mu« CuStm bLq 4 bdrm, 01 lermaCatid t2 ace lot and lent commlthng 1, al n quc4ly crie tdaY Rai 1£ cm- 900845 II us 90 an ise 'foe than you écra perform. GREAT mPOTENTIAL Th oe bed coo tonnhouse otier ing gnat poent1a 1.o the nght bupe, Set n 0uaD sa. Pare close to sWtooIs. Pares and Shop- _ o ut' ping. Cati Scotit fo turther datals, l4 1090 Don't wait. CaiREMXfrt MultonS #1 Real Estate Company ffe878-7777E Toronto88-45I Ra 78-05I CAMP8EL VILLE Cuslom, large Eueopean bungalow wilh two large ea-sn klclie<is Finialied basemnent mCs caenice, anel bar. tireplace and tan neelkouts Ca 878-777or DirèC M ne 875-0949 HIQHa V2 aan'w T'mllue m~n aina an ritoa. $177.900 Cauntry nielibaen al Jo. ai878-777 ai OÇY7MSldq Une Cet-4 'a-lrlcn .i WALTER I Sales Represantanvie 878-7777 Office E 878-0231 Res 825-4485 Tor. Lina l UPtNGIOUSE unda,Nov. 24 2- Pmi l0-acie oounhry .4444. TOAD HALL'ha, spacrou,% princiPal roones, gourmet kitcilen. Iandacaped grounds and mire, Soparale inainlnanny sii. ASang $549.0100, SM-' Sales Rep. &ý8à7-7777 878-7777 a"e M lr'tiPai M"s.o.n l ws ianlng discance ro J baIIneoem,alrdneclakIl. ndgA r - l good MM dock, Cao Jea îigir a=a161.n ltats $149.000. ('*WequalAdposcha.) 1 have purcharaava WJ in vantous paie@ lineues. - Fm a oelh WNo Proe'V I cnaltafjtoe & enavaeaaee of ycoe humteI Mil Mon a # 1 Real Egale tCoenpante WIIY PAY CONDO FEES? This cute character home tauilt in 1857 hais Iad extensive reflovations. Not forj mention walking distance ta downbown Miton Listed at $1 ï9,90. 3 beiaaoi lowilruse winS ahtachnd garage iunished balenent tente1 laid. hnslrly Painted upgladed Isc~ ~. bioadrasnr Priced il 127 900 inth inie ;est rates doen why ail ta but? Phone Belly lt et, afflnlnur l5day MY -LISTINGS AR E ALL SELLING LET'S TALKI Liea.Bp ~ M.La Mca mu G ta. u- 2 ~ lugee 3.. bacai WI e r lairs, lrg ai retire.aa "ar.. x pV5flae2 Ilie ms mm, omot*W a - rtitllst r iesu -ý a u ne 5544 lai honil Act ou. Otipy Pliffltlsi IMNI mmns iron oSa5eI in WrE access t0401 Cidroom haine St UPUnades.1 air Fl U tý nn ýy" 0 L, T , , ýDE SUPER VALUE 1