,Duffenin neighbours flot happy with auarrv trurf'r;;Z Uv BAAD REAUME fi. Champon Dufferin Aggiegaies wiD bud a privait, rold flirough thie Cox Tract Agreemeni F'orest se trucks cari haul sine front a new qusny ins 11he main Duffenn one sçolh of fli woodlnt. e %i madl Will kcep grav'el [rockst off lte main niocels for th1e 20 Year il will take 10 mine oui thc -ew ai- The Plan wns gliven final apeva Wedcne ai Hahon regionai counicil. Tbrougb ihe process several options wcre nired. including a Suggestion by area4ecidnts to build lte rond tbgrough the ieaci of tk foresi irait farther from liteir honus. Memkmr -of th1e planning mnd public worIks comumitee ie,>ectcd (W idca mnd opted go allow Iii roadwaylo k Growth deal underway? front DEALon Pu", a Rcgion go 11e verified. In addition sonic of thk capauîty l4eîng reclaigned front %pccifiw lands 's sulijeci lu negoiiaIio<wih landowners, in ai Icasi onc case bhe que, non is whchr cap&uly ws gr4nled go an enlire parcl of land or onlyta ,gy-lign of il. Mr Bcýi said hc wa,% roi sure if Iandowtiers in question wcrt' evin aware (il 11he repo)rt and mnslOed Malgon proceed cauI1ousIY. The rcplor m slated go cnte klorr Halloa's planning and public works commoiiiec on Januaiy 15. Mr. Kranîi saîd deals lo çccuie intente capacity are possibal usi k bcagrecd lo hy ail parile.% He saed suci 4rrangemesis vanuid hkely man rgoongey changed banda. Thlose companies ioning capacily are #linderstandab)ly concemcd glial ibey kc guarneed future capacity ai a specîi-l lime. blir Kranni said. Scholtens is running -fron UCHOLTENS on Pag" 1 aily %o hc cast reduce <he lonrning curvc ncccssaiy Io funociion as an ef fective MI, in ttawa. Mr Schoiltess suid lie hlc c, iai km-d ership requires hc ke Up Iront aboul bis bcliefs and not maker promises glbai will soi kc fulflled. Mr. Scholiens has hent oulspokcn and ai1 lime%, ConiroversiJal regarding lifcslylc issues sucli a.s iegioss funding fur AIDS ssvarcness a<td oiher heabth relabcd progrants, foc example giv- ingonus condons. Mr. Schohtens bas besn narted for 23'a years go Beiîy and <bey have four aduli citikfren. Mr. Scitolens bus lived in HaIbon fOr mûre <hlm 30 yeus. He has buili up i [brec succensful businesses during bis career. hti îthrough an are& planîed wiîh pine grecs. Bermen wilI bc buift onegerad ele os te a mInurimu Sarah Lxiwe, lfoçieny and iesource msagclr of Dulfeéon Aggregatoes. "i the collpany support- ed the commitlee's reçommcndatioii and a restoralion bond, which wll ke used Io roghabîii- LaM the quariY lad wheii <bey ame mimcd oui. -We wilI bud the raid to mingmjfe environ- mental impacts7 Ms Lowe told d1e commllee. addingilie quarny needed Uri fletibihiy to omer aie rive 11 I-heur shifts per day. ahhâougb, de sid she expected a single 11 -hour shift cach day would bethe norm. Maily McLcod, a maildeint of Town Uîne, sud' iterie is aiready substantial noise and diesel fumes frint<ldm uany. adding dma <lie explects -- - A -- ------ more with troKts goung through the furesa aria eveiy 2-.3 minutes. Site spoke for ber neighbours in asking for a route farther away fromt her home. 'We can', bang laundry oui te dry and we won't kc able <o keep our windows open in thie susnmer," nid Mg McLeod. 1bnere aic 20 cl- dico le our rurnl clusief This area is Choer Psy- gnoowsd. The 30-metre Pmb ebogli [the forest is insigngificant coonpared to (lie 160 acres <lie quar rywinl<frsroy.* j Du(feiin hmn agred go fort a bai"ut commît-à (e0< flelid resadens' coMnlpaiis ard bas been in - contact wih Mg McLeod, wito qucslionedl why cduncillooçs weie se notent on pnheccing thie coli Tract focesi when cubher side of dme Juoper<y will be huge pita. Ms McLcod aino noted, *we bava found sevcr- ai Indian aitifacis while Sjnn land ' The ssi faci issue ws net raisedeàt:fuil council meet- ing. Ms McLeod poînied te a section of land which will kc quarried, riar wbere the trucking rond will un and said il was llkey a glacial slnkhole whicb may have lie soi by ahoriginals as a wa[enng hèle. She nid site bad osly iecently been made awagie of [the potential Indiat connec- lion. Ms Lowvp nid Duffetin Aggieates bWiso dif- liculhy wvii an arcitacological assessanti of [lhe arc& bcîng donc, and addcod lthai people front [or Royal Ontario Museuili regglarly une thc quany te show fossils. -. os UARRY ott page 30 the [i U 1 S]~d AVAIIAI?11