Th. Canifiml Chain. Febdey, 0"elte 13, 1BO- New chapel open in hospital Private place for prayer, reflection Dy KAREN SMrfl4 rit. Chan'pou A new chapel ai Miltoni District Hospital provides patients, staff and visilors wulh a private place for prayer andi reflecioti, The chapel. wich opened November 24 j ihrougli a private donation ta) tUr hospital foundatton. is availaitie for use by patients. sfatit andi vifftuurs .Wer'e juil titklcd with it hetng hbrr.'. saiti Kathy Powell, secretary ai St. Gege Anglican Chuich. 'It's a special place tor us," Afttcr oeceiving several appeals for such a.Iq ailt huough ber volunteer work at lte hospital. Ms Powell dectded to put in a fortnallmquest tor it witu the hospitai. Ms Powell us the co-ordinator of the Comîi and Cariflg Through Christ Program. in wbtch aiea clergy send con- gregallon memhers undergoing pastoral cari training to the itospîtel to vîsît patients. I -We hai t k space su wc were happy to do ît." saiti hospital adminisîrator Brian Brad> "Il aîl lie salueti hy lte patients. %tait andt visjiors. ils Nomething wesre wanted for a long tulle- Lixaied in lte tospital's former petit. atnc wing on the second fluor tlice quaint 2(X)-square-foo)t chapel hoasis an allar. twîî knctung rails anti a cross - aIl iî fuy Maplehurst Correctional Centre tnmates. "Il was a raI gount effort on aIl parts" Ms Powell sait New carpet, turnisings anti watt decor lu spioce up the chapel are expecteti soan, site sud. Kathy Powell proudly @tends ,ln Milton District HospItas mw chapel. The. St. George's Angléi Church eecrotary pursud te pt'oject, ~iit waa funlpd ftovugi le ho% fisuindation. May hear before Christmas1 Joyce Savoline waiting for, action out of Queen's Park Bv BAAD REAUME Tpe Cltaypen Hallon regional officiais uy lkey will wauttintai leg- istation s% tahîrd efturr commenttng mucit én changes tu municipal guverriment in the Grealer Toronto Ares (GTA). Regional counicil bas swiltly in the past lu reports oin municipal rc4ornu Suc-h initiatives hegan %ith a test tabîrd last Januarý hy Anne Golden, panel Wit i 1k erlease of ihe latest repot hy thk Whou Duues Whita pancL chitcred hy former Touronto mayor Davuid Cronuiie. officiais ad Halîcun unsîst uprun waîlung fuir new law plcr tuu commenllng specifically. Availale information poinus.uu a provincial annuuincrment befote Chnsimas. wcith dettate lu take place duning a ra(e winter session ai Queen's Park. rrcently calleti by Premier Mîke Harrs. A report in lThursiy*s Toronto Star suggcsts thita cabinet bas appetuveti a Toronto mega-ctty anti legisla- lioun migitt tan lthe 90î.regiuns of Halton. Peel. \Durham anti Yorkc ito individuat cities wicb would have repeesenlation on a greater Turonto counicilf AIl changes are Iu bc in place for the Nuvembr. 1997 municipal electiions. -l'Il waiî for the guvemmnent's receummrndaitiora." said Haltun Chair Juyce Savulîne. 'Tite Crumbie repurt is very'close Iu dm Golden Report sol1 haven't reaty giveni it.muicb titougi. Ms Savolfine tuti site dues nul suppts a larg GTA region nuer a GTA coutncil because il wîll nul ke as acculabtu local faxpayers as the carrent systers. Sue siud a proposai lue a non-taxtng Tronto and sub- urbait uttlity huard as nu( realitic. Burlînglun Councillur Bob Brechin agreei the Crumbir proposais were naucit hke dm Golden Report repot lu uy diffh bet Golim Repot *o e I vul' iu*l anti said ckh filîtai Mr. Ceamuie w&s sympathetic lu, the super-city tita. 'm disappoitid titat lte report isjusi a regurgita- -tion of the Golden Report, wicit 1 thougitt we liead wrestled 10 lthe ground.' Mr. Brecitin saîd. Milton Mayor Gord Krantz taid lte idea of a grealer Turonto huard lu cooedinate unilîtîrs and pulice services has ment, as IcIng as il does nul becume anuter tes'et of gaventimenl. Mr. Krantz said ke would suppurt a Milton anlalga- mallion wilt Hallun Huilîs if titere were efficienctet lo bc realized. "Il shoulti kc looa ai but de neetis to kc a ra- son fur duing i," saiti Mr. Krantz. 'In Niagara Region andi Hamillum-Wemwtwude are numemus kuwee- te munmcipalilîes but in Hillon titre are unly four. l'm nul tu sure ltre are sufficient efficienctes with only fur nwnicipilitles' However Me. Kivuz sasti ki was ail for loolong ai" ldm boundiaica betweei Haiton Hills and Milton. He sd fie ts nu sena0în a boundwy which bas Hallun Hulai temliory 'unly hall a mile fruontrbilluon Tuwn Hall. wbile you can drive norti for hall an hu and aut bc in NMillnn7'