11l'ht. Canada Chamim Fnlde% O.cen.er 13, lffl Court decision just a setback to Ken 01 BAAD REAU14 7D@ Champion *The issue bhinli funding for religious schcaols is one of parental choice. according to Mihton's Rcverend Ken Campbel., lthe outspoken evangc. list. The recoei Supreme Court oif Canada ruling l[hai provincial govemmenis aie fflo required fi exiend iunding Io flouse religious scitonls cur-i renily non recciving financing docs nol mean ltai lhey cannot. according mi Rcv. Campbell. 'Mus, financing l'or snch scitool% in western Canada wili not bc pulieli as a result of ihis decision and the quest for ilin Ontarioî cati continue. 'flere is nothîng wrîng ssiîh public scitîxlN ihal a level plîying fid'd can'i corn-cî naid Rev. Campbell, -Fundfing (Io religious schîsilsî v.ouid fracture the' public vctiiol mnonopo)ly fi wouid kx brolen un and ihai us nogiihut goiîd- Rev. Campbiell suggesicd Ihal suciely would flot ttc nabnfid if lte govehnmenl decrned lterç would lie cinly one legal auto manufacturer. The .0)fhunk creation of sncb n nsonopoly provides tai the qtlality of auomoNies would go down wite te .iau rince would go tri, Rev. Campbll sajd. , ift l m m eho 'flic msi important commodil> in Ontario is UOOO~.I lthe su.huxling of our yo)uih." kc conlinued. TheN b5>. mfrlopoly in edun.aîîon prouvces btal lit qnalily goes diiwn wictle the price goeb up-and the arno- op UI *hW Ils garce oif lthe bareaucracy kecomces insufferalle. DOIthg but é,o." lits the natural inclination nif an> moniipoly. ............... Rev. Cumpkll said qhere is substantial moral- W J support for the positioin litai one religions gpoup should nut recemne fnnding denied Io othiers île lthe toards'juridiciin callcd il "a nmîsi disiressing sinilalîîmn.nl basic In Manitobia. small rcligiiusnschoIto<.In humain rîghis." In additinon. te suggenied ihal receiNe funding ai 65 per cent Jfl the pnblic Onlano's busiiiess ciinscinus Toriy gnuvemmeni Nschouil raie aller lthe> nperaie fnor kstri penini cunld telp break îhe miinnriply of lthe preseni Res, Campbell sai Ihe ireabe iprinside a scuunul boards hy hinng lui lund schcouls oulside fll curriculum because lthe> do not have lthe Campbell large btureaucMaY ltai the pubk c hool syslein tas. If public scitodîs'imsîîîuîed prayer. allowed BiPulical eoecallon teoy tu lic iaughl in biui sci- enuiîiuc &Wn religions terntas and paid attention iii moral vaincs the 'ted for relîglous schoîils wuiuld not exisi, Rev. CarnepbeIl said. He agrecil wîih a Catholic scbool poiSrc i hal religinier. meiaies lthe entre curriculum oif relîgicîus scitools. Because itIlifhai poiiiin ho 'said an etics class, in whiich siudenîs receive relignîu, insiruciiiii 'w citical ieacitings accn.ciing ui the wliîe. onI iir parents is oi as satisfacinîr i sîiluiinîn as speculît religinnus schoouuil- Rcen Caniphell 'aid nuitrener andi witencvcr codunainn niccurs ihere is soume orui oif religion nîr moral value being laugit. éen il il is the ithei1ntin. anti-religions piisiiîn Mi curreni sýtin, bnîards CHRISTMAS CALENDAR OF EVEN1'T CABA NEWSLE1TER - CHRISTMAS EVENTS TIME TAB3LE CIIILDREN'S WEEKEND, SAT., DEC. 14 ý- Burîingtons Jr Teen Tour Band wîiI play from lthe steps of lthe bankJ buildîi. Slarting ai 1:30) pm. Cocoa and cookies aller ltLions Hall. SIJDAY, DËC. 15 -Tree ecorating by Brooville School children a it 1:30 prit a musical presenfation trom lhef steps of lfîebank building. Coco and cookles afor at lthe Lions Hall. SATURDAY. DEC. 21 AT 1:00 VU - Salvaf ion Aniiywvll bring ifs brass bandl to te village- a keffle WilI b. placed at Campbellville Avle. and Guelph Line. Members of the army will go door to door wNil thef band looking for financial donailons to hep buy turkey for needy larnhlies - niany need your support this year - please b. genferous* 8UNOAY. DEC. 22- Suif Claus Parade 1:00 prn. lTae ý- T«uu lI NWIgt Bofor CliWem.» ChlldrenbPgMy f0 folIo. ait Lions Hall. Canipbllville business commnity provide Chrlitmas cfleo folail #mmRa. Cone and sMhitarUjo 01 thu'uoowIIOlII usl ' LE T rr GLOW, L~~LEr rT GLCY#, LTIT GLGOM 'ne te eaon. V;o I your home 'wlth tb¶e wamfl4j &Md flow of candlell@htJ V1l it e Wlzard for »Il of your holiday and elft-OMn. MOMS. You will Lie de«lighVed bry our elloctonl WiaréoÎ/l4cs 2448 Lgkmhm or. iW., 43 Main St. 5., 15nret. te illag Oakuuille - CampbelMhle Ontaro 906-847-7206 905A54-ioe5 'Firne O, -a k n u.n BSok your quant Chrnatmaa gairn th ua«(froiii 230O peiple t Gor e ecial*y item, party menus, homie baloedfrrah puatniea and pies... MAo enjoy our Wonaderffd Crenwn Teas. Curtîjhellville Things* 7lii 1)114,1 qi nil(li I)riiarri) Il ý1 lit il COMFBRTIR SAi N I i 'TIf. (AliRITMAS'4 ORERWALL COVERINd ND RECEl VI 40% OFF SELECTED BOOKS UNrIL. CHRISTMAS CO In and m ou u Cînutina;ale inunwsm $14,98 Ma Pdlo. s $19960a. »IdChnsimau Gifwaw. 4ý,iii n-Ji i (siR il 'ni, ,nîýfl,(< in,r, ,qqn, .i xnxruu>i ii 1!0*.' 35Crawlord Ceets.. Caîiiiphehlvillc,, ornt. Tel: foxt5 nl1. 4-7664, IFax: ii t 15 1 o 1 1 li-