Haiy Roaary Church'a Puncsh Hall. Artist exhibits 'powerful'painting Sy KAREN SMITH ie 27-Ntar-,dd Ias' ie 'anted ppl iicef iht The Champion sailie uay fie did hMen fie sa, fhe siece [rm Jesiasti N.vareth ticneesst A hulai anlis hopes ttî fiunch ilnes tancer with the' -mey fiel the sufferiiig is tax muifi and tl unis refeaseofl a fntuerlul painting ftiai (ciliii' are îalfîcg (hemn oif Thes doint wni that feeling ansd tl makes îtsert.fefming. hem tctû uniiîtmfrtahfe i almiisa take lhal as as tcin- Llefong \lilqîonian Michael Mconcell was pliment cnNpured il paici 'Veronica' a graphie dispia> ltf hex Veninicas i, M fisel tirs! piece oif ocrfi sinth Station iii tht' (ros- aller atching fie catie tic fie market sinie fie deîcided ici r>y i turc fils hcihhy Jesus ft Nucareîh -% initié îareer. The pamnting siiii> <fie sesenii ccil Mr MtlThnnefl ta%, ý.niiîsm [liai [lie çsîeîe II 'fi', paitinîg fie eser aîtiempced )le bas hecen paintincg sance raucrfuf' ctîctrms fiat fie aLitîtcpfîshed cufuât fie set îhîfdnscid. husueser. tînt ze *me PAINTER an page 9 i promised our future was going tai be spectacular and followed up with a diamond that shows I keep my promises" [s two mnhssalary too much to'spend for somnetliing that Iasts forever? Wt' sxA N'u C4ýwu1îtv Wc (iye Yç-eu KntowledscI! be n¾ ; -i -t ifS . ilîctri fo tli cr% rmrna rsaI i tc I. es, Cafrd Ccma0k1W4 876-4367 MILTON MALL 8.76-GEMS . . 0 i ondv*omqg poli, dSo, «sAuc, ut m i scb gn sibieoen nytae ?n stoenng AA<M mis Orrt, 701O kinis Y o"wl, tas8 cusdmwu &,S .aio Iny wauînr ALWAYS MORE TO CHOOSIE FROM @WU WARRANTY à SER WHAT WE SELLa fol mmnIt 11,111M leil .ýrmàt,,. 4 , IMPOMM OM AN Gm jov a, P- d,& cw>j"coet'o" 15'.hftls AMIFUCJZ WI V&