US1-ita Carlelln Chfb Watdi~ O h a~é 1 1 1M DESIGN fo-, LIVING 'Small but spacitous 1 0 CoPyrgt / SELECT HOMDESIGNS *Quand covesu pach fs-scule aiding a dlu- tered windows inits you tia dhi compact yet cfrFient home.j = cno nicl1 buildAeg a an ideai tam -*Railed porent opens ria a pit ruen with vauked oeiling and ozy firçplaoe *Ste*-aving Udiey-stylcd contry kitchen mno,- pories alamly size dbrn am ta. *Masiqe bedroom and two addîtional bedrooma dmar a aplit entty main badmtac *Future expansion is easaly accn*nodated in the full baiement. Plans allfer a choice of foundatioms inclndng a full basement or cuawl space. To receive a 300-page, plan book for only $9.95 (including ahipping -and OMI featuunng itis design and more than 400 other beauiifully illustinted home and cocaje designit, oeil toIl-free I-80046i3- 6739, fax (604) 251-3212, or c-mail to: stuec- thomedeaigns@msc com. (specify The Cmana Champion). We accepi VISA I Masiercard I AMEX For paymen via cieque or money order. ake payable to Design for Living, dio Thte Canadian Champion, tend te, 0301. 611 Alexander Smétret.Vancov&,.B.C., V6A tEl. Hours: Sat & Sun. 2-4 p.m.- or cal cqllect BRAZOLOT HOMES 1>ays &SI9.36-59 Homç inspection c4n save you stress Afler months of house hunting. positive teitures cîf the home an il rrc- ,you'vc finally founti the pec home ommestd the type cf maintena 'nce that for you and your family. But. is iltreal- wii help keep il in good shape. ly the great ins4sonent il ippeaix te haý? Dontl confuse titis report wiqt a life- A shaky foWations bail plumbing. tinté guaraniec os componients of te poer insitation andI many other proit- your home. After-alI. by maintaining lems cam creep up on you alter you've and repairing these compoeiliqs, you muoved into yourikream'home. can only heIp slow dots their A home inspection can nase you inevitaitie war amdtear. front these unpicasint surpises. It wilI A homne inspection is usually con- help yen determine tt truc value cf ducted after dit vendor acccpis your your homte am prepaieyu for future offr Io purchase. (Some lenders home mnaintenance couts. require yen te hire a qualificil home An inspection consista cf a thorough inspecter toi inspect the home before evbuuaion of your home. fronm top t0 they Il issu à moitgage.) Make sire hottom. Il incluiles an examination cf ycur offer inldes a conitional claus major systentis sncb as heasing. air con- which specifles the pn>chas is ceeuen- diuotnng. inteia plumbinganmd electn- gent on the satsfacory compicueon cf a cal syssemrs. Structures such as the roof. building inspecta. waQja.ce ilings. ficors, windows and It is yenr responsibility to schedule ilocès will"aie iexaninel. the inspection tithin the tîme litait -Inspections. last an average cf te agredi upon by yen and the senior, bout$. Most inspedtors invite ther clients Ioita na diin di wla lion of the home. 1il is a ge appi-Ge41ng a &i tuty for yen tu, sec problei firathanil and fltsd out abot valuablettrmat- *fraut TMi LEGM e paop M naneetips'wlelillhelp you kep else basclairsto the propert>yîae yenr fture prapoety ie gond condiition. uÜtiiy billa aad inistrance preminma Keep in mini tit an inseti will wiâ h checicei ont ta deternt if the not tell you dm contliten of evey, ain- aeilahm -i temn op toidate. If nos, glt componeet of yonr home. Tht yen would ha fiable for tem. inspection in specillcaîly for determin-, Mit aourd of tudier taix ta ha -W ing large explnses aniior safety-relattil walU-li calculieti &W the lawyee wifl coetcm. 'examine tht survey of the pmopaay. Following the examination. t he eking tamalleam rehdatssi'tvlilit inspecter shonld prepare à enlIsa4 any zoaling or building bylaws. llb. report whle oen possible defeets la"yÇ çai. a aW willh *inongq and actai of tancent, l it nlid a" osgasy on or1104 bwiedi omedcepir Ont the day 9Wt deal closes. your Mit report dffMi aW. poa ont the lawyse wlfl 0Iha dOwIIUIW talé b ne pn once your offer is accepted. When chooing s qualifiei iflsKcîoe. tsy te select soffneone who is in a hscild- ing-related field, such as a contlracter ofr a 4tructural engîtteer.fle-are am verai firms net availasle wtsch speciahie in honte inspection. Asi your realtîr. frien.b and rami>y if they. can.jcommend inispcýtor,. When you contact poientiai bis inspecti. on firms. fini ou( liow loing ihey*ve been in business andI ask lor references front prerious csissmrrs Mike sure they guaranice their inspe. tiens mnd fini out what type of insus snci titey Cam.y Considcring thît yosr home ssii> probiksly ha the mesi important insesi- ment cf your lifectimei. a honte unspec- tion is a relatîvely inespensive atoi i find out if it is actually a tise invest- ment. vyer 'si ýIep. ttweller' lawytr. tho will hand oser tht deti. a declaration of possession am relevant affidaînts. If hotu lawyeri agret a&l documents are in oeiet, yenr lawyer till gise the teller lawyer a certifiti cheque fer the balance dhue an "r and ll uit remtve thtkeysta Urnepsiy.. Yout lawyer will thoen register the detl and thtprb e s is legally youimo ad youn»my teseaa Lita,, you con Ioee ta teve hiloa yonr lawyer ail relevant docnuments. a report on the transaction, ail, of crset tdt bll. 04<lSJllO