m». WIOhmroe Wcdixkn =Nli.ai1it oin e, .M nonfflmohlng fenan. ro pet. 878- TOWNNOUS, 3 bedàoos. 2 bath finiahed basemnt. n«s carpl and paint. $1050. TOWNH04SI. Thre. bedroom, gare. ave, lambitius, $075. NWuitie Aval"iu Dec. 151h. TOWSIOJUSE. 3 aionon Hualop. End unit NO $1..SI100. monlt Cal 875-7116 mdnts For %nt 1INEDROOM APAMUIT al"u i Aton. .----- daoor»&d alai , 1 Peilff a.-u Refalres. No pet, 85560'mih. 83-0676. 2 DIDRGCM WALJ(OUJT, own enenca i tant h.sl equpçad hechan, 19 marut fin rMillion à &uaO. Aval"it Jmffl 1, Ralarn. $625 -k uUt.lea. Piiist. 1-510-837-0490 BACS4ELOO APARTUENT *va"dl Jfirsay 1, 1997. là lown Wiln. Plalma cal aller pin., 876-8007. CAMPRELLVILLE. W"g 2 bedoonr bétonent apwmi on rusa hon. $lOOmorMt indludes u*bes. Non-snuoksng No pet. 0154-9865 FRESILY panied, aparn 1. 2 à 3 badloonu apMnntmssa fe W*hihghrue ai BoebWqo Tg viea. 333-984. 12 - Sp.Wr .tI01ND TOWERS - 12 oe±IE OR., MILTON NOW LEAM = = d' (fomlau paffe à Apply %0 Realen Monn, MILTON salii. Sy >.pa¶mt WaMk downtown. yard. pulrai Rabman. 905-84 4-9340. RENCVATED MAIN FLOOR of houas., one bedicoom avatlit. Dec lut. Landord rete requhd. Apply V101ie 878-3206 SUBLET. 2 bedioont dahix. 120 aq .2 Avalable Nov. W 8784183 30 ooms vllallabl AVNILABUE Novamber 23. ltagt, coembtal hjrladW mmn. aile for enrloled nuat. Une, of Btng roo a twnrrdy. Cenal ilin. $100 walal (Fud maif plan if reqiud -$SU pair w@M)> 878-062. LARGE apotioe furnithod room, 2 Pc bsthîoom. use of Iaundry facilitiez il ight oaolang Worknag furn"i pm eaite 8715-127T PRIVATE BEDROO with chtwed kitcluen, bat, Wmagron à lîtndriy $3l5hront. Avai- dit Darnber 1. 575-3720, ilMITON. 20 Mm cg emellart audn"od aippi tuaw rp (1-416-252-7286) SEAUW UL =xoua 4 bediroin. alary. ditruignaru. titat matntm. ý ual-hidia, to 5 pol bagroarn à cmu 2 peont Wesid. castrail wia, ha'tt m a muric *ma..Oida b= 1en.3 carre. tmgafil l.4 a20 mh 0ag !ipoa $11111.000. 519-863-332. COUMTIV buln lot. Ralady Io btdui your Dri., Na e 5 nmai N of 401 ai Jauni Show, Pullswql. NMair gou avait"i $1 38,800 Plion %05-75-1710. 905485e2487. PRIVATE SALE - TOWNNOUSE, Throe bedrMn, el mantainos. teaturea ickuda fratait peaitd wat- Uvoqhota. Na. tlooring in kitchen. 3 appliances. finiase bâtanent- ienoi ba" yard oSl Bagae. Ue of Pool aind rMc , .S $118.900 To Ven by appontinents. 87&-071. IroNE BEDROOU roue on RoaluaiDrv $167.000 or but oaNar Cal for apponitfrunt 870-0598 10 K HERRIN bouem £ l bracelat $50".e Smu 676-3310 lNEW comuputer sane IBM com"patabli. rile CWvata gft 876-637 'AWONOM Gini ail Etical Dalswa. aort gei aad b go, $7 0B0O 875-4738& BELL Asaarng Mec*Ni. okbi., mo . exa-l tarnt workung oanditon, aslung $ 18 875-028 CAP ta llssii Pudu -Up Truidik. ronit à -mer and tie wrndos (ahdn6g art. semena, $100 876- 3213 CARPET 10OX12,Good ovMula $60, Aller5 pai 876-175 COMPUTEN DE5K - Oaks fintatu, cmnpacl. hile ira.. $45ý Grait behurla mofn 876-526, larie CROS COUJNTRY Sku Ladi am S à 6 Skis, boots tard poles $35. per se 878-4782. DRESSER, $29. Poil bell hrume $15.. ile stand $15. Good condition. 85e-32113. EARLY CHRISTMAICS SALEIt New AB WorhSit S $90 sUmitid qswnbty yru, 878- 987. ELECTRIC Baieboard hoillr. $25 878-3830 PIREPLACE SCREEN. glass ioW~ ii bres suai $40 876-0066& GIRLS1 SKATES, sie 5. usait ona issr.$25 sim 4. $20- 076-1197 GftACD&*V-orist baby ;-Q. $20 Flie Pairi cm selatSU0 Cul 078-483 AYTAO Dr 611W., t.hyl uniar counler i.al . S78-3630 TOCOMA bai Bell $10 Lonl 876-439 0W UAR loir tuck or cmv. 875. 878-9884. WEODING GOWN (Traitional> Bitta 10, $100D00 HndeSm 4baaaltoavalabl 876- 4734 WHITE Chagae titbla,. goodoito.11,40. Lori. 876-4364. li W e have a plan to help you find the right home in the quickest and most'convenient way po-sible: Our exclusive Better Homes and Gardens Home Buying SystemTM We'lI use it to .help you determine your price range .. .understand the terms.... handie the 'clos- ing .... and much, much more. So Oive us a cail at 878-4444 and we'll get started helping you find the right home toctay,! Remember at NeweAl(95).Realty Better Homes and Garderqs, wile also do BU VER REPRE-- SENTATIONr a true benefit for anyone Iooking to purchase a home. 010 VOUR BABYS BIRTi ANNOIJCMN APPEAR IN THE MILTON CI4AMPION IN 19«? If so, your notice Mil appear in our Annuel 'New Arrivais'96" supplireent in January 1997. 1 . Choose your lavourils, pscture. 2. Pnint your naine, telephane number andi the month your baby wast bom on the back of the 3. Bring il inta our office, no flor than Decemiber 13. 1996. W. ful ar.dan oss osai, mai ail 9@""Weabn e C ar s lan ah the p.crra rmv.« The lUron dua.npn cavne bu. far or wwan puiotograplisr hr ;nue ewufppa * 191 MAIN STREET E., MILTON a 878-2341 1996 BABY SUPPLEMENT BABY PICTURES