RE4-hi CarudWa CNWVimup, W.delqdmy, Dscenber4, 1906 Immh iRSi, Ml v.reinrr.iar - ~~intde't- mbr liruker- Ws>"IL4LTON, MIL TON CONNE ('lION 905-844-5000 Connect witb tbe Rest FIEE 'FREE@'FIREE '1eqyoa htiy a homie dhouagh suIt t g1rp, a leadfing bank w il piavude y ur Ci 3 nmgage payniaints FIEE (OAC). Thatr s nght FIEE instant savingst lm owo o- ReIMl oM.%fniall9o n 'WcnowHoffer 3 moniu YIE M. lt riuim, 3 hi"rirxins, te rrasro, C'A. many epyierL .C tano u- tiipgra(de x. weiý urn walkoit ;t aie gpaymnsOACl ryn u Wa M , r vl i a î J h n g y o u r h o m ev Patio WwenZt'n' L Joh s llfflîqiisua SRis nU (il Mffqe'W W, LAMUV7 i Ipl CZU>âW tw m 3 kkormu saesulk with " INmv cicors fdin, sfvy re aisnd *- Y.pedc"te Comn vKufr k"4 2exu le i Quahiy aweC Iâe 10 Aaes ~w 2 fireplac, Bedoenman kiidien, nahu dmo pnvacy xàuihMn. 1or, Lake 1nson j.'I Many advantages to listing your ho~ with'a quahified realtor if you*rcthimking f Pullng your hume on the market tis . oea esinie profesiona and you may not gel as much for il. fail. you may he lenta to ty 10 elH i oun.eif. Voit peo- If you'rr stil M onvinced that il's heller tu womk wioh a ahiy think you*li sav orseif %omne niney hecause you oeaiîr. you shouid consiler ail1 il documeni on, negolia- 'on have lu pay crn iision lo a rai esaie- professional.. lion and legalies învolved in cnu.4g oro sl Bw when you fattor in ihe anounil of lime you'ii spend ,Afier ail. when you consider ihai Vhome is the single. marketing your home, along ssith theVosls of adveflising largesi purchae mosi people make dwing their lîfeiîmes. and îîher incsdenlaIs,ýyou may bc %urpmed tu discofer lilial you wantlu1 cnsweL thaq nohing goes. wiung andi iheir aie nn you arni likely tu sace much ai ali, lasi iniule surpn.s. In fIct. ihlers a goond chance il wîiI ike you rmwchonger Keep in mind you jack lhe skîils a tramed irai claile pli> Io u-11 your homne p.$vaieiy imil wouid if you bad used a fessionai ha andi bhai )ou isonIt necessarily ke aI* t b> cinguish ihe serious huyers fruîm the "browwsrs, As a resui. you could end op wvasling a greai drai orf iir (lime. Ohjectvuiy For mai peuple. wIling a honte is an emixilînai espen- ence aiu yiîu wonui i nessanIN h as objective a% a realior S T iiuid kc about the value il viiur homte ihen rwgoiling a deal Beeause, ii, :i.ou ma>) nul gel (lie hesi i'ýihIe picc lof r ornie Il, addiion, yiiu priahl ' diiiI have the kii,ledge ii inarket oindition% tbaï a reallor bas Fori esaluipli l'ou ma> lbînk iiu can gel thwse ie r' lir obone as one .Ii A %IIOLN PU LIA I your neightxurs esei lioigh the home, ares I 1 i i parahiC Reailur, are highl> hoiîe ""euîul vs ii s IAN OLIVER. - ouIk hir speiil %kiiis ti esaluale yir homie. gîsîsg >îuU paie Advoflisîn: Nid OWve (IhmniW p ~ ii mid di realislîî. expeiauons *RSai EaIuIs Rp: Aidmeofiy NILS Pdeiihed by: i)oiu Jevcide lo go il alone. reinemkhr ihii hîa,, wa~ The Canhdia CNenpio. spend a con iiuElpiiis imll> adsvrlîsîsg ai ioâr, 191 Main St. E., Mor. Ont.. LOT mè keling >usur bImhn îuu inibae avies hi ktheaIlle 7131Pm. (9w6) 8>im30 re.ource, té reailÉaie proiessiiiai enjoys lîke ilie Multipie ~~'- ., .nup %P laiig Servite <PALS). PLS is a coîllecioin iii iniirusâion 'WM à -- UWb I o about vîau~ou<c in a given ara&. vuhmiiied hy liii- ~- mvm Wm& *@ nu~ ing realiors, uucg 111101:011 rili u ww mu ,uft gbguad " This %pocialri crue gises honie% maximiim expîsure osi MU *ga *4In e i t - 1a 'mo, 9" ihle maikei icaus 1W ilslings arc madec asaîiahk- ii ail reai n îor s . à'll -ff M--. glierlla~ a "î. esiae peiifesaonais wah ri> k ii ia real estait: board m'ai 4w«»4g inu m u niy USw fa i s 1=. 1 *M'îi on ou e~oi . ai n ffu a Cilli "b c"m inems hundinds or ihoi.unds i irahors are markeiing )oiur