Don 't make cop -issues more political, warns employee rep f flv H4OWARD MOUSI. "in the lerni made popular by titis government, these recom- Mr LaCourse t0n s couemned s%;ih adeqiacy noicesrie Specîal t. rh"CaI ~.~ mén&tons maie no commun sentie,' said Ms -lîîyst. and said tui whtle the blance Chiçf Camipbell spoke f wu-id 1 ý Halton Police Chief Peter Campbtell is also toncerneu about make the situation "more palahale." utftmately ihis tas is- Allowtttg muicipialities lo set police budgets and appoint gov- municipaJities settrng police budgets. * factoy Q eming board met>éers will surnender contuol lu tegional couticil, He said councilloin are concerned with safety. oficouirse, but As for accountability, Chief ('ampiell %vid the local police Wr %ays the administrator of the Hallon Regional Police Assaociation. these days qheir number une priortty is fiscal restrat, Itis, said vices board bas been very responsible and accountal foi t1, Paul LaCourse iaituains te current system qf electedl officias Chief Campil. could "cktA dmt issue of adequaie polictng." decisiotis and ca-te il s relationship wiUi regiousal Councîl and provipiciai appoint=e worksjust fine and said policing shosild If the mandate is transferred tben so sliould tbe obligation for as pstv' remain "separatea asparf" front inlemnce. ptwuviding "adequcy of ptolising* "is, lie said. woul fumist Vie 'lwy are containing cos while trying lu rnee the demand for "Plicing musi lie clear andi fiee of any political influence." said neoessary balance. polîcing.' 4s $ Mr. LâCourse. wfio made hus commet in response to last wock's 'lite responsibiliy msuse go heyond ifrlars andi cents, ýe çwmd * sai CHIEF on pmg 16 recommendations froià the provincial Whio Dues WItat panel. Mr. LaCou' watts for ehat is mn effect Ib.e police union. 7ie paniel. cliairesi by Da.vid Cmombie, beieves ils recOm-- tnendations to Quren's Park giving municipaltiies more saccountability tsi he taxpayer." AffAirs ansi Ilo'sing Ministcr AI Lchd. Mr Vrombie andi Whoî Does What Emergency .111e reopobduily Services Suh panel chair Peter Mut9 byn Mcybom illined ilicir lugic. "ElcIed municipal officiaIs doilfluâti éetsi," are accountlable fot>mnoney ......ý1 .............. c risait through municipal taxes PFMUCNWU and should therefore have greater méasuoetof control over the costs of providisg police scrvics witiiin ihe communîty, thty s.tid, At present. fotur members (if the lialton Regional Police Services Board aie appoinîctu by lhc province. the rçmaining tItra by Haltun iegiîinal courncil - '-Mis has wiirked àW a pasq ansi cv %ce nu neesi fîîr drassic changes." sasi uar1coijrwc ll.tnel Lliîyst. president of ihe (mait Association of Police ,Services Boacdt, believes full coniol tif budgets ansi appointees by murnicipalities will "effectively allow police funcions Iii bueN LOc controlîrd by the political expedienctes (if a council and theaIN administrative expodliencies of&a municipal exequtive officer 3006 Derry Rd. W., Suite 106, Milton (q05).8457606 Unllmited calllng to Toronto & MIissauga $5É UIMoth(Rednta $9.9/ Metit SuaIe., c"Q Appi'eff i long distance S"~nge f3 - 5%, discount long distance CeliIIgCorde. C4U mmV .&M ti JNUW If