1%I Canadien Champion, F2% Ooeaoig 13, 190-41 SPORZÇ f - a I Sleeping .tiger wakeiji as Drury downs MDHS B D STEVE LeBLANC Special Io lTe Champion I ltook the E.C, Drury hockey tcam a period to shifi oui of neuiral, but once in gear thé> mogorcd pasi crossIown ruvais Milton Districtin an 8-2 high schooi bock- ey roui Wednesday ai Memonial Arena, The vasily supernor Spartans - who) sport junior level falents. in Tom Baynton-and Andrew SanduJuk -stick for seven unan- sweaed goals over ihe final Iwo framnes iii push their scasum record to 4-3. Despite Npiriîed effort% hy ýcntre Andress Huriholt and ncumindcr Jim L£worthy. I1k rebuilding Mustangs simply have loo many fioles in theur gamne to con- tendwitfu a solid club lîke Drury. Tbey remin winfess ai C-5i 1 -I think Peambn and Notre Dame will bc our main cuimptidon ini the playotf%." said Spartans coach Phîl Dufly, whose club was coming off a big 8-3 vîciory over feisty Geourgetown prior to Wcdnesday's hafiie -li's reafl'y nîce having guys lîke Baynton and Sandiuk in the lineup. In ail My yÏ8ar% of coaching. l'mi not sure I've es'ehad a leader lîke Baynton Baynton. a fornr Milton Merebant. poq. ted Iwo) goals. andln assisa while Sandziuk - wb< piayed with Georgetown Raiders cari ier ibis year - played set-up man with ihree assista to go witlu bis single taliy. Despite a somiewhat shaky scond pertod in which ki ai iowed live goals. Lewotlluy earned MVP honors for MD. He mude several key saves in the first ahd final framres and was provided Ivith aimosi no defensive kilp [rom bis blueine. Drsury counterpartJon Foiey meianwhte. gave up goals un thk openuJ& ami cfoiing- moments of thk frst but iben faced jusi a handiai of %bras un the last two peuods. Sinbýng shots pasi humi were Hartboit ami Travîs Rodgers Aiso scoring for the Spartauls wereýJamie Walker wttb two and iay Neal, Brian Nykoruk and Andrew Sharpe with singles. Walker aiso dgew Ihrce assîsîs wbile Nykoruk posted two. Buith teams; glose oui the 1996 portion of thecir season eariy next week. Dnury ýwull kc 0lmkn Io makse àt three in a row Tuesday u n Bur inguon against the Nelson Lords wbule the Mustangs chasie their tir..i wia; Monday un Burruugton agaunst flie Assumption Crusadc#s An uplifting week Ior atoms withi two hard-fought wins A pair of hard.fought victorien over Wuuolich fast week pu..hed the Haiton Lift Truck munor at AA Wuntertiawks up o tke . 50 mark. lIn a home-and-home strnes. tke 'Hawks squeczed ut a 3-2 wun tn Wooliucb and foilowed up with a 3-i decision at home. Nathan Keith potted Iwo goals for Milton un their initial confrontation. afier Milton feul bhfin and traiicd by two in the final framre. Iamue Webb also scored in tke comneback, wiub assusts goung to Mark Galick. Davidi Tuefemans and Robhue wtison Corey Cfarkson guarded the ca&e and came up wîth soimeikey saves down the strelcb. Woolwucb took the tead in their next game. but the 'Hawks gai ttc lîfI titt was needed froln Kyle Struxug. who bdekhand-, cd one by likir goalie on a mc eilering palu behirid the net from Matn Reed. Keith ami Mati Lenardon counlcd the olluer g6aIs to secure thte win. with kilpers frugni Justin DesbafW Daniel Lynçh. A near-flawiess per(rnance by netminder Roberrt Smith allowed Milton ta rally for the second tunie In as matty games. A suund defensive çffiort wus tumed tn hy munor aîom A cal.up Sain Tonilinson Thc 'Hawks foundiheunselves on thc short end of a 3-i decusion in their final gamnelast week agénsf the feusty George- town Raiders. Webb one-timed a shot un for tkuir lune marketr, witli Steve El linon assisting. Sctiu Ferguson and Evart Burueil provtded strong back ckcking in tis spir- ided - ifnx nul s&cessfuf -outing. Phase Dy <IRAAM PAINE Ast 1.0. Dru Hlgh Sehoo ployer lays à atffl ced on à MOo INaI Slt, Higli Sohool ,ppamun during Wed.ueday's garnme b.bte c roaatow riva. Dru.y emol heN mrn, b"e~n the eb.ildling Muatanigs 8-2. Seu atmr et loft. .Women 'selaydowns Hot curling on here this, weekend T'he Miltonu Curling Club playat losfico thk bst rnks reccntly in &# Zone 9 plâydowns. H-armar is a for- in the ava this, weekcn. in the Scott.Toumamna of mer provincial junioeç hampion. Blocking bier poLth to Hearis Rcgl 3 cbuulionsiips. 1,the Riegiop 3 tiffe wi be teamas (rom Barrie. Bramp- Representing the local club will bc Kirsten ton, Gait, Guelphl, Paisley, Porl Elgin and Squud. Harmark. wbo li er squad go lthe B division tifle Ganes will kc played bot Saturday antd Sunday.