.2-Thei:ý Chnt i-.W.drueede. OCOOnru 4,19961 Challinor sefto take on Jullan eed~ r 1rmom C4L mJOA npqge. 'bc suid us "un doing very litie, il has No.2 date protiably stands a better chance effended very fçw people," t . i~<f titan in 1993, when te ridtng consisied lie calleil lus federal polit"ca hoMtant bd~BC U~ of 80 per cent Oakville volers and 20 ailventuu W d e woud rMa poWi per cent Miltonu voters. Me. Citaîinor lus. campeagn.. Mr. Citalmutor sud if lie a__ s4.1i hftbut maoes up &btout 35 per e cCittWfs the nomntion andl lt=!ta a fWr sim U1 ý of thtenew rding. ai clection inte Songor al. iteetîll -I would not hiase conte iltîs far if 1 lake an unpaid leave of absec fron didnli think 1 cotali win lte nomination local couincil. If ltai ekectio is slated anl the niding in lthe eleltioit.' suid Mr. afler the muicipal eleelion daie in 0" W«« mm shOO niallinor -j know a lot of people across Novensber. 1997 Mr. Citallinoe sud he 1.l ilew Sdiîndli lte ridtng but Ise go nty work cul oui would noir fn locally.10 s leâ for te. 1 ant not Ihat well known in Me. Cliblnor lises wist ist wtfe Lai h c Sehoi ll or H a)i-H lll% " md two ci ldeat Aghley and Joi mi. .Ht.asblt&. __ 1t4ebs un.Put offlie nte. Hallo ei- uetmly ut uatlan courncilloi? un Mikon Pnior tlojohrng die conutuer ittuuy Ite I M$chrit Set.m Méta oewofflt r grpuls. s currenlly licld by Literai MP and serves on a quenber of> "ed. flue worlied in jourttalliss. including a aint »y 1 emeum te Jualian Rged Mr. Citallînor said the native Miltonuan is mantager of corpo- in lelevWaon reponting for a CBC affl - IiteraIs are puesiding oser a "caretake rate enil public relations for Contpaq ale and as edtoL of Thue Camadian al- govemmbeci o f which lthe besi lthai cani C4nad4, a large computer contpany. Champion.. t * NOW - Ulmh Qu"d Ca«taIns adi ait :-, - a- »«c* Ab CZm.o ftii g -~~~~~ * ihp5UC Wlth AI This Chelce Ami Value, W ýC~3myhf Eueé? I ~S»s Your ontarin Pard R wiu l ~am. Costly roa mistake in- Brookville Ira. AOAD on popi1 considening sullons we fan lake, sucli as deposlung otai taxes int a trust account, unlil lthis us ruant!.' Naînagaeyaltouncîllot Barry Let, saytng te receivel "a numiter of very legilimale comsplairas explatned lit ntae- rial usei n Beookvîlle Eslaies'us even coguer tit standard lr and chip whicit as useil on mst rural roads. Me. Munro suid lthe lar and chup us uses! on rural madls Wù(a nol strmçt un nIIIesae tbdII.ns seiicit have always rcceuved a sntoolli aspitali surface belore beung accepte! as% contpietel frot lthe developer. Brsxtkvillk Estales us about 14 yeaes oldl Me..Lec said hc lias 1101 becit able lIn ascertain where the pussblemt aton lie aid ut was possible Iha a comntuication gap somesiktr un lthe decision ntaking chain coulil hase spaei ite.%ituatioýn Thte projeci was neyer preeied t:, cosil. ý» Lee Said. rallier it sss uMpts' part of lthe municipal assaut roâ.d maii nanice programr Ile agreed se t Mr Muntro's assenion Ihaitâhre aL r10 mottul callot 1 resident-. regarduug lthe pruves and expressed hi, diâppoinuneni 'Il was a stupi(d mitake. inev.u,àý We seoulilat accept a road iÉ sulh ha face front i deseloper.- ,s, Ni r I ce -Commonn sense dus! rux prL',:I Reiden'., have a vêry salis! reasor tir hcîný annoyed. Ilosever 11s a toacits arci., v asslgn blauue Mr. Lee siud fixing the mail ssull haseiý bcdiscussd &%patofche 197 town hud- gel prvtreî% '11w resilents tlhink thi, mail shoukll bc restore! ans! I agrre wiîh litent Counucil gave lthe ressurfacing proje-t a hîgit budget pruonîy. lu % expeclel îu coms $25.000 for a treaintent ushicit soulil snuuoh ouit the mail A full asphali suai wonali cot approsimatey $78.000 Stephen Carr. a Brooliville reident. Npoke for hi% neugihuuurs Monday nigh. SaYung hi' souls! accept lthe solution onl) sailli a hîgli iegrec ot reluctanco - ie calleil the original resurfacung Ia mislake. a failure autd a complele htastc (: public rttoney.: In adituion Mr. Carr asked lthaI V1air, liai sare ot donce k idenlifie! an! cont- Plctcd Petor lo the restirfacing. ahicl i ull îke lake'place un the spning Councillor John Citallinor a.skel lit a ontplete icview of mail suirface slanduvis be uffitieeaken by st affý "Wlen M, make changes Io oails anil hîngs sac go Ilirougi a contplicaledl publtc onsultaltion piutcess.' suid Me. 1e T s aitn aple of wiy' Wé ezo f draw youe attention Io lite folloxwig lit our .currett 'Chaues Mod@eEa$y SaW4fer Pabe 15, Muan 2 - 44-2262-0 Kou. wetct iluatration. Copy a/toua WrC& uct 044-2266X. . Wu e/e/i Io dmw >ytJf ~/br/on Io file kâImrtg in ou, 'Sci!toges Badl &u* #y- IO'ap 18 - WaM mourit TV a/teS 411 011117". This produacla no loWe *vi-e 3 fI Beieti ai May hm waultied u c c i