.SPORS Hawks golden at Silver Stick show spor't 5-O record Tise Specinam Airways nixr haniait AA Winterlawks won, the Sîlver Stick watt a golden performance last weekend ih: Whtty lThe Milion-based crew were crowncd North American Regional chtampions wi!h an unhlemlshed 5-A~ record and hav" qualificd tor fliIte llttional inals. fb held in Newmaîrket iniJanuary. Wweir Ilawless tî4mamnrl showing hetlwd maintaîn a perfect 199tm7 edmpaign. which no%. sces (lit local airmen sput a 28- (W-1 rccordý * ooralton eercnxioiles hegan ai roughly 4:30 p.m. Sunday, when the ' Hawl> put lthe finisliing louches on a 3- inumpit *oser Livonia. Michlian in the finals. -h v..s redemption foe lthe Canada Csp Iss.aidaÀàjuilant coach Datien Rou%.selle,after hesting hi, t S. oppint,, Dee csîney provided tie heruics wfll the gaie ssin- lier in lthe dying seconds ol the econd peptcs. when ki look a pa.s rm Bryan Stav. and iired one il ihrough flie fise hole, lîîire.checkittg b> Shans McConitell anld Bren Silk caused a cosit1y turtnover for ivoina tomnts tsplore Milton broie lthe tie. Whtre Mewhinney wv the lier(. neîni;kk Joili Arttold was the star, Afin- gîvtng fli îîpposîitoli a brnetleiad in the openlng 90 seconds of play, ki sioned the Arnencans wlih diving stops antd glove sales and fild lits geound dudgtertidpro comec"effots. cae'y glcrItdpro MikS's muancemarkr cae a listh third when Jarre Konkle look a pass front Shaw along l(bc hoanis. moved o ie igh siot and riflid a shot off the post and in. Jacob Vandertteeggett utsjeessedl Livonia's goalie on a shornhanded goal 10, craise thiser 1boai-lived advantage. Aound performance by the entîre blueline corps protected titeir lead thrtugh the final fratre. A 4-I sellsifinal win over defending OMI4A champion Peterborough sant fellow cage guarder Gbnis Kovachik make hîs own contribution with a neae-flawless showing. Mîlton sponeli Petroought a one-goal lead before unload. ing wihh four unanswered goals and eaming a cbampionshie ketit, Mewhinney again suudk for lthe winner in lhk third, and added Iwo more fof a natural hal-inick, NkÇonnell kelped te up two of bis markers while Konikie p tkeltetying goal eaelyithe secondj. The local squad cltocked up convincing wttss over Vaughant (7-3>, Clanington (5-3) and boit Whjtsy (6-) in round-robin play. Leadîng the offentsive charge tn round-robin action was Korile with four goals and Jordan Jeans and Craig McDonald wilh ltree each. Mille Austen and.Malt Craig tallied twice With singles coming flrinm Krts Beai. McConncll, Mewhinney and SîlIt Photbo of, GR-AMI PAVINE &UnI Van Aulu lii b attumâdn fmh.d Notre Dune on a hScby scholushlp"d lte Miltn MaelU o et =vely movlng to poWiton otlbe playms o they IIIII con»i 1011 t tunllo of unww maiscus. Merchants get with. college program The Milton mem"at are buildng fo- 1trr future isy addresaing the immediaie scltooling needs q4 Mier 1996097 roatr. .While à numbee o!former Merchanla are nom loiling in1th NCÀA - incIuding arcond-yea Princeton Tigr >cmn Benoît - Ibis is the finit year 1k Junior A club bas organized ils efforts le promnote playerstoi the unveruîty level. Spearbeading the initiative is assistant gencral manlager/college advisor David Demto. Now in bis dui year ai Ibis position. Dre, bas been sbomcasing Mdto's ta"en foi mnm s achools lsmgisout the NCAA tance1the ssaon began - and bas already heîped one Meachan tiecurle à aotanip tr an NCAA Iîn tbis year. Rookie senauion1Mat Nffricel, Who Juat recensly celebue bis I thbri"dy. aignedh isklttreofintento1 play for the Notre Dame Irish November 15. Thie RictKo1n Park. Illinois native lied visid Oc Soudi Bega. [adieua achool in early Octobr aid madle tripf elsewitrre aa well. A"ton 0<1w aciools vyang fur bis serfioes wem Bislon University, Conail and Yale. "I cbose Noire Dam liecaus is dite closeat Io bone and forer NHLee Dave Poulin trille coacs He adoç*>a vide-open, offensive style lthaI tuila nly strolis," said Van Arkel. wbo wiii receive a full four-yra scltolursltp (tom Noe Dam He hali hem coSrted by NCAA scitools srnce lasyers showing miii Team Ilinois. Derm sW id wkaqwam of Van Arkel iss aunfpmo dm eihaail advancement propm off tri an ittpresave a.l mTee w&t lme Igats in =u legu anda titre in Metro mito wenc alitr Malt. aMd buically à strnsg semaIl pmgrami ai (Millon's) Bîstoç Reding (Roman Caithi Secondary Sebool> mas mity le menff wilhr Wîhh anitions lo go 0.110 law acheol altier univrsily. Van Artel conruemed lita a gond scisool package was Or key reason ki signed wih Milton. llie grade 12 aude" - wbo amended a privait Caiitoic cso" in Illinois - mn laking advatoem math. reIigion.ltlsysics and Englith and boula a solid 3.3 grade-point aver*g. 0 Seltlng taietied young players on Muton's ccuaniffilent to oducaion and player prornoon, Dermio sud consitiules phase one of the programt. 1 - a PORAN on pass 28 BUY -ONg MEDIUM MN PIZZA AT REGULAR PRICE ETUp TO 4 MORE MEDIUM -PIZZAS OF EQUAL 'OR LESSER VALUE FORf «,» "wy25 & D.rry Rd'. 8'75,4890