* ~in ~ WoB~. OiOiAhfl Il. lUI-MB The le gai aspects of home- buyinAg worth pygfur a -lawe since benim or WMel* à heAM ta a cendoci objective Puaret Mhe ffl lüak aba Ourly yeu aud 4éýýh you have valid titI. ta the go bay Cemidanal by krcludln aýda tIWI% legai tranaonfl it's in yowa bon uiéceat ta ldita d dMm4un th cm p aqluxi. of oupmty'yaUfC bsaylq & Mdù ikm re it s yon WIlI buy the boma Provided you Cai lave somets wiii bwuvlute afidu liv 100<- du demi. lavyma dhifue uiywm ma a kWe oedy duhcWmhd IO dac.ument. muno neotuqe fnnin. hq an your bdu. hiuifred -dal e, a M100 or more (ImcludW4 He or .10e amuid lco oer e rne r cIoa pur. Defor dur maie claue. Yom laupe viii lue li a na a oil icles loa me4 rown learyer expemfne) for &reaeee - 0, " MM txmloe.Châle Md dun i i n my way ta reflecs pour w enbo iqituujobs Io do fbr posa. He m he dusi lawyci as due odu pesme in A lawyer cam 1e ued ta he* pou is ljhe mode. O~n wiii 'adih the file' to maéke stèe no an M1~...l.V.'I d..ddio It m le" tâ baalieles smeoiled i a nai a dei For examie, yop nup um ta tiikc die offer * -eleQTMo fln g r Il îItt' 11-1 VIE; "I 1 11141 Fai - u- M.HmePA P$L -R" 8784101 . PouIi HOWDENj !eff, unît hmi a full base~en v4two0e bivcx~ larltt mprate& 1 C:unau a idgami Rea.. m umafta vise >43 ROYAL LEPAGE Royal LOPOOui ed Weervlie Md Thank Vou Ia the foliawing estabilsilmoents wha.hhlped miake aur Open Houae Wch a aucos: * M&M Moit a ICalons Flowrs * Harrop Houe@ and thanc oa f Oaalaur clients,=one& catleagu.a far joining us and mnalng our evenlng soaenjoable. ViNUINIA 8784101 Vem lare ccnleiporsryhm.Gohru ui inq tyeteml Main f10Cr Il 2nd tm mutear bei- morts - possbl tn-Ini potentiel. Attactoed 2 Car girgg. as eit as excellent 240936 worflohoP. psned drIve pondi. rotllfig postures & woods. Wl velue frtOtlcto Nnrdt, esst corser o! Trensîne & Burntramthsrpe. Pond, cneet, 60sltt driveshod & driveweyo in M5, magna - - .,. n.,,... - ...- as mot um main 1100< tulY rMI. Frenchr donts te I vuo aresit wrsught iru tenclag. Encollent locz- icp rot9 oru . J gfrijjs IÎM m clo. j L te mqrmoasly fivO minute* Irom ~O hiirà do5 t I l Soabae « r w o For101 Iuwdb elBdaè moilf. m ceenta Me L~EuQ 5503 nWU3 w. Beeutltufly woodmd, pet nom dead endrsed ALVE ~ $175,000 10 Old Mon - lm *Qý FT. bd Ur& mou CI prefer bwWkm 3 belâtiont, brick OMD&FT-,ý . 'effl Fr. 1 MEED M FWWMOW. Cond»Wm In VMbp - on Ille pariL $-MOU Pr-v@dWm"dwwwm et 2 bedmm preferred, FmmM floor up, PVM