$--Ibo Cunaia Cherripiom, We.tuda Oscarmès 11, 19116 *COMMENT'- BX '48. 191 Main Si E. Thi r.«ftM baàmpaa BabiiBh.0 Bl Wdtf$a Md %111on. Ont iA T4NY Id": 191MW. SI E Mitr 0. L59in OBa ZE Fis:9 9-4t ;4lseti' ffir,wW SAit., Brit t,oan Euîr1 a Pss ES . le G.1,han G rtei'9 nr iSrpndrn AlteO Fft PirmI C Ia'rsîtje& 875-330X) B Ing! Il MaCh GrOsa,ý Ilr ., Mai.,tani- Ian Oliver Publisher Siî M durS PrnlW,r 11n, M W .'II .N, ,,it' Ar,, EuBare N'lht'ieîanId e'Srrr Neii wIir t'i, j, ir 'a.r e,,Oî' rbrs.,osr r, Krhheu,* f,îîor M,. P.Ob,,Oflris Mrk r.1 cr Crr, .5'fi if,','ls ra.' Kir i tt inan 5 l" f ', *,nr sn JsSr re"î'î'er 'rn h i anSiý Ma -m"i, t,,! ia s ra. gaia ie's' i 5 I.T4 - ' r,, ~ *'~'~faiE oîr.n' A 'Golden' opportunity? Now thât the Who Docs Whaî pancliichaired hy former Toronto ( mayôir Dasid Cromfiie bas relcased is proposais lfor a municipal ~ gos erment makeoverjhe reactron ha% been slrangely rnuted. Mayhe ihat's heausît, the proposaIs are famrly vague. The faste rio HIs s.. th uR hh a k Up Halto. 'uisn'tfý randl exp tme na hre ».is talk <if .mla in und -imd sal Ircnte a rss Ontaro io big8erounes.0 Regional gos'erniment mn the Greater Toromnto Area (GTAJ 15 - recomnýe.ided for the scrap heap. yet Haltan Chair Joyce Savomne, who met jus, a Weck ago) with Premier Miki; Harris, cer- tainly doesn't seem worried. She could be whistling in a gýavç- yard but she is downplaying the Crombie report. and stressing that- she beieves Haîron in jîs present incarniation will be unscathed. ,) In a developmifent that should jive bier pause. however. is it rec- ommended Toronto evolve int one so-called mega-cmîy, with an oversighî board lii*ed 10 surrounding GTA centres ihat would cônîrol highw 'ay construction, transit, similae large-scale facilities One and policmng. That ks dangerously reminiscent of scénarios from thie laIe and F unlamented Golden report on re-jmgging the GTA. Anne Golden - Tk cai hâd. proposed a gowemning body that was dangerously Toronto- Campkjlv cenîne., from the sUburban perspective, when il came Iii politiçal oifficiais. Fi power. was ino This new scheme couki shape Up the same way. oeeein Il Toronto becomes one.major entity and the suburbs -what Novemker were Halton, Peel Durham and York regions - becomio mucb Timew To smaller and fractured entities. Toronto will caîl the tune on ail the efforts wmil mo4or projects. Parlrrersip When M cornes toi building new highway%. shoreline redevelop- cEtnsisling ment. shifting propemty tax assessment. providing netv growth- chuireies a relaied services such as sýater for Milton. who wiIl be firsi' Not wokhi the suburbs. based on political clout, even if Burlington amnalga. away froid mates with Oakville and Halton Hilîs hitches Up to'Milton. maae Toronto will outweîgh them al. by fa. So wbat i% worrisome about the Crombie recommendations is 20 Yeà the satie thing thai was, disconcerting dbout the Golden orles. Fil desptte the fact Mr. Crombie isn't backing the same level of . tn whai power and taxation consolidation as Ms Golden was. counicil. An The fact is. when the big get bigger and the s.malIget smaller. position as whiçh ks what wiIIl happen if Ifalton is essentially dissolved and short of Mi Toronto cxpanded. the former galber politiqaI power ai the pas ilion. SI expense of the latter.- We need to restructure gosiemmeni to lessen dulilication and P.ud spending a( ail Iesrels, and in many ways the Who Does, What panel bas approached this task in a rational mainter. But to ignotre the pi)tential fallout i% to court disaster ir'you rep- rer.on ' a s uburban consîmîuency. Safeguards must be buiît in to make this work. which wili assure the hefty don't trample the diminutive. It is a well-known tacî that the provincial Tory noyemment densves much strengih from the suburbs - the sottcalled '905' area. so ihey-will proceed cautiously. Peshaps that is dite key to0 to Mls Savoline's self-a.asurancè. Something of a slim thread to dling; 10 though, in a period that promises lumultuous change. Rob Kelly ges, of the Past andAgo .xrse iaptiire ai Rit reslis af th lvim Kea Ag letio "I 1 ad il dil veragan.".ai MsMacArthur, rom the December 13, 195 ssu "I would nom change the p"otiîon 1 loisir' 4 Assmlp(mn Hrgh Scilerimn Burfmngton w&a.sannmuncsd use of a Cire Rimal guiied Dad'N Restaurant near as kming the firs Halion high schBmiBî Io ki rn try Rit eopa- ilie had yeq mn ire dcetnbed. according mn file rame Ncitos hoardý TIlr ne c *hool. eriuRvenied frçns Arp ele. ire Citief Harold Pennmm received word litai aný menialy scismol. was ,sckduled lo orpen fir the up.îsmng simgation h) the Ontario Fire Maisial's Office çchool year. A parents' couricil sus hemng fom'med BIB des'l- cimismve. A complele report on thme firc waN otp dress and hchamîBur cutes% as weIl as decide on schi.î the upecomming weeks. Nom ne sus hurt mn lhk colours. 21 Nuae itait ruinei lite restaum'anIî Thme Halqom Regîmu Conservation Auilmrity (HRCA) wn of Milton was recogonizeit for is antm.dnmg rejectemi an invitation th1 juemn Halion Region mn thkir nrvs1 J han award fronm the Ontaano Dnag Areis prîrposemi headquarmerr in Oakvilie. HRCA îmttmcîis *Much of the credmi for Mion's recognition clamemii the enoimous cost tif mmmving as ssmjI as lmeir cen- Io the ciiizen-hased group Preveni. Thme group. irai locaion mn Milton as reasos e~ decliting (ke oltte of representaives front iea high ,nîhools. Similar hîis hami kcn prevmmsusly rejeciemi hy the (alion nd special interest groups, helpemi organltue Boardl of Educimn the Children's Amid Srciety, and rýe andm infomnmion nighta aintedul sieerîng people Halloit Regional Police Force. llmg. ie Paninership Award was a pmovince- 50 Yea rs Ago ersAgo rom the Decenmb. 15, 1976 aisse was an eimtonally ehargemi nauimmng ni qown ne MacArthur graeefully howed oui from kir Rayote Ms MacAthar imam cornte up 145 voies )n Gordon mn kir h)d tu itold o itie nk ayor's e itad imeen ntayor for the previnus hitiec yeam "ro fll. Deember 12, 1946 ime aOne of Milions Most imgily rcspecied &Mm esteed cilizens, William radfnn1 Clerinets. pansemi away afiçr a long life of se rvice in the Milmcm aroe. Mr Clemmets v<as a siapte of huismnes life mn Milton, king the Iomgtmn Itp- ager of te Metropolilan Batnk. Hte sai on ntany hoarmi- includîng mimai of lthe high seimool and the cemetemynd -las a inernhr of the Si. Clair Masonic tMoge. '