a 10-Tha Osiaie Omepin Wednoey. Opeenber 11. 1US b Phil by GIRAHAM MAINE OMOU uniembere Plekele SuhdeY Out of eoincent for ei propoead trov of 10blefron Oub~laOu to «mol Halon. Plan for the lé ui elily inc:11a a Pfu flrprtnerehp lts Haltin Raglan. HELP uIM LELIVER'a [NOCiOUT PUNCH TO LRUG An organisation colleit waa lormeS has béait sorking toward the goal of a résidentiel lacfl location ïar. people invalved aitd perhaps hoaked on du holp la reooVering brou' that 'sariS. The Sibiereno In that thin La £or teenagers- actuallyî 18@ 'sho are perhaps out ai; the iant 1 reàideno., or op; on the aigt with lamily and sooiety, 'sha art perh»pe mowheore ta turc ta &et asuistancle, adyLca, or flybe jues Tl2ie projeat bas boem apearheaded by Denise@ Lulq. 2m ord bar Lenise, la canjuniction with Ir and ;gormer IMM rei:eree,.haa arrailged lar Georie Ohuv boxer and soigeone labo hais experienced lirat band the rp addiction cen have' on a lamild,, ta coule ta Iiiton onU at 7800pa. This la the ïirrt et$kge ail a plan. tc, bAve hils cante baci earli 1»iarah to talle in mamy ai: te sohoola acrasa Maltait nigat bar the pr-9gran bu platnai prior ta Liarch Break. ?or more Information nee next ceeles Champion. "Privaie Not Publicand -Savec our 'ihe 3i ycars l've îeen wuelons, herc. Seniors" wcni &1m1001 lte messaget put out Isve %cen ,eniors' are cornte full circle. is Sundey at Allendale, hy a smail but spinlr mpoi tlmndu- over lthe yeara . ho ed gtoup rallying arnund lthe Milton limci now 1 wee il gOng hac t10 lthe way il %,s.*' oiPdd for lhc aged.I :Mcâftecron rally 'ss field the sami Rn kughly »0.supporters bravcd cilly day Allendale celchrated ils influai aflcrnoon lCmperalurcs m0 voie their con- Christmas Ica, Faily membtrs of local cerhi oser a plan Io rentove ahout, 100 long- seniors were glven pamphlets. outlilittng ten ct iei.ro Matin Ilouse and tue 11he gcsernment', plan liir settir r them ovcr lui a privale sector paniner in Thie pamphlet rcads: -A pnsvale corpora. âm. stuth Haiton. lion is noi acsaaitahle ti the aged, I' thie% ý "Our main cîîncem is ltai if 9lest e d whIo leed. change ad inierait v.ih the res adlf hecome prvaltaed lthe cmr w(if't he. 111cr. idents, otr o the tanpawers whu provde lthe lthai 11it'Il "l for moltey. Thcy're selling fundîng. 'tieir accounlabulity is lu iheir tisnors1 ite hîgitei îdr sad Pai shareholders. niolt lle people in the' Raaewap,>residenî of lthe Ontanio Puhlic home., isfrHlii"ciel i Service Employecs Union (OPSEU I. Local 1oîce t nem.liHallon Chr Joyce S261. A itealli care aide ai lit Milton homne Salî Igtfalton Noni&th MPP Ted Chud- for the paît 31 years. Mn Herouti wes 1cîit V ro2icîa healili mimhler. joined hy fellow Allendaile employees Ilà O' i e and District Labor Cguncil well as supporters froin bot Milton ahd WOAKUNSon page là Oakville, WVe aiteady lecit heda ai Allendale. We réiet addiind bedi.. liaI less A rme to a peisale partnernlip would ni only maltee -m rk seniors' care mucit more etiperinîve, bt AILU"ALE on pogp 3 ntijll ullmiaely responsible." Cu ntly lthe province la sludying ail loîng care facihltes Wilh an cye Io realk- ftMilýg Haltoît bas nu of due âND âL»HO&LLICTI011 lowves ds o populaton otisi Olaite se 1 mom monliau &Woud cto las tealînui ly iseceal yeus a"a. accord- back In January ci 195ad inggo Ms 'sar. L!1~îor altn Me±on s aSite ai people mavins ga Ihç new lil lo SatnRégon s a sïouthemf 'lity would mi bu J« am u a or alool, to go ta lor pteople curncnly living iII Martin Nou. everyone at'Almndale would bc givmnlie ttpptrlIsty. between the ades ai 12 and 1lhe gow faclity 'sali nu he cheaper. pear±ilg there parttime, are nis;UUPoeiilé lor acemable.had Mi Oit the atreeMimosat haveL MUI"vtfcilies âe nassabnile on he troit' ad hve only te dr uhaelboUdm. Ilspe ari onl' ê nieS sneont to tall( ta. 50 anapydoliascrgflwn tsqm er go gain sorno recognition ing fW amd profilnumm cognefrttiges oolood loal usibllésta tolley." îuoe'Haad, ~~M ooi usn sm MMussest siaiio qs ooi Ms mIo, loreser world ;FlawneS option for oe of lte ntaff. $besd ±1ïioationo Srug and aicohol OPSEU woul contut Io keepthe pé at the sure onâzd wsu attelitilf Io gitdulja meeting sîl Mayor Gord Kranti. Ma Ewset added gltl Martin Houle kagala In lot& Februaryi or could bç remodeled ito seniors apaft- *Ulti.ateld a £und raïtins menla. whict would Int more iliepeaidont seniors laité évana of Som (f lthe p gréons ai Allendale. or ùl could te rs- iuaed and maaunsd as a lon cm car fscIbly. but only if te province pmovided' operating finds.