Cupboard baneigi tepor usmilmnee feir foced OM at0: lusin bohliea Wun0udlm fOrtunelte. -tmndy Nurse ef tOto Siv9ho AMY(c <osu Jh.. mlnMà .Owtw dfU Ab Oum Mise iteN dOe <obera O fe fl 07f the blfuhie iuMu wdr4 1 -6 fui -w 1111s roWt, ce WIN membe of lhe Mifon Mm re peri»Meo spery te *dem due dqmebmgt meesol, WI w uon beidtoo. rioic -16 tranam m-ainoi Young slams status quo inieducation SPsc&l Io % ChwjWon A recent meeting desigsed te pay tnNttuc (0 partnerships betwcen industry and edu- cation hccamc a hîghly.charged dorbate about lte education sysiem. Halton Centre MPP Terence Young tutti a Brakfait with thk Mayoir% mietîIf ilut sehooli, arc tumrng out students W :th perv math antd Englinli .,kils Mr. Yeung's id- ing includes parts of %outhent rural Millen. Amîid stinging critîcism of educaionat standard', Mr. Young said recent grads Iack bastc Iitcracy anti math skills. an observation he madeiwhile holding a pre- vintis job in whtih was in charge of hur- ing. "YPung peuple gradualing from high sebool are cotmng in for interviews with mathemaâtics at an clementary level, andi they do bot know a settence when tey sec one." aid Mr. Young, adding emploers are telling him the saine thtng. 'Many gratis den't know how io show up for wetk on time, andtink the %wdrk- place shoutti atiapi te ihel,, kc sait. The harsh comment% came during a breakfast meeting paying tribute to a flalto, %tuustY Ceunicil program that putis studefits igtti work situations, Whîle Mr. Young had lavili praisc for the Pmgramn, anti saud teachers de a gooi job. he pulted'rto punclies in other arcas. lottitatienal testing âhows Ontario stu- dents Perfonn betiSe students from oiher indusiat nations whuch spend less on odu- cation, kc sid. The ToM MPP 'aid INç tuch money i% inseid iuside of clau - 47 per cent of the $14 biltion speni Iai year. Savîngs might bc fosint. he.naiti, il neîn-teacliers could take jobs llke guidance citunselor, libranan and computer teclinician. [lte aise) saîid uicI pay retiremien- henefits fer teachers coqS $3(9) million, tanp.iyer,% contebute mitre than needeti foi an atreaity bloaîed teacher pension fund anti hiti touchers have heen (oc, insulateti fr0,15 beîttg disciplined tir tited, lic province is consitiering miassive changes, inctadîng elîminat- ing schooti boards. Mr. Young, whu is par- . - TtMV URP -,. - - SMil time before Chritmas to nmake, y ouMr p e rç 0 na , gii , Callordroby . ft 781 mmi et a., Unit 11--12 875-2038 AàiAàbjiÂs Fa i r NovemberF 16&1k 7jF Sun t1 u::, 'u,î IjA St. Vo lodyfityr Cuttur « l Contre 1280 Dundas St. W, OakviIbe (l, Hwy S. berwem Thîrd i ii'pw iotitoutl Lisse S wok"pais$400 eP.n Sup.,b Uk .,t .. t...- àtng ai the soýw LEOAC% The War Amps ftnow. the coat of war. Our message? INEVER AGAINI Who,beler ta carry on the message than the yaung adulte in The War Amps CHAMP Program for child ampute..? At Operatlon Lègacy Semlnarsthamps ulnd out 4j at war was really l1km. They feroducIons cmO Our NE VER AGAINI video s-'lqs thon pus on thec Information. lo ini Wus mme oiut OperatInn Laobwy Mid NEYER AGANI, cotusat mm10n1*1 Drveud t 1W .: l40'U13 hi 731 uf £-Zef A= .. lo, . lama..,laces. ti IN-TOWN AND RURAL SEARS (P) TOYS Fivs - BAL ONLY GRÀND &TOY LANS1NG BUILDALL SOMI<Q TOY WAREHOUSE -Il '1~.