associap with dieursa on a interim deal wmtlh jpca ebstetuscian D. Sulidi S put-hml huis. * E In RE on~ *Milan Mat méie Mains Moisoni aimouncéd dIm a dwref simil ta ihW i* bas dugia i dqr Ilppn ce1t nould begin*in Febnaary.Despite thscas of a'lpnains moking tua- iq em a O aat tommers, M& Shannoesh u nbtuspL@doq apunnq I - IiMm 11 "a' Miima Club d hm lais hea*"ng aq 54 dcciajo. te Caaaingi je th finals of the Qntario Junior Wboni's du*q0 à- Oa plandl. la NewswWi %i local $mmi - wlich ospill Kkoln, MM Anàà. Cgllaum Kemp end a Camniata'a Do ýM. e1du a NWi <clU on hie lm H aillon NMli Ml? Ted Ch~hg vil hl plta la relee CFA 1u Mrposé. nide alll fer *a pooWu of mmc mlr du revss Md bIhSu flUi la OM uhmemien a nil as advocailg hdhia ailaaimq oaola ma asi d mppq Mono TonNl's.'lIu mm cpchnt- jpj Tlephone. *Sm "N Rapidexum- - ww have s4eNorm, Mîke à Betty Porte S look forward to s.rvcing ail pri fuur veery andwih ve fut re Memery ana l&S ve Cýop ini, say Hello Ond see t r i CHRISTWAS SPMCU The Canadian Champion i Watch for new and exciting dF would like to th.ank everyone l ta be .nefit our loyal custom, contest and'to congratulate the winners: "1 ce"ta Of ta valh.w effort, nthe heels of an hal dinitied Mhr lad cçpturd thse nul. call. Ito a six-m.h uppal go cover las 14 A