.M ï Study the chant baler caruful and pfck the forniOuin 9dire tiat No', best W. think youIl #gras, Sfoffl Creek Fum.Oture . s 1gb yerahiad wiir no lnddlii or sali charges * on ariy service we off a Corne to Stongy Cnoîl Farniture. choose from a vain: selecion of fine funnuabinqa colcteid lronn around the world, don't par for a year and gel the seice nou deserve-free of charge. TM" 'I 'E ni' ri KA -E Vi q 50N Nu bË* ES ni Na O VES ris 105 M S.. ni li t*.*,tUS Fdb a~.4 0 -yS -.4"1 M tay C@zy W»tout Spendinq a. FortupI A"lsigmitsh fhm conircls Mid Pottemc ireie a s ao lms indoor air-quMWt produif Honeyseil hic. roc- wlilhout forced-é lr o hsohuom ommenda f«g l*ip you con do foi cointrol het- ms whowMr Iaoget 0daki oro Mn cosis, In becý yS cerf go *e e«jusIen of hl.oa i .i.3 aeyu etn one moweh of froibqatu iter whman yow =rt ogqupmeat profeaslày icle 1. Replece or fsamh the fums MWte montily. end dumaned once a year. Have the heeilrs cal, tri -'op trI effey, and al help pmost espar- dlsnsd. ln Wu twa yesars, dust on hen% colis sive helg$dcolrgaipoes tieadi- cerf rob performance by as muoh as 10 prn ing . &msnt li . W «d1~ilB retdosearh 15 percent. flowlng, through your homeés heepla aystem. 4. Rpace an ordnay tiennote wls a pro. cauuln your fumace go work liader and bura grammable themosw A programmble armio- moirs anergy Io maintain. a cSmfiorl.be mpera- fiet cerf gave up I 30 percet on eaergy CaNe fur@. by Uing doua Vis haut wharf you'rs slsepln oi Addod strain on ths haing unit can take do amy from hum. Wlth i mple, ptMl-btfca pro- tol.ia. n ut of 10 moehbcil brsakdlowns ai gunn*ig, you set due is aid tenspraturea aanad cocliai sylilean are oeusad by dot Il your sctiaduls.- *»Is, lint or soot 2. Adcetoashs baller air diefusar. I you usa a standard, dWspwabl fuisic l1111r. awitch Iohàa*hi.. , a ricy ft«Naci MIer. If you alresady have a higli-effI- daicY 191fer, imifet ln un air dernie Two Wu af ulsol4lous air deani- ers are available. - *Whole-hause eaedorslc air cbsaar arm this bout, ramosig up f0 95 Perceut of indoor air poliants, iaduclng lhoue as mmnall as bacteri«and sorne vrus, *Whole-hase mgb air cleanans are, gaad- solutions for budget-conscious honeawnre - Trd*@ Su ee tb charroi or taede av wurk g ôc, adw- m ébnow k.uu , a Ieosg nuiuhc&,-erdî'w coeeoleff and ièfld th kdask-qwea uc A a* MW me l mebdr »Wotw enk'i y ur furmuoe am' Uons a ffl ago &%eyIMMD s.9*VCW&taidii *'t"I lmest ï &oe a P . utor? Reliable heatlng from Morriston- Meuhaufcal Bryat ..over eigtl'ty hom%êatig. It ls s recog- years cf *mmas - Moraiston 'nized industry leader and Mechanical is proud ta con- has manufsicturad hesating. tinue in thoe footsteps. coalinfg and air triffatment - - MorriStan Mechanîcal js a prôducts Loy listaning hi dous- imaîl femily ownsd and tomsrs,Oand giving thern M R I T N operated business. what they virnt. Byn M ORRIM » N ,stablished thiee years ago productif are Inflovativei M ECHANICAL in the Toronto rares, vir quality consciaus productis Consullsnt à Techniciens have recontty expanded ta whidli operato efficiently, Fumaces * Firepaces service South Western uluisUti and rellably. e Ai Conitininge Boers Ortarlo. As a Bryant dealer, Votir famlly dseurve rel- *Airondiionig sBiler vie aller a commîlment toa ble heating (rom a nams Gas-i-Proe Sales-installation quaisy and custoser su.- oucn trust. Ctocie 1 -800-843-1107 Bryant's reputation for iaal yaur romW Bryat Sur- 24 HOUR SERVICE truWedperformnarce dates mois and mma reaplng 0 bac Io V» esoleaet deys o ar aflcla Il 9 6