DESIGN fur LIVING A welcoming family home Gary Thomas Bmkrwnu ... 878-7777 Heather Ashbee-Meeban .... 78-7777 Carol M. Brooks .......875-M07 Carole D. Budworth ......878454 Gladys Cranford ........875s3039 Joseph Fedacsek ........54-9949 Ron Furik ..........878-3337 Sheryl Gray ........ ..875-1121 Clav ton Hackenbrook .....875-0771 Richard Hierman .......878,58Q6 Bettv Ingle .........878-7777 Sharo Kerley ....... 854074 Joe Manchisi ........875-0899 Lindsay McLaren 854..... -2451 Jack McCnudden ...... .875.4586 Maurice Miljour .......876-4577 Lloyd Moore ........878-7575 Mâte Morgan ........878403 Paul Page ..........878-2995 John <J.P) Pears .......878a689 Scott B. Nor a .......878-7777 James Snow .........878-2172 Jean Snowden ......... 875-3915 Anne Taylor ....... ....L 9833 Glen Thomas ........876«08 Florence Walter .......878U231 Kàtna Wahoa ....... 87841588 RON FURIK Salex Represnabe ofiK 878.777 W,1.etis 878-337*M* To. LM 825.4485 m ANNE TAYLOR sc 5mW ulreprd.# olw Associosinlier wsi.O.43 Tom & countr REMITERED FOR "rE1 RELOCATIOI $995.1month Long laeïlWption 3 ed- SPECIAUBT noom lownhom, filniod bitumnent. DORSET PARK BEAUTY SU93 eteYd eencxrurd t-n 1- .1..y Onn t-t., 3x'n pldý WII d..0 On S"d 5- " oniath- irer.0*00 dos oiç adm 825-44«A LLM NTW OO.9 50 Io n saln -ni off, éop- 05 ., * P. osu nàIa pflàh..ý11 paxdOian a r. nn t osaInesli. 1.1- 1iiOe, cada lion tal Io, tour posonalh.I AoIk,0 ForYO, HOT 0fF THE PRESS lxi hO 1-Mas 1 ss 2 bes honted #WO a peao dlo. , 0,000 $oon hn 11 £ 19t îosrwan * trial 5r . ro, 1 l fno CdR RoinO IMy~ pwiP.- DUMJUO LOT FOR SALE J.14 lsdi, osa on kafl . a, ton H9.F-.n. a. bossi Os hana I MstI Nw, oi. ndabl. P lm., nd,. ro o r bâCby " MgtWtuosru 09 nd i dflt nd 01 .lteya PIF mM ion aIon ueo aa F51J Io îaO maI of CmbeuS Md I~1~1 .ghy isurrom fO ýqock au#@ :8. lanIds of bsh. vaan I., .got ton 119. or twn ose jus hOrt of 401 CaPbhblta10 MoleStlàIinho.Se to.t *îlli Maent 'dot, siin Soit: and plunioI *y,- MMaot aonuom, ïoM an sys toa utue A,:L8L .*iN -EEME AJEAN Iwo un2 pois Me. hbwos laclilIs oso do.Obaç sohnoppI estarans$45 U SwM.Cl eOr 09dM WIdiK T« SNOWDEN S"el 878-7777, In-bwo k*ipin 4 prioitrianlIt nid S go$ to.k l ountry dmos ID toun in el pnice migeaý *MUN r"tllte wu 4) Copyruitt SELECT HOME DESIGNS *ciwvered front porch is a haven for relaxation .and onel comC% ou to lis greal tamily home. *spacissxý% entry 1% partiatty open lvo %ties hIîîp Io a ssa.n f r nnr indoon *('ounlry-sslied khen silh centre ibland i, open Io tamaly / heaflh roonîo crealing a Iarge.iotortai %Pace e for lamily gaixLrngs F ormal dirinx ruonm opolion 1% sisaîlahie as allemalnve it, main-Iloo)r study. Mlaster hedmom honts, bis and hmr, ilosels and pnivale halhs v, ah separae sto,%cr axnd lwin vanily * Bo wusom over double garage prIsîde, .idditional 343 q.f iltr tlure dtveliipment Torecils a 300I page plant booik lor îImY $9> ')5 4<nlui sg shapping and (iST) featurmng thN dcsignAnd more titan 4t00 other hcautit xliv Illustrated home sind cottage design%. cali tiiii t rec l> m-6.-6739. Iax (6M)$ 251-3212, tir e-mail t cosliloedsgsnmeinm lspeeify Thew Canadian Championt. We aicepI VISA 1 Master('ard / AMI X For paymcnt via cheque or moxey orîter. mike pa alte t,, [x*sîgn tîîr Lixing, c/o lThe Cansaa (lîanipîim end tIo 3t0t ti 6i1 Alexandter Street. Vanîîîoser. BU. Vti\ Il t fout javel 1292 eqO. second I.~.j llSOsq.ft. 1 1 S14? 000 - ATTENTION 1 IRST TIME BUYERS fint levm 1»2 »Coud l"el IIIIIIIIII sq.ft.