Trustee turf wars erupt lover schoel closures Board hears specific amendments to its Renewal Plan. Lr1 The public bas golten a glimpse int., the mindset Of somne Hallon public achool board truateces on the sikject of wddesMad Achats Thursday's regular board nicet- ing, sevcral iflistees forwarded specifit. amenditienis Io the most controversial a&Pct of proposecl radical changes found mn thie o-catled Renewal plan - Nchool cbosures Burlington Truie Cheryl Craig submit. ted an amendnmm altng for thie retmoval of Lýakeshot Publc School front the doc- sure li Ilts onie 5)1 six clemelntaery çchools in the rtgit,n sibat may bc closed nexq Septen*ter on the recomniendaîton of the Accommodation report. Mîilqs4ps Pcrcy Merty is anothr. 1 'Frusiee Sandy Van Harlen put fortlt~a motuion that added anotqher &ight q1emen- tary schboots Io ihe Accommodxation debsate. Among the sites shte tRenhioned were Matin Store o! Mîlton 1 bave a kWt of questions about a log of ichools wilh tow enron.ent right now. Wby were (bey flot mentioned in the school*s report?, MI, Van Harten Won- derd. "We have not hemt able to question administration about (lits in public' Vice-Chair Penny Stebert*s motion refêerred tc, the future atatus of Aldmeshot Higis School. Since répoesematives o! tht Aldenthot Family t! Schools have appasý enttv ehanged dtheirnds antd now do nos fiant grades 7 and 8 students put in the west Burltngton bîgb school. Ms Sieheni %uggemiO. if neastty Fairfietd elementary is ns closed. Atdersboî H. S. sbould tue closed Burlingion Trustec Diane Lebtovic coafltered wîtb a motion calltng tor an Investigation into the possibitiy o! stu. dent% ai the overerwded Waterdown Hîgli School coming Io Aldersboi to keep it a viable facîttt i547 Mi S. LAftoJ n. Su h Smd.. t~ a S.4. .4 ""Sflt*l~ e. *... * n*4~l...- fl St W.MMZ.N. NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO INTER ST NO PAYMENTS FOR 1 MOLE YEtR %lIra YlS itI YIS YES ' WA :fS l-, is YVO 40 10 WA vis' L-. q l VIS VIS fIA M t S.. ni VI <hi ém iM Myh *M - lisMITIE. ý-F-AB1ýJ[CLA1;i-YD